Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 274)
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I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!
Well to clear up the lortab thing they do have a 5mg also. But if they looked at ur prescription history and seen anything that might be a red flag for them that wuld be a reason for them to not give u the oxycodone because when I went in my first time I was given my oxycodone and the 2nd time he asked if I wanted to up it to 10mg. So I can't say why they wouldn't give you what you said works, and no ur not a drug addict because you say only the oxy works for you cause I have tried norco, lortab(which is the same as norco), vicoprofen, methadone, nyucntas, alieve, tylenol, tramadol, ect. You name it and I probably tried it and oxycodone and vicoprofen worked. I agree that they are cautious but if ur doing the right things and ur history proves it then they are fine with giving u what works, not saying ur not. I would ask them why they did what they did and then u can explain or find someone else, I can only go by my experience and so far he is the best and most compationate doctor I have met besides my obgyn. I'm sorry for the experience but I'm sure there is a reason for the change and make sure some nazi pharmacist didn't red flag u for something stupid and if they say there was a problem with ur prescription history then ask to see it or get a copy tha alone will keep u from ur meds.
I didn't discount your pain at all!!!! I didn't say a SINGLE WORD about your pain!!!! I said I had no issues getting what I need from them so there must be SOME reason why they didn't give you what you need!!!!! If you're going to just be an ass then leave the site. And yes I'm on 50 different prescriptions. Good math :) And I am not going to sit here and argue with you about your pain or why they didn't write you what you want. Obviously there is some issue as to why they didn't prescribe you oxycodone. And you can't argue that. But whatever. I'm done replying to people like you on here. You get a lot more done with sugar than with salt.
First of all you are right you don't know me and yes opiates work for pain. But not for mine. My prescription said LORTAB 5/500 mg. where I'm from we call those 5's so EXCUUUSE me for not being the PDR that you are. Just like what Tammy said if it's working for you then stick to what works. I was a long haul truck driver and because of being on medication for my back I had to quit and work behind a desk doing dispatch. And it is extremely painful sitting all day. I don't eat 4 or 5 a day. I take one in the morning one around lunch and one at night to help me sleep..I'm not on 50 different pills and Xanax and all that other crap you are on. I also have a gunshot wound I got in a hunting accident 10 yrs ago and still have a bullet in my arm. I didn't discount your pain and you have no right to discount mine. I'm not telling you to go take a Tylenol for your problem. I do have X-rays and mri's for my condition. So you don't like being judged and neither do I. I work for the US Military and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't employ a dope fiend. Check your stats before you pass judgment on anyone. Thank tou
I had no issues getting what I need. In fact, I am being moved up to higher doses consistently until I am where I need to be. I don't know you, but I know they are VERY strict about who they prescribe for because they have so many people failing UAs and all around trying to be sneaky. There is SOME reason that they cut you down. Either you didn't have proper records or they felt like you weren't willing to work with them on what you are prescribed. They wouldn't prescribe me the level of meds I was on when I was on Fentanyl 100mcg patches until they have seen me for a few months and have gotten to know me. They seem to be very concerned with sniffing out the drug seekers or people who ONLY say oxycodone works for them and nothing else. I talked to Dr. May about this situation specifically, and that is a red flag when someone comes in saying ONLY oxycodone works and no other opiates work. All opiates work for pain, not just oxycodone. Like I said I don't know you, but I know there was a good reason for them switching you. And just fyi, lortab is 10mg hydrocodone and 325mg tylenol. There are no 5mg lortab.
That's a lie about Colorado pain relief I went in there told the doc nothing is working for me except 15 mg roxys he saw my phamecuetical record and had the nerve to prescribe me freakin lortab 5. I have a slipped disc in my back I'm missing half the cartiledge in my knee and have had several surgeries on my right was like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound...I walked out
Trust me man I know ALL about every single Rx I am taking. I have long done research into the substances I take as I have always wanted to understand what they do, how they work, the side effects, and all such things. I only take 2mg of Xanax per day and they are XR pills. 2mg a day isn't enough to have a seizure and die from stopping taking them. It's not a severe enough dependence. I stopped for 2 days last week from the Xanax and didn't even feel off. I appreciate your info, but it's definitely something I already know. I don't know about everyone else on here. But thanks anyway.
FYI, Taking XANAX with OXI (contin or codone) enhance's the effect's of them, & is very dangerous, just so u know, they both are depressants, & u very well can go to sleep, permenantly ! THAT IS NO JOKE, & they (XANAX) is a benzodiazapine that is somthing u DO NOT want to run out of either, as accute withdrawls from this can kill u, not to mention, the effects u go thru withdrawling are horrible, & u never want to find this out, TRUST ME !!! GOOD LUCK TO U !!!
Yes doctors can stop at anytime, but the oath that they take says do no harm and by stopping medication like that would be doing harm and if said patient has a seizure or heart attack the patient can sue. They are suppose to taper or put you on something to help ease withdraw. I'm sorry for the pain you have it sounds really bad, thank the good lord above for great docs that hav compasion if not you and all chronic pain patients would not be able to get out of bed. Hope and prayers for you and all pain patients, hopefully more will start to understand the frustrations and pain we live with everyday by people who don't know what its like to walk in our shoes (which some of us can't even walk most of the time). God bless
Doctors can stop prescribing any and all medications whenever they want too. That I know to be very true, my brother has done that to a few of his patients, and told them where to go to get the med's and help they need. Doctors can stop any kind of medication if they feel like it. Is it right? Heck no! Not if the people really need their pain med's etc. Been there ouch! I found a doctor that makes house calls, yes it's more expensive, but at this point in time, I can't drive.
Thanks for some useful info and trying to HELP people VEGA. I appreciate it. Good to know there are people who aren't absolute hypocrites and ignoramuses.
FYI, when transferring to another DR. Make sure the new Dr .gives you either / or what you want , / what works for your pain management first, before you terminate your old Dr., becouse if the new Dr. doesn't provide you with what you need ,,your old Dr. MUST (by law) keep giveing you your scripts untill you are firmly established with the new Dr. ! Worst case senerio , yourold Dr. could "ween" you if you take too long in finding a new one. As long as you don't go over 30 days , you Dr. MUST continue treating you ! I know this 1st hand, trust me, they don't want you to know this ! Best of luck to you , & all other legitimate narcotic pain management medication users !
Thank you Tammy. It's truly amazing how ignorant and judgmental people can be when they are doing the very thing they are judging. The human mind blows me away sometimes. The self-centeredness is mind boggling. And even when they have NO reason whatsoever to be doing what they're doing, they still want to point the finger at other people who are doing things the right way. I think it's a defense mechanism to make themselves feel better about their hypocrisy. But hey, it doesn't matter because we know who we are and that we are justified in the things that we do. It just sucks that they are the reason things are so hard on us. Hey KILLA. I truly hope some day you feel the pain that I have to feel on a daily basis, because obviously you have never felt it and you definitely deserve to feel it. It doesn't last for a couple days, a couple weeks, or even a couple months. It's day after day after week after month after year. CONSTANTLY!!!! From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!! Obviously you've never had chronic pain if you're sitting around talking this nonsense to people who you don't even know. If you weren't just a dope fiend you would have compassion and understanding for people in our kinds of situations. But instead, you think everyone is a druggie like you and couldn't POSSIBLY have pain, so they must just be junkies like you. You don't even have a reason to take them and you still do. Not everyone is like you just taking them for recreation. And people like you who take them to get high are the reason people like me and the rest of the chronic pain patients WHO ARE LEGITIMATE have such a hard time finding a good doctor and are looked at like junkies when we're just doing our best to get through each day, one day at a time. I am only 21, and I have the back of a 60 year old. An easy 8 or 9 out of 10 on a pain scale when I am not able to take meds. And I will never be back at 100%. So check yourself next time before you start running your mouth. 6 + Herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, arthritis in my facet joints, spinal stenosis and scoliosis and I don't have any pain???? I'm just a dope fiend???? HAHAHA. I'm holding a steady 3.8 GPA and in the honors society for my college, while still having to fight the battle of chronic pain daily. You couldn't live in my shoes for a day. You would break down and crack. So go enjoy being healthy, because the people who you feel the need to insult because of your addiction don't have that luxury. And next time you want to judge people who you don't know, do yourself a favor and DON'T!!!! It only solidifies your stupidity in the minds of those you're insulting. You're truly, TRULY ignorant. Grow up child. Grow up.
Just because you don't have real pain and are hooked doesn't mean everyone else is. Before you make a messed up comment about people you don't know and haven't lived in their shoes you should check yourself. You don't know what a pain in the ass it is to find a doctor that doesn't say its deppression or they don't know what it is just to turn around and say oh crap its stage 4 cancer and nothing we can do because they think like you. If you feel guilty for your own addiction then do something but don't sit on your high horse thinking that "oh if I'm addicted then everyone who takes them are too" and then make people who have enough on their plate feel bad and add more stress you should be ashamed of yourself and need to leave inocent people alone. Get a life and quit being a bully, and one day I hope you get to feel the pain of everyone that you have hurt physically or by words.
I get 6 oxyir 5mg a day, and he actually just asked if I wanted the 10's instead, so I get 180 a month but on the xanax i'm not sure yet but another person is going 2morrow also for the same thing. Hope all is good and ur pain free at least a little. But what ever works for u just tell him and that is wha u will leave with. And they will scoot u out if they think ur seeking she is real good at it. But if not no worrys. Good luck let me know how it goes.
im going to that doctor tommorow that the guy posted with the doctors number. u said 6 a day oxy. what miligram did u get? and im going in two days so let me know quick plz. and im trying to get xanax too. will he give that out to and how many of them. and also i was getting oxycodone 20's and cant find them at any wallgreens or pharmacy so im gonna ask if he can give me roxy 30's and if u got all these how many do u get and what miligram plz?
If u go to one of my posts on here I gave the phone# to one of them if u are in the denver area or even colorado springs they will prescribe but cash only it is 200 the first time then 150 every visit after. If u don't find it post back and I will get the # posted again for you.
Hi Tammy,
Like others I just found out the Dr. I have will not continue to prescribe RX IR opiods. She's a really nice lady, but one of her patients was causing her lots of probelms and eventually was arressted. Like other Dr's she doesnt want to continue dealing with the headache, so I am back at square one finding a doctor that can help. Im currently taking 6 30mg IR per day. I think i could take less, but right now that's what I need to be able to go to work every day to deal with my lower back pain and also not drive my girlfriend crazy with my complaints. Do you know if your doctor is taking new patitents? Everybody I have been reffered to is a sub doctor and that's the last thing I want to put in my body. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could help.
Awesome. I will take as many backups as possible. COuld you fill out the contact form on page #18 so we can talk in more detail about it over email?
Well i have some great news people im from denver and have a great doc that is fair and is great at sifting thru the seekers n the legit pain patient.
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