Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 181)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Hey everyone. I'm super down, I think it's long past time to change up meds. I'm scared, I feel ashamed my pain isn't being managed.... I feel like I should be able to do better ...I really had a long conversation with my Doc today after going to ER last 2 consecutive mornings. I had a bad experience at a pain clinic down south Denver by Swedish.. I'm taking a third of what I once was and I feel it is not enough...I could use some friends and folks like me and it appears as though I found you today...please excuse me I haven't slept in 2 nights due to pain and anxiety..... Are any of you planning on getting together again SOON? If you want to drink I'll be happy to drive....I live NE Denver area...

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Ok I finally got about 5 hours of sleep and hopefully will be back for more soon after this post. I have been in the middle of an active "flair up" pain worse than usual with a few new symptoms. To compound matters I screwed up scheduling and medication refills. Filled on the second last month yet made my refill appointment for the 6th this month. Not a pleasant couple of days for me this weekend included. I see a PCP who's been handling all my meds for over a year after a horrendous experience at a pain mgmt place. It's times like these I kind of think I should try pain mgt again. Today my doctor refused to put me back on long acting meds. He only gives breakthrough meds since it took several months for us to step me off long acting after my last RF Ablation in December. I've been dealing with these back issues and extremities issues as a result since 2012. I've been seen by an orthopedic surgeon, 2 neurosurgeons and the pain mgmt/anesthesiologist.....Like an 8 month backlog to get into next neurosurgical associates place pcp wants me to go to for procedures/surgery.The CSpine fusion has been put on the table twice.... I basically could use some guidance... I can't keep going on like this, my pain is NOT well managed at this point but also I'm slightly afraid to ROCK the boat since I also have some anxiety disorders and my experience has been only pcp will "treat" both....I'm Sue by the way! I've read a lot of your posts and hope to become a welcomed member of this community....I don't have a lot of friends here...

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I am angry, angry that people with legit issues can't get the help. I have been up all night tonight miserable I've tried soaking in the hot tub, in A hot tub, I went to the gym for the sauna. I've used my massage pad... I don't know what's worse my rheumatoid, my fibro, if its the agonizing flare up of my Hidradenitis or if its the cancer slowly taking over my body, hell maybe it's the chemo and radiation. Oh that's right the meds I've been on for YEARS prior to being diagnosed with stage three metasticized choloerectoral cancer that's hit 78% of my lymph nodes... The same regimen used to treat my RA, FM, and HS according to docs, should be, plenty for the new cancer and treatment. No more than 200mg of morphine/equivalent....

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Names, please? Who do you suggest for helping me get back on something that works?

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Scooter, I'm angry for you and us also! It's TERRIBLE. I've been up since I went to pick up script doctor lowered my dosage without mentioning it. I believe it to be a mistake but of course he isn't in the office today! Sunday and Monday @ 3AM I needed to go to ER. Pain was SO BAD my blood pressure was sky high. I waited for 6 days of the symptoms before going in. I called doctor Thursday asking could he squeeze me in to avoid ER....he told me to go to ER. They actually gave me a few shots and sent me home with just enough meds to get to his office when they opened at 8:30AM yesterday.... I didn't even fill the script, I was waiting at doctors door when receptionist came to open shop...I explained what's up. She goes back and "talks to doctors" tells me it's just 5 pills go ahead and fill it because he cannot see you until 2 unless there's a cancellation ....I waited until 9:30 and asked again, you sure I can fill this? You asked him right? gets worse but since I haven't had a solid night sleep like Scooter my brains frazzled.....I'm sorry y'all! I think maybe today this sheds the light that I need to find a pain mgmt doctor.... Internal med had been pretty good to me for a long while. The pharmacist today and I had a nice chat. He said more changes are coming and people will most likely be moving mostly to time release only....OH CRAP!? This day.... Oh wow...

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Hi Guys,
I'm so sorry u guys r having such a time. Susie, going without your meds is NOT a good idea. Withdrawal isn't something to mess around with and there is no shame in calling and saying exactly what u said here. U have a legit problem.
Scooter, I can't believe they would treat a cancer patient in this manner. If u read the updated Medicare guidelines, I believe there is a clause that allows doc's that r pain doc's to administer higher doses but I haven't read it in a few months and review it for u. I know many doc's strictly adhere to these guidelines, even if they r pain docs. I can't imagine how u r doing it. I'm not sure where u r in your treatment but aren't there hospice folks that help facilitate care or r they only for the sicker patients? R u seeing a pain doc?
There's been a request for names of docs. I can give u some and if u call individual hospitals close to u they will provide names of docs associated with their hospital that provide this service. Remember guys, u can't just call a pain doc, u need a doc's referral and a recent mri or documentation of why u need this service. CPR is in wheatridge, typically u c a PA, I'm not sure what insurance they take but typically they r self pay at about $200 the first visit and $180 after that. Colorado Rehab has many facilities across denver. Dr Rock Navarkal is in the Cherry Creek Area and Dr Chiaca is in the Aurora area. There r a bunch more now in practice so make sure to call your local hospital, u can always run the name here and we'll tell u what we know.
I hope this helps! There's typically a ton of folks here to help, not sure where everyone has been.

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Hey janey I was on here years ago... What happened to Mac he and I talked quite a bit.

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I'm sorry to tell u Mac passed away last november. He simply went to sleep and didn't wake up. It was a great loss to all of us! I'm sorry he is sorely missed!

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Hey Guys,

Had my appointment at CPR today. I'm really happy to say that I was impressed! Dr Hector I think just needed some time to get acclimated to the way things ran there. I was always impressed with his clinical knowledge and was concerned about his bedside manner. Although slammed, he was patient, kind, listened and even made eye contact instead of staring at the computer. It seems he is now comfortable with their processes and am seeing the guy. Although in a perfect world they would take or could b reimbursed for appointments, I have no complaints and am pleasantly surprised at the ease in which we conversed. His extensive clinical knowledge was obvious as well as his compassion. In essence, I'm VERY pleased. I'd even go as far to say even the most complicated would b happy. I knew he was bright and probably more knowledgable than most MD's but now he actually is comfortable in his position to allow him to c the patient and not another making sure his documentation is accurate. Have to say, a couple of months to get his feet firmly on the ground is paying off. I'm happy and if anyone wants or needs info on using this group, let me know. As an add on, CPR isn't a place for the drug seekers, they r thorough with their documentation, ua's and such. If u r trying to get meds from several places, this isn't the place for u, it's for real pain patients and they will fire u as quick as they can. I'm VERY happy I stuck it out. Being in pain sucks!!!

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I'm glad CPR worked out for u Janey.I love it except the no medicaid .How is everyone?

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He was amazing especially when I got my cancer dx

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I was really disappointed with him after my surgery and after talking with him today I understand how the mishap happened. I appreciated him taking responsibility and he felt bad about how much I hurt postop. My surgery was close to 4 hours instead of 2, with a ton of reconstruction. I should have trusted my gut and spoken to Amanda right from the get go. Now I feel bad I was so upset with him.
How r u feeling Scooter?
Lastly, I want to give a gentle reminder to all and share with the new folks, we really need to b writing our congressmen, representatives and Mr Obama regarding our pain treatment and the need for us to b treated appropriately. In the news recently he has very vocal about folks taking meds that aren't necessary. Many of us are on Medicaid and Medicare, we deserve to have appropriate medical care that is covered. I worked until this long stretch and now getting ready to go back to work but paying close to $200 a month breaks us. Folks on medicaid flat out can't afford this. We r on medicaid for a reason. Hopefully my time on this program is short term but as they say, don't judge someone until u have walked in someone else's shoes. This past year has been a huge learning experience. I have always been compassionate about folks situations but walking in it myself was an eye opener. I suspect each one of our stories written to these reps would make them thank the Lord for being where they r and they have the power to make sure we at least can sleep at night and not cry because we hurt so much we can't move. As one doc told me, it's something people can't truly understand u less they pulled their back or hurt themselves to where u can barely move. THEN u have compassion. One of us writing won't do the trick but tons of us CAN make a difference. If Mr Obama is thinking about this, so r the candidates, write them and don't let us b without a voice. We DO matter!!!

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Hi, MaC8.. AND ALL READERS!!! I do know a doctor down here in Louisiana so if you are ever here I could help you. For all of the readers I have a link that is a petition for government to stop stepping in on us pain sufferers. I happened to stumble upon it looking for something else. Please sign it with your situation and pass this link to everyone you know who can help. This rush petition will cost $9 but might be more efficient. I used it. Think it's worth it.

Please pass this link along...Thank you.

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Hey this is Sean. Thank you again for the info about CPR. I haven't scheduled an appt yet but still plan on doing so. I was curious about something if anyone happens to know. Along with my regular meds for my pain, I also have been prescribed meds for anxiety. Will the dr@CPR be able to address this as well or will he only address management of pain?

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3615 far as i know CPR wil prescribe benzos as well

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Thank u for posting the petition. I couldn't get it to copy and paste. It really is important we all sign it!
And yes, CPR does prescribe benzo'so if indicated. It all depends on what your needs are for your medical issues!

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We are going through it too. Gall bladder removal a week ago and still having digestive problems, PCP dropped me, they mismedicated me, gave me meds I was allergic to, meds that made me violent, meds that STOPPED my pain killer from working causing me to have withdrawl which caused MORE pain, I am at a point I do not know what to do. PCP that dropped me said to go to this other doctor. Know nothing about him but would like to know if he prescribes pain meds at the risk of sounding like a junkie. What infuriates me is the fact I was on 10 to 12 narcs a day and have managed myself down to 2 a day but I am undermedicated. TOLD them Percocet would make me sick and it did. One more Oxycontin a day after surgery wold not hurt a damn thing. these damn dotors are so afraid of losing their licenses GRRRRR bunch of mamby pamby's

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Buck Tuff,

I'm guessing they put u on Carafate or something similar. These meds block any meds u take if u take within a two hours period. Do u know the doc they r sending u to? I'm asking as I have major problems with my stomach and I feel your pain. I could go into the medical about why I suspect u r having issues but u have yourself caught in a medical and physical trap right now. One thing makes u sick and as u know u need the other otherwise u do get withdraw all which makes the stomach nothing but worse. How can we help u? I fully understand your frustration as I've been there many a time. Zophran can b helpful for the vomiting and if it does stop your vomiting that in itself can help with a diagnosis. This sounds grosse but rectal phenergan also can b helpful and it also helps make your other meds b more effective which is helpful during your getting sick times. So u don't throw up your meds. I have an issue with my stomach creating many problems which comes from my heart. It's all related. Let me know how I can help u out, even if it's just advice on what's helped me.

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Janeygirl- something you posted led me to Rehabilitation Associates of Colorado. Their webpage says they take all insurances and there's a reasonably close location so I'll contact them Monday. There's another group I talked to last week but I can't remember the name; I will post the name when I get my notes.

I've talked to so many groups. a lot do interventions only but I've never had success with any injections (other than an IM Cortisone injection) so it looks like I need medication management. I saw a narrow surgeon last week so something may happen there but the practice doesn't do pain management except for 90 days after surgery.

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Any luck anyone finding a medicaid pain doc ?,

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