Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 229)
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I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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I have Medicare and Aetna (normal work policy) from my work before I went on disability.
Does Kaiser take Medicare if I don't use Aetna? Medicare is technically my primary anyway.

Also do you guys know if someone can have Medicare and Medicaid at the same time? See if I get a prescription add on (part D) for Medicare, I'm paying (I don't pay for Aetna, just co-pay with express scripts) for something I have, but I understand that medicade scripts are like $1 or $2. My scripts range from 90 days are max of $140.
Once I got sick I lost my house, car, husband. I imagine based on former salary and current income (technically non income payout) that I am below poverty line and such. I'm in Aurora and finding answers over here has proved fruitless. I can't stand at some office for any length of time...just curious.
Certainly this could be better in a different thread, but y'all are helpful!

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So Dr Steven Wright is no longer seeing patients comme June. Son he will give us a list of docs in Denver that can take pain patients. When I get the list, I'll be happy to share. I already have a new doc as he had me off label on both of my main meds.

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Nicki have u try seein a pain doc at denver health?? Try rocky mountain internal medicine the Strasburg clinic or kasier they both take medicaid. I go to kasier Westminster clinic but I believe all of them take medicaid

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Rainbow, I had been on narcotic for my pain for 3 years. My dr then told us he no longer was going to write anymore scripts. So i started seeing a pain mgt dr. He wrote the same scripts for me for a year. In that year i had 5 injections with little help for my pain. Then the pain dr told me he was no longer going to write for me, he didnt taper me off he just stopped. I was getting 120 perc 10's and 60 40mg oxicotin. Its hard to just stop.So i went to the Denver health suboxone clinic. At first the suboxone was helping me but now that im 8-9 months in i cant take the pain anymore I wish I never started because now people look at me as an addict because i am on it. I was feeling pretty good, i thought i didnt need the pills anymore. I was wrong and now im suffering. I have Co medicaid and i cant afford 200-150 a month going to that one place. I had back surgery and had trouble getting a script filled. Im so frustrated and now i feel like im being judged for trying something new. After being on narcotics for years i was addicted. My body was use to the meds and when i was taken off my body went thru withdrawls.

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No denying finding a new doc is hard! My doc decided when all this DEA stuff came up, he dropped all his pain patient's, gave us a list which didn't have one practicing doc on it! CPR does have multiple clinics in multiples states! I'm not sure why they say they don't prescribe breakthrough meds! I've been with them for over a year and have always been prescribed this type of meds! I suspect, as they did decrease my breakthrough but increased my normal meds that they want the breakthrough meds to be used as they should b! Not an adjunct in controlling pain on a daily basis! Additionally, it's not unusual for a doc to b acting director at different facilities! The laws also state to state differ! Having run a pain management program, I see no reason why they would ever have any issues unless laws change, as they cross all their t's and dot their I's or I wouldn't b there! Don't get me wrong, there r also other pain management programs just as good, I just love the staff there and their thoroughness!

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Just curious if this CPR is still open and in Wheatridge because there is also the same doctor name Dr. M that is affiliated with 5 clinics - 4 out of state and one in Brighton; + a separate CPR website. Some of the info indicates he does subscribe Methadone and oxycodone others state he only does one but no break through; just want to be sure that do not end up with a place that is in flux. Also read some conflicting statements about his practice and since my husband just lost his pain management provider of 8 years we have been consumed with trying to find him a doctor and the stress is overwhelming.

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Mac, janegirl, wendy I need help advice options cuz I dnt know what 2 do at all so last wk my dr wanted me 2 try morphine he wants me 2 switch 2 a pain med thats longer lastin then my percocet that im on and been on and wks well 4 me. Well tha morphine didnt work out cuz my tongue swelled my lips swelled got prickly and other things so we concluded Im allergic 2 morphine so 2day he gave me back my percocet 4 just 2 wks cuz that scared me s***less with the morphine im nt risking my life 2 take it so now in 2 wks he wants 2 do a trial run of scared I dnt wanna do it and im scared if I tel my dr I dnt want 2 try it he wil kick me off and nt give me my pain meds anymore. What do u think I should do Thanks

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*Please note: Sharing links to other sites and/or sharing of personal information is not allowed without prior approval and is on a case-by-case basis. Prior approval and permission was requested and granted.*

So I found this article and after reading immediately thought of the group on this thread. I know personally, it felt refreshing to read something that helped our plight. Not every patient is the most active or even proactive in their health care despite it's the core of our quality of life. I feel like this group is well educated, in all that is pain management for them. So, perhaps this will speak to you all as it did to me. Just like the spoon theory, I keep the story on my phone to share with those that could become a bigger part of my life. Never know, Ammirite?? lol

To me one of the best parts of this article is that there is a conversion table from one opioid to another with how to do the math! Additionally, this was written for doctors by doctors. Sometimes it takes a different shade of color to see the beauty of a particular flower, or a different tone of voice to get the point across...this could be the case for pain management.

So anyway, I hope you enjoy the article. I will caution you about the technicalities of the link. If you like it and share it, you cannot link directly from Medscape as it requires registration. The link I'm sharing is the google search link and shrunk down that takes us to the Medscape article. SO, to share, copy and paste the tiny url link below.

Wishing you less pain, better health, happy reading!
Sarah - Avoiding Misconceptions In Pain Management.

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Amen! Sister! If we can smell it an email away, just think what a doc will do! I don't want to loose my doc who works hard for me!

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Hi there. So happy you were able to find a doc. I am in the same boat as you, can you kindly share the name or number of the doc you found? Thanks so much!!

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Janeygirl and LIberty I agree with u both I have notice myself akot of new comers just wantin 2 no wat dr gives u wat..thats not how this lnfo line works we give ppl advice if thet truly need help not just 2 run 2 this 1st dr office 2 be high again it just seem sum ppl have a shady theme 2 them.They get on here 1 time and if u dnt give them the info they lookin 4 they dnt come back or they probably go 2 the dr and say hey I saw ur name on a mde chat line I read sum info and im comin 2 u cuz I need wat ever pain med they lookin 4 just 2 feel high cuz they have no med proof and once again us who need it get the s*** from the dr cuz sum1 tryin 2 get meds they dnt need went runnin 2 they off s*** I had a hard enough time gettin into kasier just cuz tha dr that took over dr ryan cut me off from seein her and if dr ryan wasnt at kasier id be runnin the world lookin 4 help cuz they gave me a hard hard time bout my pain meds but have kasier talkin wit dr ryan lookin thru all my records they finally put me back on. My btother diedbof a drug overdose 2 percocet cuz his dr kept givin n givin after his broken arm healed instead of takin him off I think about him everyday wen I walked in his room and he looked like he was starin off into outer space but no he was gone I will never 4get that..

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Sounds like I pop in at a bad time .Look people we all need to help one another , not start a witch hunt .Yes when I first started on here I thought the same , all these people want is to score drugs with a few excluded people .I joined this to make friends that won't judge me because I'm sick .I thought here is the one place I can get help support and feel like a person again .Some of you have been great .And others only care what places will hook them up with drugs.My point is we all k now who is faking who is real .Who cares help the legit and keep this forum the way you guys meet it for .

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I wish there was a machine that simulated intractable pain so people like you and the politicians could be hooked up to find out what it is like to live with chronic pain. The fact is that the pain most of us have with pain medications is still extreme and it would put the average person in a hospital begging for pain medications. I have a very high tolerance for pain and I tried going without opiates for the first 2 years using homeopathic therapies, herbs, acupuncture, painful injections and even had a complete hysterectomy in my mid 30s to rid myself of the pelvic pain that had me doubled over in pain. After years of minimal medication and painful procedures I was finally diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis and all of sudden the doctors were sympathetic and giving me medication. However, now thanks to all those that have abused drugs; mixed them with alcohol or just use them to feel high; along with these government officials that are destroying the patient doctor relationship by thinking that close to 100 million pain patients can just handle it. If the government and particularly Colorado's governor Hickenlooper thinks they have a problem with deaths from drugs and their answer is to not allow doctors and pharmacists to give pain patients their medications they will have millions of many deaths on their hands. It is not humanly possible to live with this type of pain indefinitely and If you can get away with only needing 3 pills a day then you can go without, but when 3 pills in 3 hours does not phase pain the only option is using a gun. Narcotic pain medication has helped me for the past 20 years and allowed me to keep my career until the pain made it too difficult. You are one of those that really do not know what you are talking about - and using all CAPS - to yell at us tells me you are an addict - not opiate dependent - big difference. Sounds like you resent that you can not get more drugs because if you genuinely had true chronic pain you would show some insight and empathy not anger.

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Boy, I can't relate to your issue! I have "taken myself" by tapering multiple times and tried suboxone! I relate it to a psychiatric patient no longer feels they need the medicine but slowly or quickly without issue, u r in withdrawal! If bad. Meaning really dehydrated, headache from very high blood pressure and flu like symptoms that makwe u feel like u r going to die, u really should go to the er! Be honest with them! They will provide short term care, perhaps a day or two to get u rehydrated and refer u back to your doc! Be honest with him! If u really do want to b off them, there r safer methods that doesn't cost an arm or a leg! I myself can't take methadone, which is just as hard to get off of but I've tried suboxone! Within. Thirty minutes, my hands were swollen, tongue swollen and felt worse than u could imagine! Apparently it was the narcan in the suboxone that did this! It gave me a screaming headache on top of it all! There is also a preparation without narcan that seems to perform well! You can try this! A word to the wise, if your doc seems to b doing nothing but increasing your medication dosages, look at this as a red flag! The number one killer of taking heavy duty narcs is taking dosages so high that they stop u from breathing! Unless u want to die, check "normal" dosages and question your doc if he wants to up your dosage! Most good doc's will change up your medicines to something similar! There r very easy ways to calculate what one dose should equal another dosage, such as Oxycotine vs MS Contin is 1 and 1/2 times stronger than the MS Contin! They can calculate all the dosages from Vicodan to Oxycodone! Remember oxycodone is basically Percodan without Tylenol, so the same calculations are exactly the same! If u question if your dosage is right, u can find conversion charts! Most doc's will under dose when changing, give it a week and it no relief call them back but it does take time to readjust to any medicine changes! I keep having people continuing to ask about doc's and have referred many! As I've said! I'm not only an RN, ran a pain management program but have tons of referrals! Someone mentioned Colorado Rehab! They r really good, they have offices all over town and although I have some folks I like better, all are good! I find one of the hardest things is that I've has this issue over 20 years now and I tend to mimimalize my symptoms! If u r like me, make sure u bring your complete history and all documentation, mri's, cat scans and such! Please b careful of these guys who bring u into their office, ask u what works and writes a script without even examining you! These guys probably aren't going to b working long and it isn't easy to find another one! I lucked out and found this thread but it was after 3 months, getting meds from several different doc's, more than likely getting my chart flagged! I am partial to CPR but there r also other guys out there! One last thing, if u r looking for drugs, this isn't the place to b! I've been very discouraged with many of the posts, this isn't a place to trade, buy or figure out where to get drugs! It wasted for folks with real pain management issues and how to get help! Not what doc gives the best drugs! Please don't screw stuff up for folks like us that truly have medical issues!

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Nicki u spoke of withdrawals was it because u were talkin more then ur daily dose n runnin out b4 ur next dr appt? Were u stil havin ur chronic pain at the time?? Im just wonderin if u were on pain meds why wld u get off totally instead of just cutting dwn??? Even tellin the drs u did ur own is probably makin them feel uneasy as 2 put u back on pain meds since u were dependent on them once b4 and now ur off n clean..u cld try callin rocky moutain internal medicine strasburg clinic they take Medicaid but u need all ur MRI XRAYS anything that proves u really need 2 be back on let me no if u want that number

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I have a lot of chronic pain problems, yes i was taking a lot of medication and yes i put myself on Suboxone because of the meds. I know i made my bed and now have to lay in it. You seem to be judging me because i am trying to better my health. I am not one who dr shops, or anything like that. I told my pain mgt dr exactly how i was feeling and he took me off the pain meds, thats why i started the suboxone because i couldnt stand the withdrawls. Now that i am in pain again i came here for help and you seem to be lecturing me for the decision i made when i was desperate.

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Thankd for the info everyone my dr took me off cuzvi was in the hospital for a server allergic reaction the more I took it the more the reaction got bigger my lips tongue swolled n my throat started 2 shut So I sat in the hospital almost a whole day and my dr just put me back on wat I started with

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Kuaka-4-8 oz of watermelon on an empty stomach in am and pm will help constipation

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Nikki try Doctor Fine in Littleton he takes medicade.

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Rain-take a claritin or other allergy pill to help with itching. They have a good one at the 99 cent store!

And tell your doc ASAP. You need that chartrd. There are other options, but many are itchy as well...

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