Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Louisiana (Page 13)
UpdatedI need to find a Dr. To write a Rx. For hydrocodin for chronic back pain, where can I find one in Southern Louisiana?
Re: Skyblu (# 17)
No way close to Methadone. Much easier! Just split your dose in two. 1 time in the morning and 1 in the evening. You can jump from 3 subs a day to 1 a day and not even notice it. It's when you get 8mg and lower when you have to taper. You can go down 2mg the first 2 weeks, and 2mg the next 2 weeks, 1mg the next 3 weeks, 1/2mg the next 2 weeks, and 1/2mg the next 3-4 weeks. This works for EVERYONE, so now of that "everyone is different" bulls***. I know about 20-30 people who got of this way.
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Re: Mary (# 239)
If you haven't found a doctor yet if you type in "doctors in LA that prescribe methadone" and do a search it should give you several options. You could also go to the methadone home page and check that out. Sometimes the websites will either have a list of doctors or a link to a site that lists them. Good luck!
Re: ninthwardrapper (# 2)
I have fibromyalgia, severe osteoarthritis in spine and a bulging disc in top of of neck. i get severe migraines along with the rest of the pain i suffer from. I see a pain management doc who's very nice but unfortunately to live a halfway normal life I need more pain, muscle relaxants, anxiety, and depression meds. I do not use street drugs can/ will Dr. Beaucoudray help me? life isn't worth living if you're stuck in bed and well have no life a fact people not suffering do not understand.
Re: IThinkINeedHelpHellyeah (# 243)
ninthwardrapper has not been her in quite a while.
No one can say what a doctor will and will not prescribe for each patient. Based on what you have said. It is highly doubtful any doctor is going to prescribe you higher doses of all, if any, of the medications you mentioned.
When a patient needs medications for mental health issues. Most doctors are now referring them to a psychiatrist.
Re: timalan (# 209)
I have been wondering the same thing, just how many patients are legitimate chronic pain sufferers...and how many just like being on the drugs? I find it hard to believe that a patient with serious issues/injuries that can be seen and proved would be denied pain relief for any reason other than it not being medically warranted. Most doctors do try to help their patients and have no reason to deny a treatment unless it just isn't medically justifiable. They have to justify their use of opioid therapy in a patient, and if it is warranted then there wont be a problem for either the doctor or patient. So if a doctor refuses to write for opioids, or is slashing your dose, its because it isnt medically justified or considered best practice for chronic pain treatment. Many of you folks on oxy for years and years should never have been given them in the first place, or allowed to continue and increase dosages to such ridiculously high levels. A broken bone from 2 years ago is fully healed in most cases, and does not warrant taking opioids 2 years later. Its not your fault, patients, you were lied to and now you are left to suffer. No other country on earth dispenses opioids for every ailment like the USA, have you ever wondered why this is?
We have the same types and frequencies of pain, and we are not miserable and writhing in agony due to not being given pharmaceutical opiates by the bucket load forever more. Our prescribing rules are extremely strict, coz if we could get our hands on these drugs as easily as you do we would be in exactly the same mess the USA is in now! Human beings need restrictions on access to certain things because we just cannot use them sensibly or in moderation. Illicit drugs had to be restricted coz people were getting addicted by the thousands, and why not? I would too if i could just go into the store and freely purchase these drugs to my heart's content. Some things are not a matter of entitlement or human rights, or a patient's right to demand and receive, because they are too desirable and dangerous in the wrong hands. We need protecting from ourselves sometimes, for our own good, and the good of society as a whole. No country on earth wants to end up like the USA and its opioid epidemic clusterf*** that has no end in sight and no real plan of how to go about dealing with it. Your government should have protected you, the citizen, from such catastrophic harm.
Re: J D Moriarty (# 245)
Well Said ! Many of those that do not have current legitimate medical proof they might require opiates are no longer prescribed them. Many that are prescribed opiates but tell their doctors they do not manage the pain are no longer prescribed opiates. Many prescribed opiates and especially high dose opiates that want to continue to live their life like they did before they suffered from chronic pain are no longer prescribed opiates.
Many in the U.S. believe it is against their Constitutional Rights to not be prescribed opiates. I have no idea where these people get these misguided ideas.
Re: timalan (# 209)
I have 5 bulging discs, severe spinal stenosis, a pinched nerve. Severe degenerative disc disease, and spondylitis. I have to have medication just to get out of bed. I suffer with chronic pain 24/7. So some of us need our medication. Leave Chronic Pain Suffers Alone. We are not kids eating medicine to feel high. We are just trying to have some quality of life and survive!
Re: Dardar (# 247)
i can't find my reply but i didn't mean anything personal to you, so if i did i apologize.
Re: Dardar (# 247)
i wasn't saying that comment to you, i was saying people that don't need it get it and mess it up for us, i was defending you and the rest that need it..
Re: BL (# 246)
Unfortunately, we aren't guaranteed the right to opiated under the constitution. I wish we were. The FDA regulates the way these medications are prescribed and they're coming down hard on doctors that are willing to help people that need it. Have you looked into the I implanted pump that delivers medication right into the spinal cord? I just had one put in and while I'm not 100% pain free out does help a lot. There are doctors in SE Louisiana that will do this. If not that the strongest medication I've found they will prescribe is 10 mgs. of Norco twice a day. They have the doctors running scared here in Louisiana. The government needs to stay out of the doctors office. Good luck
Re: J D Moriarty (# 245)
you are exactly right. J D! :-)
Dardar jumped on me when i didn't mean that towards him or anybody else that needs Pain Meds. i am sorry what he is going thru and i hope they keep giving him the help he needs.
Re: Anne (# 250)
I know no one is guaranteed opiates for their pain. But, there are a lot of people that mistakenly believe that.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I have been under pain management for years in Florida. I have legit prescriptions and medical records to prove my severe injuries. An airbag blew at a red light and broke my neck and cause nerve brain severe spinal cord injury and partial paralysis. I am legit can you figure me some help?
Where in southern Louisiana are you? I know of doctors on the northshore that may help.
Re: She she (# 253)
A previous doctor prescribing opiates to a patient does not mean a new doctor will. Each doctor has their own way of prescribing. It is highly doubtful you will find a doctor that will prescribe opiates to a new patient on their first visit.
Re: ninthwardrapper (# 5)
I called the doctor and the receptionist said that I need to find a pain management doctor. I tore every tendon and ligament in January. Had surgery February 23rd; it’s called a Lis Franc injury. My orthopedic said this could take a year to fully heal. I don’t want to take pain pills my whole life. If ya know of any doctors that will call out my pain medication please let me know!
Need help in finding neurologist who also specializes in Pain Management/Medicine field in Houston and willing to travel as far as Dallas area. My physician of 10 years passed away, next doctor was a neurologist and retired and now my neurologist I have been seeing the past year will not be practicing pain management like so many other doctors due to new Government regulations.
Any body knows what doctor fair Banks writes opiates and what kind
Re: Cj (# 258)
No I don't know but I am going to see him and want to know also
Is it legal to get a prescription online?
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