Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Ohio (Page 6)
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Does anyone know of a good PCP in the Columbus Ohio area willing to prescribe Norcos for pain of the middle to lower back? Please let me know as I am in a bit of pain and just moved to the area. Thanks.

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Hey...I know they work well initially, because I'd gotten them in my knees..and one reason my doctors were working so well was he was putting Xylocaine in with the steroids. But steroids break up the meniscus between the disks..and you DO NOT WANT THAT!!!

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Dr. Gordan Korby is a quack. Do not go to see this man! Went to him for low back and hip pain after being hit by car. Have a bi-level fusion S1-L4 x2. He prescribed OxyContin 80s. After several months of babbling to myself, falling asleep mid sentence and losing 40 lbs, my wife and I went to see him about taking me off the Oxy. He became abusive and insulting to both my wife and me. Finally said f*** you both and kicked us out of office. On the way out I grabbed my chart and threw it against wall. At that point he attacked me, had me against the wall with his hands around my throat. This guy is no doctor you want to see.

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Have you tried stronger strains of medical Marijuana the black market stuff is fine with experienced person I'm off pain meds and function better

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If you go to any Dr. And suggest that they give you 150mgs of Oxycodone on your first will more than likely be asked to leave.. True pain patients go in and tell the Dr. Whom they saw before, what your issues are, and that your miserable and just need help BADLY...Believe me...I'm a Certified Addiction Specialist In Chattanooga Tenn., specializing in Opioid Dependence and Addiction. In also a Bail/Fugitive Recovery agent, so just be careful. ALOT of these worthless ass Pain Docs that don't take Insurance, just cash are ALL quacks...and have made it hard for the rest of the true pain patients..I go to Pain Management, and switched from Duragesic to Methadone, and believe me, it works ALOT better than Oxycodone
.ALOT hits all the receptor sites across the board...and really helps with pain...

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When you were discharged were you given one last prescription or were you seen within 30 days to refill your prescription?

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There are no Board Regulations. It astounds me how many people THINK they know ANYTHING about anything. I can assure you, as a Registered Pharmacist for the past 23 years, and I currently work in a major hospital in columbus...there are NO NO NO new (or old) regulations when it comes to the prescribing of the STRENGTH and/or AMOUNT of actually STATES standards applicable to the selection or administration of drugs in comparison to minimal standards of care of similar practitioners. Read the rules before you try to speak on them. It's not that difficult! Chapter 4731-11 Prescribing opiates.

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The problem is that everyone thinks so selfishly. Did anyone ever stop to think that they are "cutting" people's Rx to stay compliant with board regulations?

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probably not and that is why your mad

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Yea thats the plan but they are cutting people drastically. More than half. Eric told me the plan last month which is why im in such a panic. Almost worth driving to Detroit once dr k gets opened up in 6 months as he told me he was gonna. I get cutti g back but 3/5s. Is crazy to lose over 3 months. Especially after being on it several years as i have and hes the one to do so....jus a bunch of bs. The nations laws are just ridiculous. I hope all these law makers get to suffer from there on lawmaking decisions here one day soon.. take care. Ill keep ya posted on how it goes.

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Hey Looking For Help-- I checked again last week with Korby office as to who the new doc is, but they said they did not know yet. They said they weren't seeing any patients last week, but this week eric would be seeing the patients. I am wondering if that is his plan for now, to let eric see all patients. I know you said you had your next appt the week after korby retired, which is this week. Please let me know how your appt goes and any information you find as far as a new doc there. I have a good idea on a doc, but am holding out to see what happens where you are-because that was the best thing going, and hopefully it will be again. Keep me posted. I won't abandon you!!

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Seeing if anyone has a good pm doc in columbus or in ohio for that even. Please share atleast a city to look as the dr ive known for several years has retiredband have no idea where to start. Thanks to anyone that is caring enough for others to share.

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I appreciate telling me to look at that as i had no idea u can view that. I find what they say hard to believ but that also happened a month b4 hos last sudden closing in possible but id say it has somethin to do wit him not prescribing her what she wanted. People who r desperate will do anything sometimes....anyway i appreciate it. Hopefully my new doc wont b as bad as ive imagined. Korby did tell me some of this truth but not all ibviously as hes prob ashamed. I been wit him for 10 years so i believe he told me more than others as to where his new practice will be but its not in this state. Anyway keep in touch. Hopefully we will find one nearly as reliable in many aspects. I have several ideas and will keep u posted. Thanks

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Lookin for Help-no worries on ur late reply. I understand! We should keep this going back and forth, if nothing else, to help each other. I will be very interested to see who is taking over for Korby. I called Friday and they said they still don't know. Strange, since tomorrow is supposed to be his last day. Regarding my meds- it is a long story. Once I was told my urine had Xanax and was discharged, I had to move fast (i knew it was an error...but damn difficult to convince a doctor!). So I went to Grove city and I get same long acting meds but ZERO breakthrough! I have a friend who is a pharmacist, and she gave me the real lowdown on why Korby is bailing out. Go to the ohio medical board website and type him in. You will see that he has Pending Actions against him. I won't go into detail here. Just let me know if you have trouble finding it. If you click on the "View Documents" you will see the EXACT LETTER mailed to Dr Korby on 12/9/16. That was another major factor in my not returning to his practice...I saw this day coming and was afraid he would simply close the doors without notice like he did in 2013. It's a damn shame--he treated pain fairly in my humble opinion, but he could not control his personal issues which have now screwed us all. I am looking into 2 other clincs right now and will keep you updated. Please do same regarding where you are, as that may very well wind up being the better place. Talk soon.

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Herman, he took one a day of fast release which has seriously left me singin the blues ...i go back again next week to see if it gets worse, i sure hope not as this has left me in a world of hurt. Hopefully u can give me some insight on who not to see as there are very few good docs anymore....sorry for the late reply but with losing some meds ive been a little dazed..have they took urs down any at all? wishes...thanks

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Dear Looking for Help--- I know from my research, which is extensive, that the rest of the pain docs all press really hard for steroid injections into the spine and vertebrae..which is great if that works for you. They didn't for me unfortunately. In the sense of cutting you back on your meds, what percentage would you say the cut back, or since this is anonymous, what did they already cut you back on? That may be only the beginning of cutting back, but I hope not. I will await your answer. Where I am now is I in grove city. Stay away as it is dirty and a 'injection mill".

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Thanks for the encouragement herman. I know that I'm just worried. One of the med assistants told me she knew they weren't closing but moving to hilliard once hes gone, leading me to believe one of korbys close acquaintances ESSANDOH IS buying the practice. Which will be better than most. Just concerned. I go back a week after he leaves so I will let u know...last month they reduced meds i had been on for 7 years. So worried. Thanks for reply and lets stay positive i guess.

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It's my understanding that Doc Korby is having another physician take over the practice. Eric will be staying on as Nursery Practitioner. No word on who the new Physician is. Have faith. This will transition to a new doc that is hopefully as good as Korby.

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Herman are u still goin to korby or
Have u found someone else as awesome as him. He is retiring and his last day is in may. Hopefully u know someone else half as good as him and u are willing to share the info.. i too am one of his patients for several years but have concerns of what the next few months may bring for us.. please let me know if u would b so willing.. thanks

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