Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Boston (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been suffering from a failed patella replacement for 12 years. Tramadol sometimes helps, but the risks for stroke are too high. I was being treated by a doctor in RI but he lost his license. Is there anyone in Boston area who can prescribe vicodin 10/325 legally?

30 Replies (2 Pages)

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Hey Billy's Victoria 1073..i have lupus fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.... 25. Yrs never in remission.. 17 broken bones in spine plus several other severe multiple fractures in my back.. Plus a lot more.. Just needed to have toe amputated due to severe bone infection ..told have worst case of lupus ever ..please lmk anything else that you can;(

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I called there and shbe told me that first u have to go fill out a that right

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Does dr pearsell still prescribe or do u know anyone in the boston area? Please help me, im in pain coming off oxycodone 30mg tabs 6 times daily for 10 years.

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Cynthia Goddard looking for a good Dr.that will prescribe pain medication for spinal dics stenosis please help

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Every hospital has an outpatient center...Find a pain management physician within such and make an appt. I was leary about changing from my primary care physician to pain management for my spine BUT initially he talked about cortisone inj. but I said NO!! Interestingly he UPPED my vicodin dosage from 2 per day to 3x; per day...Inflamed? Try Volataren anti inflammatory cream. I love it so much I put it on my hands, knees and feet...

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Looking for a doctor who will write for pain meds in the Quincy / Boston, Massachusetts area.

I have an MRI that states I have 2 herniated discs.

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I need assistance locating a pain management doctor in Boston, MA that will help me.

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Well, any doctor can prescribe it legally. The main issues are just why its being prescribed, how much, for how long and etc.

Learn more Vicodin details here.

With the new regulations and issues on the east coast regarding doctors prescribing improperly and over prescribing, your best bet is going to be with a pain management specialist.

Do you have a general practitioner that you see regularly who may be able to refer you somewhere?

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Also, all physicians can prescribe Vicodin legally. They need not be a pain specialist.

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billy, it's ONLY the seizure threshold that tramadol lowers. There is no medical study suggesting it can cause strokes. As I said earlier, seizures, yes. Strokes, no.

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