Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Portland Oregon (Page 2) (Top voted first)
Updatedsuffering from cronic headaches and neck pain due to a variety of events
Back pain looking for pain medication I was injured on the job it's a permanent injury bulging disc
Please come back and let me know if you found a dr.
I moved here from NYC to Portland OR. Despite the fact that I otherwise love it (or did until I ran out of pain medication. Now I'm pretty much immobile, drink (from 2 glasses of wine a week to daily drinking), instead of taking my muscle relaxers & vicodin. I also take about 2400mg or more of ibuprofen daily). I barely sleep due to the pain. Hurting all the time sucks the life out of you. Acupucture? Aleve? Really? I have 3 herniated discs in my neck and an arthritic, deteriorating lower spine. And I moved to a place where they would rather have good people suffer than run the risk of supplying an addict? In New York State they passed a law where pharmacists had access to the narcotic prescription database. If you present a narcotic prescription to be filled, the pharmacist can look up your record and see when your last narcotic prescription was filled. He/she can refuse to fill doctor-shopping narcotic prescriptions. Worked like a charm! When it took effect, there was suddenly more room in the pain management waiting room. It's so simple, why don't they do this in Oregon? Don't they care about their people?
Aint That the truth!!! my so called "life" consists of watching as much distracting TV AS POSSIBLE BCA i can't even be a MOM or takecareofmyhouse at ALL ANYMORE. My husband cantget a job even with his newly obtained degree bcai cant even wash a dish since i lost my primary Dr and pain dr within the SAME 6 MONTH PERIOD,,,,,NOW im labeled as a junkie by the primary Dr. Monopoly in my area.....i get enough meds (1a day!!) That merely allows me enough relief to go to my bathroom and maybe enuf to get my own coffee in the morning w/out using my walker...
it's not the Doctors behind this change in treating chronic pain. it's the new DEA clamp down for the past 2 or more years.
it's affecting all pain patients including dying patients with cancer.
the doctors must comply or face losing their practice and they can't really tell you that.
educate yourself on the government websit under DEA scheduled drug control and compliance.
if millions of chronic pain patients are taken off the opiates they've originally been prescribed by their doctors, what does the DEA think is going to happen?
they think they're controlling the illegal drug trade and God forbid keeping you from being addicted (like cigarettes??)...
imho they are creating a whole new problem of most likely forcing these patients into the illegal and underground drug trade.
it's inhumane, it's cruel, it's just plain ignorant.
there are no doctors who will prescribe scheduled drugs because of the government compliance laws.
A police report will do nothing. Not even if a script is stolen from you. It use to be that you file a police report, and you could get a refill on narcotics. Not anymore. If you loose your meds somehow, you suffer until your next script. For those of you who have been on Norco or other narcotics for long term, I would suggest finding a private doctor. One outside of Big HMO's. Im not saying that private docs will refill, but I have found that doctors who have their own practice are much easier to deal with. Unlike kaiser, tuality, providence, ect. Another suggestion is obtaining a Medical Marijuana card. There is SOOO much more to marijuana then smoking it or eating it. They make pills now that are just the pain relieving aspect-NO THC = no euphoric high if you cannot handle the euphoria. Medical marijuana might be the route to go if you cannot find a doc who will prescribe meds. Most docs will sign for you to get your card nowadays so you dont have to throw down 200$ to visit an OMMP clinic every year. (just not the HMO docs that i know of) Its very very sad how they punish the people who clearly dont abuse pills because of the people who DO abuse them. Something does need to change. I Really hope people will make a big deal of this (ready for things to go back to the way they were) so pain meds will not be so taboo, and the docs will not have to be scared to prescribe them. I knew a lot of doctors who just simply retired once they were doing the crackdown on pills. Come on DEA, wouldnt you rather make a profit from selling pharma meds then make no profit at all? I thought we had Big Pharma reps on the FDA panel? In the 80's the majority of the FDA were pharma reps, and pills were being pushed onto everyone and anyone visiting the doctors. Now you can't get S***
I feel your pain. It seems the pain management pendulum has swung the other way from a few years ago when one was told, "You deserve to be as pain free as is medically prudent". Most pain clinics will NOT prescribe opioids, They evaluate you and recommend to your primary care doc. If you are lucky enuff to find one who will prescribe, be honest and forward with your history. You are a potential criminal and I can understand the physicians don't want to put their license at risk. You will have to sign a narcotic agreement once a year. Read it carefully and request a copy. As usual those of us who need it the most DONT want to be on it, but quality of life is also an issue. We cant afford to reinvent the "wheel' every time we change doctors. Keep investigating new procedures in pain relief as most docs have 4000 patients and cannot keep you in mind, that's YOUR job. Everyone is different and to be shoved into a "addicted" slot just because you find them to give you the best relief is infuriating. Also if you need narcotics you are "physically dependent", if you just like the feeling then you are addicted. If a health care professional calls you an addict and you are NOT do not just accept that label. Correct them and do NOT back down. Good Luck and write your congresspeople and complain and complain.
Re: Cnai Westinonz (# 45)
Most of the people on these forums have already been through all those channels and many treatments otherwise do not work!!! Everyone is different but narcotic pain relief can often take off the edge like nothing else, so one is able to be more productive, or able to relax enough to work through and face painful therapy treatments and other treatment methods that can help with the healing processes. It really is a terrible thing living every day in such pain...and it gets really old fast! Been there done that but unfortunately i cant find any help with doctor just keeps giving me stupid worthless medications!! I was unable to make any significant progress in therapy options, so was dropped from services. It was a bad, stressful, high anxiety filled, painful experience and I am not a marijuana smoker and do not plan on becoming one...that is my right just as it is my right to receive the pain management that works best for me! SO, the point here is not to judge anyone...granted their are those who abuse narcotic medications but there are also people like that in every situation in some form and narcotic meds have been around since the dawn of forever...they never really became such an issue until celebrities were abusing them! They were what was used and relied upon back when and always have been...greed over money from doctors, big wigs, and pharmaceutical companies coupled with the society that they convinced needed them for everything, created this problem and if it was all good enough back then, it should still be good enough now!! The only thing that changed was the greed leading to careless prescribing without any follow-up or monitoring...basically not caring about the people, just the fact that it was making them all billions and billions!!!
I have found that calling and asking to speak to a nurse (at their most covenant time, and tell her in short your situation, the truth about what you are looking to do for your health, and asking if you are at the right place, b/c you dont want to waste your time or the doctors time. They usually will tell you in general what you need to do. And always have records from past drs.. very important, and copies of xrays etc. or be willing to get them or what ever the doctor requests, as ins. will allow. Also Its better to be honest, tell the dr. what works for you, what you may want to expiremnet with or wont, and thats your best bet for good health care. In Or. be ready to sign a drug contract with the doc. and the pharms are very on top of things, so follow the rules. good luck
I feel for you and I am sorry you can't get the medication you need to live a more fruitful life. I have a very good Providence insurance plan that I pay 1600.00 a month for out of my own pocket and I still cant get the pain medications I used to get. I don't think its the Doctors but the government that is riding their asses so hard that it makes them afraid to prescribe medications that people need.
Do not go near Douglas County unless you have cancer. Most doctors at these clinics doesn't believe that chronic pain exist except in your head like a placebo effect. You go in and talk about pain they'll kiss you off with some Naprosyn, flexeril, and physical therapy and maybe some x rays. But the insurance down here is just as bad. I've had so many x rays on my back and leg but not one MRI. Even when I've had 3 specialists put in the referrals. Unless there is neurological deficit like foot drop, you can ask for MRIs all week and Umpqua Health Alliance will not cover it. There is no such thing as pain management in this county let alone this state. Thats why everyone these days turn to drinking, marijuana, coke, and methamphetamine. Not everyone who gets pain medication goes out and sells them or abuses them and yet we the people with legitimate problems get punished for it.
No i am sorry to say that here in OREGON they dont give a $HIT about ppl in real severe chronic least those on Medicare (including those w/addtl and expensive insurance. ...
Ive been diagnosed with a NUMBER of severely painful conditions that prevent me from working since 2008. Lost my GREAT insurance and got prescribed buspirone (if u dont know that med, its what they give to ADDICTS to make any other opiates NOT work...) THAT very same DAY...
Before that i was able to at least lead a Mildly "enjoyable" life as a single Mom 2 a 5yo and a 14yo.
After TRYING everything and everything over a 3-4 mo period, i went to a CASH ONLY doctor, and was extremely pleased to Be Treated Humanely.......he LOST HIS LICENSE bca other DOCTORS didnt like him. Him and 17 other docs in OR ALSO lost Their licenses. That doctor is now on FOOD STAMPS, lost his home and is now living on public assistance!!
And ALL BCA here, in OR our "medical board" doesnt have a DOCTOR on it!! All lawyers All the Time.
So even Regular doctors are PETRIFIED to have same thing happen to them.
Cam D,
PLEASE get in touch with me!! I would like ANY information you may have regarding the Dr you see! My mom is going thru problems as many if the people who have posted on here! Has been on pain meds for 10 years & her PCP decided she needs to come off of all if them, despite the fact she has a fractured spine & definite medical reasons to support being on these meds! He claims the "state" is cracking down & forcing drs to take patients off if pain meds that are narcotic..all the while he prescribes handfuls to other patients..he picks & choses who he's going to prescribe for! She's NEVER asked for increases never asked for refill before they were due! Seems to have happened after a disagreement they had regarding another matter. We live in a very rural area & are forced to look to the Portland area for a new dr. Any info you could provide would be tremendously appreciated!
A new war on Chronic Pain has been started in Salem Oregon at Salem Hospital and Salem Health. Their new clinic does not follow the new CDC guidelines as they have their own agenda! I believe Salem Hospitals Pain Clinic is in large part profit driven. The care I received there was not patient focused. It is terrible that due to a bunch of drug addicts killing themselves that those who follow the rules are being punished. Salem Hospital has banned their Family Physicians from prescribing opioid pain medications. Chronic pain patients and their advocates need to start making a lot of noise in the media, at your doctor's and with lawmakers or we will continue to be marginalized.
My dr just told me he is no longer prescribing my pain medication and it's been 7 years. I have crohns. I live in Salem. What do I do?
Re: Joann from Portland Oregon (# 197)
I get morphine soma and klonopin from the aforementioned PAC. I have had six spinal surgeries over past 30 years. I have nerve damage and chronic repetitive spasms that cause damage. I did respond to you didnt I.
Was it Dr Thomas?
did you ever find someone in portland?
I know a dr in Portland His name is mark Holloman his office in nw Portland he is on 2330 N.W. Flanders ST His phone is (503) 224-0817
Portland Integrated Health & Sports Medicine might be a good approach for (all of) you. They're a primary care clinic that integrates care within their own clinic and they accept Medicaid/care and private insurances. While not a pain management specific place, they do use multi-modal approaches to care, and even have a special 'pain school' group to help patients manage their pain. For those that have pain as a result of disease or injury, it's a great place as they treat both (they even have a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and massage therapist along with their regular doctors & family nurse practitioners). They're always accepting new patients and generally have same/next day appointments available for primary care. Check them out - 503-972-0235 - 1427 NW Flanders St. Portland, OR 97209
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