Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Hi Mac,

Yes, that was all I was trying to say! I WAS trying to help but fk it. Your cool Mac, but I sure as hell don't appreciate being told I was not trying to help. Considering the title of this thread is "Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado" I don't think I was being rude or not helping by stating they may get better help my doing wtf I said. Anyways, I'm not going to bother posting again. Take care.

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Rainbow THANK YOU for standing up for us! The trolls who found this chat and made such disgusting and incorrect accusations needed to know we are not junkies and we believe and stick up for each other.
I asked the Mods to please intervene as people who were truly in pain and had found a support group were being called junkies and being threatened by people to cowardly to state who they were.
Hopefully, going forward, this chat can get back to what I found back in January: a group of people who understand what it's like to fight your way through each day in pain. Someone who totally understands because they live the same way I have to. Family and friends can say they understand but truly no one does unless you have walked in the shoes of a pain patient. Between us all their is a vast amount of knowledge to be shared on everything from different treatments that we might be interested in trying to a topical cream that has really helped to a prescription medicine that had vastly improved out lives. Hopefully we can get back to being a great group of people trying to do our best to support each other!

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There was someone lurking recently asking questions that seemed like he was drug-hunting. I wrote a post calling him on it and mods never would let it through.
If you're new here, you don't know that a group of us exchanged email addresses and have had private conversations with one another. Don't judge what you don't know.
And yes, we have talked to one another about pain drs and who is helpful, etc.. . that's sort of the point... To help each other. I don't know about y'all, but my pain dr keeps me on a short leash. He treats me well but everything is monitored and on the up and up. There is no abuse allowed, so to imply that we share names because we are seeking is an insult.
Lastly, I've had more than my share of injections all over my lower back along with several ablations. They haven't worked for me. I did have an si joint fusion that helped me sit for long periods of time but it has not relieved the pain. I think the shots are hit or miss... But whatever you do, make sure the dr giving you the shots knows what he is doing. It's nothing to joke around with.
Have a good day!

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Hey mtn girl my dr does 2 and treats me with respect and his other patients as well I am never treated like a seeker or a druggie my dr let me in on a secret of his and he himself is in pain management as well and he knows what we go thur with pain daily that's why he is understandin I can talk 2 him bout anything no matter what it is we even get 2 giggle like high school girls and tha staff sumtimes ask us if we are ok lol but I agree with u

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I had ten nerve blocks in my head no they six but u might have to do one so your Dr knows your trying.And ty ladies we have been together for years two deaths heartache mountain rainbow Lucy Tammy and the rest know who you are .God bless us all stay strong .

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I seem to have hit a nerve but never intended to hurt someone's feelings... especially yours Wendy! It just so happened your post came before my rant which apparently left you feeling as though it was meant for you! On the contrary, it was meant for a group of people to think about what they share with who! If we could all do our part in stopping the wrong people from getting the medications that some people need and others do not... those who truly need these medications will hopefully have an easier time getting access to them!

As a patient for many years... it took me a long time to figure out all the problems that occurred which has made many of our lives much tougher then they once were!

Not too long ago I filled out a form for my doctor which asked whether or not myself or any of my family members had problems with alcohol or drugs... It also asked whether or not I had ever been arrested for drugs or been incarcerated! There were quite a few other questions but these two stood out in my mind! I filled that form out very honestly and was able to answer negative as in NO to everything! In my head however I could not stop thinking about what people would do if they could not answer these questions honestly with a NO! I am pretty sure the majority would lie like the dickens if they wanted to continue to get the medications that they either wanted or needed! I could not help but wonder who is going to follow up with this... It seemed like a good idea if someone was going to follow through with this form however I doubt that!

Here we are taking U/A's at random and now we're filling out forms telling about our histories but in theory is this enough?
I have read about people using other people's excrement.. like I was shocked since I once took random U/A's which were given by the Department of Transportation... (DOT). You would go in the restroom without anything but your person! The first thing they would do when you gave them your sample was stick a thermometer in it determine if it was the right temperature. next... they divided the sample in two and sealed one with your written signature in case there was a problem you had a second sample to get a second opinion! This saved many peoples jobs when U/A's went awry! It would also back up a dirty U/A just as well! I have never once seen them check for the temperature at any of my physicians nor do anything that would allow me a second evaluation in the case of a flawed result! I only had a problem once when a doctor told me my medication was not in my system! I was floored as I showed him I still had and was using my medication properly! I was given the benefit of the doubt and given a partial prescription until they could get it independently analyzed! When all was said and done no one would ever discuss what happened at the doctors but the lab which my sample was sent confirmed my medication was there and in the range it should have been! I don't think it would take much however for something to happen in this area which might leave one having to fight!

Things will continue to be harder then they need to be for those of us that need these medications until everyone takes the steps that they need to take to keep these medications out of the hands of those who will abuse them or sell them!

Much Love sent to you Wendy as I have read your posts for a long time and know all that has occurred over the last few years has made your life harder than it needs to be!

We unfortunately are drug seekers when they cut our meds back to the point we are barely making it! So instead of saying anything more after a couple of visits I start spending far to much time in bed so I can save up my two 5 mg oxycodone I am allowed to take a day so I can have a couple of quality days a week! It's really not much fun as you can imagine but it's better than being looked at as a Seeker or worse yet .... Losing those two 5 mg. tablets that allow me a couple of days on my feet! I'm grateful to my partner who has stood by me for all these years and continues to stand by me even on these days I don't get out of the bed as I do my part in having a couple of good quality days a week!

Maybe that's it ... I now spend far to much time in bed and sometimes feel compelled to spend it on a rant!

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Thank you for the post .I vented yesterday and it wasn't u for say I aim it at .I'm sick of fake people using the system. I have struggle been called adict,told to eat ice cream my pain will disappear. Oxy causes a mental need in your brain receptacles I was on 120 ex release twice a day than my doctor took me down to 40 every 12 first week I could of killed someone pain was so bad .After I was fine giving someone 6 30 Instant release is to much a day and your only creating a habit not pain management. I've been dealing with my pain for 22 years I was blind at one point .I've been on every med possible. Because of abusers I have to pay for my doctor .We all suffer and that is why I get mad .

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Regardless of the cause of his death he was an amazing young man. Who I've got news for you more thab a FRACTION of the help that's been given here woulfnt have happened if it wasn't for him. He's passed, he's not here to defend himself and honestly we wouldn't have a FRACTION of the info we do if not for him God rest his soul

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I am a 67 yr. old Senior, who when younger played every sport, ran 2 Marathons, 1 Mini Marathon. I was, for about 7 yrs, running @45-50 miles in a 6 day week.(have to shut down 1 day to recover) Had a Baseball Scholarship out of high school, as a Catcher. My baseball career ended when I tore my left ACL During my Sophomore yr.

Then I got into running. Runners know that there are 3 areas of their body, which eventually, later on, give them trouble,-The Ankles,-Knees,-and Hips.Have had 9 Knee Surgeries, and my hips are now giving out. I realize that Opiates are being abused. The great Warm & Fuzzy feeling when you take them. But for Seniors who can't go through medical detectors w/out it going off from all the Plates, Screws in one's body, SHOULD NOT be lumped into those who are in their 30's, and Dr. Shop, to get their Meds. If I wasn't prescribed my Meds, (Methadone, 10 mgs, 4 per day, and Percocet, 10/325 4 per day, I would NOT have a Quality Rich Life. I have degenerative Arthritis, my L-2-3

Facet Joints are worn down to nubs. I see a Pain Mgt. Dr. and a Neuro Surgeon, who just put a plate, screws, and fused my C2-3 in my neck, but I get my Pain Meds from just 1 Dr. But even he is sometimes leery about giving me more than 4 a day. What is a person who is in Chronic pain-DAILY- supposed to do?

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Ketamine is typically not prescribed as a pain management medication, especially when even Fentynl is under the scope. The ONLY person that I can think of that may have options for you is a Dr Ciacca, he´s on Parker Road in Aurora. He is a anesthesia guy that does pain management. He´s tough to get into, he only takes referral from limited doctor groups. I believe Dr Chad Prusmack, out of Sky Ridge and his group use him as a pain referral. I hope this helps and if I can think of anyone else, I´ll write but u also may want to try doc´s that do experimental therapeutic programs. They may have some names for you.

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Janey I too read the article and thought another blow to the chronic pain patient. I belong to the US Pain Foundation and they keep me apprised of all the studies out there and honestly I've yet to see one that actually is using true chronic pain patients. I wouldn't doubt that this is just a step in regulating all meds. As you said the cry for Drs to stop prescribing antibiotics all the time is pretty strong. Unfortunately many Docs are getting tired of being told how to prescribe. As my own Doc says she went to med school and she's been in practice for 30 years and now she is being told she doesn't know how to prescribe correctly by someone who is not even an MD

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Hi, just wanted to tell everyone hello. Haven't spoken to any of you for awhile.

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To all my friends here, Janeygirl, orignal Wendy, mnt girl, jetmech, co Susie and all...i had my appt yesterday with DR HONG that was suggested by ihatethegovernment...let me say this Dr Hong is everything u need in a pain magament dr. He is awesome, WONDERFUL, LISTENS, COMPASSIONATE, his staff is kind and WONDERFUL as well. I made a same day appt with no problem, kept me on my current med plus a new longer lasting med. They explain everything, they do not treat or act like u are a pain med addict, they treat you like a normal human being. Dr hong stays in the room with u and doesn't rush out. He takes his time in ur appt PERIOD no matter how long u talk his focus is you and you only while he is in the room with you. He even allows you to have cannabis, if you do he even does red cards...there is no waiting list or a month wait to see him. All you need is to have MRI STAYS AND RECORDS from ur Dr and they can see u same day. He does do U/A's but I don't mind cuz that's what all pain managment Dr's do. You can choose whatever pharmacy you want. If any of you are looking for a new pain management Dr he is the perfect Dr for all ur pain needs. I'm glad i saw him. It's $290 for ur 1st appt; $150 each month and there's no waiting either for ur next appt. They see u a day earlier b4 u run out of ur meds.

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Charlotte, we all pay out of pocket for our pm. Look up CPR in wheat ridge.

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Livin life you are welcome but im trying to figure out now who nursery nurse was calling a addict then ask if pot work then add pain management physician so im alittle confused rite now

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Jlin your post says I gk to Bing what did he presribe for you? Just think of how he would if he is reading this forum? Maybe it's just me, but that kind of info is private and ppl do Rob pain patients for their meds, or like a member of this group was stalked at the pharmacy, begging this person go allowed to pay for her script and Only God knows what he/she had in mind if that person did that meaning what that person might demand after this person followed a patient around the pharmacy. IJS~

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I'm concerned that the Drs name keeps being brought up publicly. In the past Drs have been overwhelmed once their name was shared on here and they then stopped seeing patients and even eliminated those they were treating.
Just a word of caution, we know a lot of people read this forum and they never post so you don't know who or how many people are really getting the Drs name. I would hate for those who found him and love him to end up leaving the practice because something goes wrong.

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Lucy,Cindy,luvinlife, I find your posts so helpful. When I was new, I spent hours reading older posts, gathering info, learning. You are right,we each need to find the best doctor for our individual situation, where we live etc! Thank you and especially Micah for starting this thread!

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I just wanted to say for the benefit of people who is new to CO that maybe we should be telling people who not to go to.
I have learned the hard way as I ignorantly did not know about paid suboxone clinics nor was I aware what an interventionalist dr really was. Or that I should ask if they are interventionalist before I go to a new clinic.
So is it ok to say which Dr's to avoid?

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I went and dropped in to CPR. Amanda, her sister, Chrissy were all there. Apparently Leonard and the rest of them are still working regular business hours. There Suboxone Dr is still seeing patients. Amanda said the DEA announced that they will not be pursuing any charges. Now just having to deal with medical board. I just stopped by to get the "LETTER" saying Dr Frisbee is on LEAVE OF ABSENCE and is not able to write patients there regular medications. She said that they interviewed 2 Dr's already but neither one felt comfortable writing opiates at such high quantities. So no end in sight yet.

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