Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medicine In Arkansas (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am located in Arkansas near Little Rock and I need to find a doctor willing to prescribe pain medicine. Please help if you know of any doctors in my area. Thank you.

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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I read your comment, missed the part about drug panels on the first visit, started seeing them Wednesday 2, 2015. Got my meds but not what i was getting in north carolina. My question are the drug panel results evaluated on the spot or sent off, and do you know what will happen when it comes back dirty? I'm nervous n scared dont want to lose this doctor. Can you find out for me, im too scared to ask.

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Why are you running out? Do they give you oxycodone or oxycontin? Who is your doctor and where are they located.

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Hey read your post. Need a pcp that will refer me to pain management dr in NWA. please respond.

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If they find anything else in your sample that's not prescribed and you've signed a pain management agreement there is a great possibility that they will refuse to treat you

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Andi, the pain mgmt. doctor I was referring to in Mountain Home was Chatman...Tilley wasn't even here then. Chatman (and his male nurse) treated me like the scum of the earth. Please refer to my original post where I briefly state my previous surgeries & the source of my pain. I am, and was then, wheelchair-bound, in excruciating pain (which I will always be in since I've been diagnosed by 3 doctors as having "intractable pain"); I cannot do the most basic activities of daily living & all of this is in records from multiple doctors in California which Chatman had. He never once examined me let alone checked vital signs. He accused me of being a drug addict, he screamed & yelled at me at the top of his lungs as did his nurse, once right outside the waiting room door. I was horrified! I saw Chatman for a year-and-a-half only because I didn't know where else to go. At every visit I was evaluated & the results were always clean. I am a quiet, introverted person, 65 yrs. old; confrontation & argumentation make me intensely uncomfortable but that's all Chatman wanted to do. In the beginning, I would simply ask him (beg him) for the meds I was taking in California which allowed me an awesome quality of life with virtually no pain. (For the previous 2-1/2 yrs. in California I had been living in an assisted care facility (nursing home) and I gave Chatman those records on my 1st visit which included all my daily meds, etc. Chatman glanced at my meds & said I had been seeing a "pill-pusher." I told him he was way off base. I had the nurses & doctors of the nursing home, my family physician, my orthopedic surgeon, my neurologist, and my pain mgmt. doctor, an awesome team that worked together for me and my best outcome. As usual, Chatman ignored me & called me an addict. He would never let me talk; he was mean, rude, condescending, unethical, and an outright liar (a whole other story). At every visit, I just sat there and cried. He finally referred me to Dr. Larson at White River Pain Mgmt. in Batesville for a morphine pump which I could never afford. Dr. Larson turned out to be an exact copy of Chatman. I still haven't found a real evidence-based, patient-oriented pain doc so I continue to be house-bound in agonizing pain.

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Scarlettjoe, I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to respond but I live in my own private hell & it's very difficult & painful for me to sit at the computer. I've sort of given up on finding a pain mgmt. seems such an impossible task. So, no, I haven't found another one. This part of the country is so bleak when it comes to good medical care. From all I've personally seen & all I've heard from others I don't know how any of these doctors got their medical licenses. The medical community here is a farce....what happened to compassion, ethics, and "do no harm"? If you've been lucky enough to find somebody, would you let me know? Thanx so much.

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Need pain meds in jonesboro,back injury, hydro's

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I'm a 30 yo woman in the middle of bfe Arkansas. Serious knee and lady parts issues. Most days I can't even get out of bed. Pain is killing my work and my life. Any doctors in Arkansas/Missouri that can prescribe meds and not constant giant needles would be a great help!

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I responded back at the first of June about Dr Carl covey. I went to that clinic for about a year but the clinic changed. Dr. covey took n partners and u no longer saw a Dr just the nurse practitioner and fir a bit it was ok. She seemed to no me and my situation and I had no issues unroll the end on June when I had a major abdominal surgery. My first visit ti the pain management clinic was a nightmare. I had been prescribed post op pain meds and as soon as the nurse practitioner walked in the room she was cold rude and as if I had never seen her before. I was told that I broke the agreement I had signed by getting post op pain meds from my surgeon. I had told the pain clinic I was having surgery. The day I was having it and who the Dr was that was doing it. I didn't hide anything from them but they acted as if I had. I was spoken to like a child and felt like I had been scolded. They write me a refill but cut my dosage down by more than half and I was not going ti b able to have any pain meds for 2 weeks. All of this was less than 2 weeks after a major surgery. I was punished basically and was given an appt for 2 weeks away. I was tired of hurting and tired of being treated like I'm a crack addict. I decided on my own to try suboxone as a pain management alternative. I was on 100mcg fentanyl patches every 48 hours prior. I found a clinic in hot springs and the most wonderful Dr that listened to me and I now take bupenorphine. I am allergic to all natural opiates so I didn't have many options. I've been very pleased with the suboxone I no it's supposed to b used to help addiction bit it is a string opiate and it really helps with my pain and doesnt have the drugged up feeling side effects. So if u r miserable and can't seem to find a good Dr for pain meds really from one suffer to another try bupenorphine. Pain clinics don't prescribe it and most drs don't. Psychiatrist and some clinics will b where u have to go. They have to have a certain licence to write it. Most of them u have to pay cash up front. U can bill ur insurance after. My insurance isn't covering mine so I pay $220 a month to c the Dr but I won't go back to being treated like I have n the past or trying to live with the pain. Please just research the medicine and check it out. Its one of our only options and it's working for me. My Dr is Dr.Robinson and he is with Stockton medical group. They have an office in north little rock, hot springs, and Fayetteville. Their called Stockton med group. I no a lot of u will look at this and laugh but I hurt all the time and I was willing to do whatever I had to to get relief and not keep being so stressed about all the crap from the pain clinics. Its working for me. I hope it will help some of u.

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Where in northwest Arkansas? I need a pain doc and need a doc for klonazapam: major anxiety and sleep disorder.

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James Hawk in Harrison used to run a pain clinic there in Harrison. Kinda strict but he weeds out "addicts" quick. I don't have his number anymore. I went to the one India guy in mtn home. Quite the jerk. If you find someone somewhere please let me know. It's just getting tougher all the time. I wish I had a button to push so they could feel exactly what I feel on any given day. Even a good day would be more than most these people could handle!

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What dr are you talking about when you say "She" ? I'm at the point where money doesn't matter because I cannot work otherwise.

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I totally agree!!! I've been here for four yrs. & still haven't found a "real" pain doc, even tho I have all my records, my med lists, films & am wheelchair-chair bound. I have no life. The only time I leave the house is for a doctor appt. I sometimes wonder why I'm even alive and if I should even bother.....

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I was norco 10 somA prozac zanex I dont hAve none..I hurt so bad daily I would like to die. No one will help me
I have 3joints in back bulging a couple in my neck and bad lungs and ,arthritis in hips and back

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Yes,,I also had Dr.Kathy Luo as my doctor for alittle over three yrs, ,,,,my system is sensitive to meds,,,we finally after two year's got it to wear I was not allergic to everything we tried. ..and because I couldn't afford the injections for a time she dropped me as a patient, ,, I really liked her...but have scence changed my mind,,,,it's like she's in it for the money,,,and not the patience. ...

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John Larson is a quack who should lose his medical license. He may be a Dr on paper but he ain't a real one. I went to Shazia Siddique at that clinic for 3.5 years until she left & mover to Indiana.. She & I didn't always see eye to eye & it wasn't the greatest pain management I've ever had but I survived....After 6 months of Larson I left or my family Dr took over. About 8 months later his practice closed abd I've been on a rubber ball since.

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Try Dr. Diadone in Fayetteville ar he is awesome

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Im in the same boat as you I seen a pain specialist for 3 1/2 yrs and had all kinds of injections that didnt work for me and my pain so he prescribed me vicoprofen and I just moved to ark and I have been to 2 diffrent pain specialists in Jonesboro and they read my medical history and even acknowledged my pain but pretty much ssid they wouldnt prescribe me any narcotic pain medication bc im to young .. im 28 . Idk what to do all they want to do is stick me with needles that dont benefit me idk where to turn to .. if anyone knows of someone I can go to im my area plz plz lmk

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I've been in chronic pain for 20 years and have largely been unsatisfied with my providers but for the past two years I have been seeing Little Rock Pain Management Clinic. Dr. Murphy is without a doubt the best doc I've ever had she is very compassionate and easy to tak with

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Hi Amanda,
I'm trying very hard to find a Dr in NWArkansas. You said Dr. Diodone is great! Please tell me more about your experience with this dr.
Going insane in pain since leaving Austin. Lol!
Thank you!
S. Rogers

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