Doctors In Houston That Will Prescribe Xanax
(Newest replies first)
I just moved to Houston and have suffered from severe anxiety for the past ten plus years and really need to find a psychiatrist or doctor that is willing to prescribe Xanax. I'm up ALL night fighting constant anxiety attacks and it's an impossible daily struggle to get through my work day without having to stop whatever I might be doing to fend off an attack. I can't afford to lose my job and I just don't know what else to do. I refuse to buy the stuff off the sheet because I can't afford to get in trouble..... Please, any help with a doctor in Houston that will prescribe Xanax would very gratefully appreciated.
I have been on 2 mg of Xanax for 12 yrs by my cardiologist, but he has retired. I now need a new doctor in or around Spring, TX that will prescribe it for my panic attacks and essential tremors.
Re: EDDY (# 58)
You didn't know you had to use the secret password? ??
Re: Toon (# 57)
I've been a member here for over 10 years, and this has to be the most ridiculous message ever posted. Toon, you are a tool~
First of all, if you call any doctor in Houston and asked for “Xanax” you will automatically be denied. Use the proper term of “Alprazolam”. Most general practitioners will prescribe it with proof of proper use. There is not “a lot” of extra paper work, other than documenting your info for the government.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I have a Dr. For suboxone only. But i suffer from extreme anxiety.
Re: Lisa (# 37)
Lisa, did you ever find a doctor that will prescribe Xanax or alprazalom. I am in the same situation.i have been on it for 40 years thank you
Re: Arsynne (# 53)
I've never used telemedicine yet, but the field is growing and the problem with getting the order filled will work itself out in time, Getting to know one pharmacy is always your best bet. I've got to tell you, I became deathly ill during a benzo withdrawal and had little problem getting service from a mostly drug seeking E.R. in my mostly drug seeking little town. You see they hook you up to tubes and monitors and EKG's, and when you fail each and every reading, it is in the hospital's best interest to keep you, heck I stayed a week. Medvidi is pretty high rated, and you could always bring a complaint against any pharmacy that isn't following the law. I had something similar happen to me when a pharmacist who I had used before gave me a hard time as I had moved out of State and was just visiting CA and obtained a new prescription. Hopefully he went out of business or is no longer with us? Hey keep in mind 4 mg is a large dose, I take 3 mg, still too much of this Poison. Xanax can drop you where you stand when you stop them, lovely feeling knowing this. Good luck in this!
Re: Eddy (# 4)
I’m having the exact same problem! I’ve been bounced around to telemedicine drs, who are more than happy to give me the script but good luck finding a pharmacy to fill it! I’m using MEDvidi right now the first time I had to have my script sent to 3 different pharmacies, finally Kroger filled it. This month for some reason the pharmacist tried to tell me that “it was out of stock”, but came back a few minutes later and ended up filling it. As you can imagine now each time I have a script sent in for a refill I am terrified that they won’t fill it. I have never in my life have ever had a pharmacy refuse to fill my prescriptions!!! I’m desperate for a reliable steady Dr or psychiatrist because I have been on 2mg twice a day since 2007. If God forbid I get cut off, I am no doubt going to have serious health problems if not death. And you can forget the Ers here they automatically assume that you are a drug seeker. So if anyone can please suggest a dr, I will even resort to a pill mill at this point. I seriously shouldn’t have to fly home to Ca once a month to get the medication that I need for serious mental health issues.
Re: Candice (# 51)
I wish... I keep calling doctors from my insurance plan but they won't say over the phone. My pain management doctor was able to give me some to get me by until I find another doctor. If you see a pain doc.. ask them if they can help while you look.
Re: Jay (# 43)
Hey! I'm in the same boat looking to find a psychiatrist who will continue to fill my alprazolam prescriptions. I end up having to fly back home to Georgia every 3 months. Is anyone having any luck in or near Houston?
Re: Rochelle (# 47)
I quoted the wrong poster in my comment, it was meant for #47 who comments on decade old replies
Re: Hopeless in Houston (# 48)
Verwon replied to the O/P 3 days later. Now 10 years later you seem to have a problem with their reply, may I ask why? We are not here to facilitate your Xanax search, although helpful suggestions are always welcome. I found this Houston Online practice with 5 star reviews:
Re: Rochelle (# 47)
There are several people following this chain who want to know of a psychiatrist that prescribes Xanax. At this point, the OP doesn't matter since it's long ago.
Do you know anyone?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
They were asking if anyone knew of a doctor in Texas. They also said they w of uld go to a regular Dr or psych.
People should pay attention when they are going to answer these. People don't need you asking the same questions.
Re: Maggie (# 27)
Have u found a Dr in bmt that will prescribe 2mg Xanax
My doctor got out of practice. Tried Talkitry that keeps advertising on TikTock but all they want to do is take me OFF of xanax which works and shove Kolopin down my throat. So I'm trying to find a doctor now that will keep me on my meds. Anyone in Houston prescribes xanax with the proper medical records?
Re: Rose (# 23)
Who is your doctor in Spring?
Does anyone know a Houston psychiatrist or doctor's name who will prescribe 2 mg alprazolam twice a day?
Re: Barcat (# 35)
I had one in Cypress but he got into a car wreck and his fill in won’t do it.
Re: Maggie (# 27)
Did you find a doctor in Beaumont? I was prescribed 1 3mg XR and 3 1mg @day and my doctor in Houston just cut me off without any explanation. I have enough for about 20 days. Could you give me the name of the if you found one?
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