Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 275) (Top voted first)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Thanks for helping us with this info. Can you please tell us a phone number (even last few numbers ,or a hint)or what street Aurora South is on? There are a few places that come up in search and i want to make sure i get the right one. Also what is the cost per month, or what insurance they take? Thanks again.

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I have Kaiser as well and I'm suffering from injuries from 20 years ago. I was in pain management for 20 years and I am no longer allowed any pain pills, even if it's one a day because I consume marijuana. I don't know what to do. It is very difficult to function. Do you have any advice for me?

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Hey all, new to the site. I, like most I see, am in need of a good doctor that will prescribe pain meds. I was in a life threatening accident Mar 2016. I was tboned in a tiny Acura by a stolen Ford F250 @ 80mph right to my driver door. Yes 80. I shouldn't be alive. I sustained a TBI and SCI, spent 3 months in the hospital and 6 weeks of it was spent at Craig Hospital. I have severe pelvic, lower back, and hip pain due to SCI and open book pelvic break. Without my pain meds I literally spend my days laying in bed, on the couch, or on the floor. I have a 1 y/o son that has been the coal in my fire that keeps it rolling. But on the same token, having such a traumatic accident happen at 23 makes me know I have a long life of pain ahead of me. Makes me suicidal because life is s***. It was ruined in a split second. He ran a red light. No fault of my own. On disability and probably won't be able to work ever again. My doctors have taken away my pain medication. They don't feel like I should be on them. As if I don't have an SCI. I need a doctor in Brighton, Greeley, Ft Lupton, anywhere up NE. Even if I have to drive to denver. My meds are my lifeline.

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Lies, I don't think so. I wasn't discharged for anything thanks. You talk about rumors. You just said I was doing coke ha ha I don't use drugs. The mother has every right to bring attention to CPR. For info they send in fake people to see if they get meds. Food for thought. CPR IS BEING WATCHFUL.

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No smalls I've never been discharged for anything I know fact that CPR IS PAY GET DRUGS .THAT MOTHER IS RIGHT HALF OF PEOPLE ARE FAKE INCLUDING SOME ON HERE .I'll help her I contacted news too

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Oh JetTech, there are lots of us who just have bad luck. And there are most certainly some people in here that have a drug problem and probably don't even realize it. I've personally made a couple of stupid mistakes, but my issue has been 2 main things: 1. My insurance randomly stopped covering my doctor and I can't afford the up front cost of $290-$500 for one of the understanding doctors. 2. You make one or two mistakes (miscommunication on one, and the other wasn't even me but docs don't believe you) and a doctor will discharge you. Worse than that, these piece of s*** doctors I've seen lately think despite my HIPPA preferences, that it's okay to call my new doctors and tell them they think I have lied or am a drug seeker or whatever. So it's like they work together to keep someone from getting help the first time something goes wrong.

Someone filled a script under my name from a doctor I've never seen, for a medication I've never taken on april 7th. There is a video of her doing this, and about 29 other prescriptions they were able to prove she filled under other people's names from a pad she stole from a doctor she worked for. The police are great and have my back but doctors don't give a s***, they see an extra script on your PDMP and treat you like a drug addict. It's unreal. Plus, you are on a much lower dose than a lot of us I am sure. You take 5-10mg vicodin each day, I'm on 6-20mg oxycodone per day. Big difference.

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I am in the same boat as this guy and really could use some advice. Let me know please.

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I am new to Colorado and I am looking for a new primary care doctor for myself and my husband in the Denver metro area. I am willing to drive up to 20 miles from Westminster to have a great doctor. I am on two medications and so is my husband. We have been on these medications for over 5 years, so we know what works for us. We need a doctor that does not mind prescribing what we need and does not make us pay for visits every single month. We do not have any type of insurance, so everything would be self-pay. That being said, we cannot afford to pay for visits once a month, nor can we afford to pay for drug panels, blood work, labs, etc. We have all the necessary paperwork for any doctors to validate our conditions without a question. We have spent a month already going around to doctors with no hope. We cannot see another doctor that has military training or one that works in a hospital. We have had success in another state with doctors that have their own small practice. They let us come in every 2 or 3 months and never ask for labs or blood work after the first visit, of course.

This is a desperate plea for help from someone in the community that knows a great doctor who is very experienced and does not talk down to patients. It’s not affordable to bounce around to different doctors and pay for all these initial visits and end up wasting money like this. I am tired of playing games and being harassed about the medications we need. Without these medications, we will both go through severe withdrawal, be in the hospital and possibly even go into cardiac arrest. We cannot just stop taking these medications all of a sudden. Again, I need a doctor urgently! I have to find one within 2 weeks since our medications will run out. Please help us find a new doctor around Denver. If you are just going to criticize, be judgmental or be rude in any way, DO NOT WASTE MY TIME!

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Re: tammy (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I suffer with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Along with a car wreck that left me with sciatica pain and more... I'd like that docs name if you don't mind.

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Re: MaC686 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

That is why YOU cannot get anything!! Calling others junkie ass people, you are drug seeking yourself! If you are NOT dependent YET; you will be.. Oh, as old is this is; yea.

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Let me see if I can do this in a different way. See if this works and its my email

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ya I get 120 a month and methadone. Which helps my back pain for sure, but I used to be on 6 30s a day and then just got dropped because CPR won't write more than 4 instant release meds per day. It just sucks because many times I am still in pain later on in the evening and don't have my breakthru meds anymore. Rob. Is there any way your friend would be ok sharing his doctor privately with me?

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Does anyone on here have any fet patches they would be willing to let go of ftf?

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You obviously haven't TRUELY SUFFERED severe pain.. When I came home after a near death , 2 month stay , 13 day coma, auto accident..I was on 100mcg. Duragesic, every 48 hrs instead of 72, up to 10-8mg Dilaudids for breathrough pain a month., and up to 8- 10 mg Valium for severe muscle spasms.. And 4-800 mg Neueontin, 300mg Wellbutrin for depressikn, and Lidocaine patches to help with pain issue. I had 15 Duragesic 100 mg patches, 320 8mg Dilaudid Tabs, and 320 10mg Diazepam tabs (Valium), and 120 800mg Neurontin tabs, and e0 Wellbutrin 300 tabs. Before my accident (on a day off helping a friend, by the way) I was a Frito Lay Route Manager, and didn't even drink beer anymore, was up at 3am every morning, and took nothing but a couple ibuprofen on occasion...Now I'm a Bail agent and recovery agent, and a Cerified Addiction Specialist..dealing with Opioid Dependence and Addiction. You must not have known to many people that have REALLY ...SUFFERED true Chronic pain..

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This is incorrect....or only partially correct at best. Yes, they are reigning in the use of opiates, but they are not banning higher dose oxy for anything less than stage 2 or higher cancer. They still leave this to the doctors discretion....but have much stricter guidelines. The6 will still prescribe it for cases where EXTREME pain is involved, like major infections, amputations, severe breaks and the like. It will be more limited as to how long they can prescribe it, and doctors will be more active in trying to fix the cause of the pain, and manage it using other meds. This info came straight from my doctors mouth.....I showed her this thread and she said there are bits of truth to it....but not much. She said docs will be watching for signs of abuse and handle those cases accordingly. I asked about marijuana....she said there is no laws against using it in combination with pain meds....that is up to the individual clinic. She compared it to beer or alcohol and pain meds......they should never be used together.
Take this info for what it is....just more info, but it did come straight from one of the few docs in town that still does general practice and pain management.

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Call them my doctor doesn't take knees backs etc he works side by side with d,e,a .Cpr is know as pill mill ask any legit doctor

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Re: MaC686 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is old, but DAMN!! Why are you bothering with college if you are going on disability? You judge others, so here is YOU some judgement; I am 100% disabled, have 3 crippling diseases, and cannot get pain meds- anyone can become addicted ( dependent) on medication, YOU ARE NOT BETTER OR SPECIAL!! If you are able to attend college then YOU ARE NOT AS BAD OFF AS MANY FOLKS!! I cannot even walk my dog anymore due to pain interfering with my being able to sit or stand for long. It amazes me how some ppl like you name off your aches & pains then state how unlike junkies you are... I think YOU are the disgusting one, we could judge you being 21 yrs old, getting on disability & wanting narcotics, but you are ok with a free ride to college! ??

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They do but they give u a bill to send to insurance so u can get reinburst. And the most of oxyir is 6 a day but more on others.

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Janey I wasn't meaning it in that way. I started this forum to try to help myself and others. But we all know he's lying about that amount. That's about 33 per day. ESPECIALLY if they're 30s. NO doctor will write you 1000 oxy's a month. Period. I just don't believe it flat out. But I should be able to inquire as to what kind of amount he was written to see if it is an amount more suited to what I need for my pain. So please don't judge my question. Really we should be able to ask any question on here. That's the whole point. People sharing information with each other.

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And Janey, finding out which doctors are willing to help in what sort of way is an important part of finding the right treatment plan. Some analgesics don't work as well for some people as others, certain doses may not work for someone with tolerance. That's why I started this forum to be able to find the doctor that suits my needs and others' needs the best. CPR is great but because of all the drug addicts and seekers they lowered my medications for no reason. So it's important to me to know what sort of meds a doctor will write and what their treatment plans are before spending money to go and see them. It's not about who writes the most meds, it's about finding which doctor will happily help to get your pain under control.

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