Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Portland Oregon (Page 11)
Updatedsuffering from cronic headaches and neck pain due to a variety of events
Re: Joann from Portland Oregon (# 197)
I get morphine soma and klonopin from the aforementioned PAC. I have had six spinal surgeries over past 30 years. I have nerve damage and chronic repetitive spasms that cause damage. I did respond to you didnt I.
Re: MissT (# 16)
Hello, did you receive the methadone treatment in Washington? I have lived in Oregon my entire life., with the same pain management clinic 14 YEARS. I made one violation in my pain contract and they dumped me cold turkey, after being on Methadone for over 17 YEARS and i went through severe withdrawls on Aug. 30, it is Sept. 27, and i am STILL suffering methadone withdrawls. If i did not believe in God, I would End this by putting a pistol to my head...Oregon is merciless, and their pain clinics don't give a D....n about their patients. My only motive now is to move to another state, and i have been a Lifer' here, Thanks and i truly do..wish you good luck and hope you find what you need.
Re: MissT (# 16)
who did you find Miss T? have had 3 spinal fusions and been on chronic pn meds 8yrs...they are great at helping improve quaity of life--i can walk when getting my meds but moved here from Wyo and many dr. dont wish to cont you know one who will...desperate need thanks!
I am 67 years of age with several disk surgeries and fusion of L3-L4-L5 and moved from Wyoming. I had good Dr there and desperately need an MD in or around Salem Oregon who prescribes Norco for chronic pain. Been thru all the treatments and NSAIDS and therapies and this alone gives me any quality of life - meaning i can walk when taking Norco. I will drive as far as Washington or Canada but i need a compassionate Dr. who will review my history. If you know of such a Dr please send me his name and where he is located. Thanks so much. I am praying for such an MD.
Re: Vernonm78 (# 200)
Dearest Jennifer, First, and Foremost, I sympathize with your situation. Yes, people do discriminate, I know first-hand everything you are going through, and i WAS a pain management patient with a "Reputable" clinic here in Oregon for over 14 years. In fact, one of the Doctors there is running for GOVERNOR for the State of Oregon; anyway, they booted me out via a certified letter. But enough of that, I am posting a reply to hopefully help you with a few basics. I assume from your post, that you reside in the State of Washington. Get online and Google a search to see if the state of Washington has a "State Pain Management Commission" and once you get contact info, email AND CALL as well, tell them your story... Also put out a search query for Attorneys who deal with "MEDICAL ABANDONMENT"... even if your situation may not apply, they will open a chat for you, take your information and return your answers with a phone call, or email. And last...Don't give up Gal, i know from a long history of pain problems, that it is best to just HANG ON, try to be patient, as hard as it is...and believe for the best. I understand your frustration and anger, and most importantly, don't let anyone label you an addict. Stand firm without shame...and know many of us support you....Good luck sweetie, Mike in Oregon.
Has anyone taken oxycodone in the last few months? I took this drug for 9 years and never had a problem. I was taken off my thoradol and prometazine inj's. all at about the same time. The condition I had for 13 years prior caused nausea but never vomiting. I attributed the vomiting to the removal of the inj's. but was wondering if the oxycodone that is currently being sold causes vomiting and has anyone had a similar experience?
Hello guys,
I recommend going to CODA for opioid treatment. CALL +1-503-239-8400
I am on 22mg of buprenorphine a day. Works great. THEY also have a methadone program. All you have to do is have an insurance that they accept and an opiate history of use and they will accept you into the program. This is the only way to get an adequate amount of painkillers in Portland without having cancer.
Re: Cnai Westinonz (# 45)
Most of the people on these forums have already been through all those channels and many treatments otherwise do not work!!! Everyone is different but narcotic pain relief can often take off the edge like nothing else, so one is able to be more productive, or able to relax enough to work through and face painful therapy treatments and other treatment methods that can help with the healing processes. It really is a terrible thing living every day in such pain...and it gets really old fast! Been there done that but unfortunately i cant find any help with doctor just keeps giving me stupid worthless medications!! I was unable to make any significant progress in therapy options, so was dropped from services. It was a bad, stressful, high anxiety filled, painful experience and I am not a marijuana smoker and do not plan on becoming one...that is my right just as it is my right to receive the pain management that works best for me! SO, the point here is not to judge anyone...granted their are those who abuse narcotic medications but there are also people like that in every situation in some form and narcotic meds have been around since the dawn of forever...they never really became such an issue until celebrities were abusing them! They were what was used and relied upon back when and always have been...greed over money from doctors, big wigs, and pharmaceutical companies coupled with the society that they convinced needed them for everything, created this problem and if it was all good enough back then, it should still be good enough now!! The only thing that changed was the greed leading to careless prescribing without any follow-up or monitoring...basically not caring about the people, just the fact that it was making them all billions and billions!!!
Re: Tammi (# 208)
Whats up in spring 2018 in old portland.....anybody finding it better or worse for chronic pain.....doctors etc
Re: Jennifer C (# 209)
Hey Jen, well s*** just keeps getting worse...…..if any Portlanders have Docs that prescribe they are not sharing, hmmmm can we blame them. Anybody out there???
Re: Granny p (# 182)
The person I saw at Sellwood medical clinic was Leslie Gregory PA-C. You could also try Adventist creekside clinic, several DO's there. You will need to see their pain spec. but he is great. Ohhh, that is if you need more than 90 MME a day. Adventist better than most. Try
Re: Vernonm78 (# 200)
Wow hey wish i had seen this a year ago. How are things now? I would have reported the abuse to the Medical Board did this pa flag you? Why you cant get a pcp with regence bc/bs I dont get. please tell something is better
Re: Jennifer (# 212)
Portland has been so wiped out of GOOD docs willing to prescribe the OMB went nuts investigating docs for simple things like keeping tight patient visit notes etc.. I dont think anyone with a doc who is prescribing for them they dont want to give out the info...… either I have before no one reported going to this doc so I have a better one now and seen the Pain Specialist to affirm my meds....he said reg GP or primary care are under much less pressure than the specialists prescribing
Re: Crystal (# 3)
If you find a new dr let me know who it is. I live here also and suffer severe pain and was taken off a 10 year pain mgt contract and left with nothing. Nobody around here will prescribe opiates at all. It’s BARBARIC AND TORTURE
Re: Karri (# 214)
I totally agree my dr stopped my meds cold turkey. I was on Xanax 30plus yrs for Hyperhydrosis. On disability and was in a wheelchair 3 yrs chronic back pain now begging for surgery because of no meds. Legs hurt so so bad.
Re: MissT (# 16)
Who did you find? I’m suffering horribly and live in Salem.
Re: Karri (# 216)
Is this thread dead?? We need to help each other Oregon is bad.
Is this thread dead? Needing a doctor that will prescribe pain medicine. After 17 years on oxycodone (40mgs-80mgs a day) at the end my doctor in Washington retired (was traveling from Portland Oregon to Olympia Washington about every 4 to 6 months) but my doctor retired... Anyone willing to share the name of doctors that actually still write pain meds scripts? After suffering for a couple months after my doctor retired I broke down and went to the methadone clinic. I'm hoping the methadone clinic didn't f***** my chance to get back on my pain meds because it's messing with my life having to go into the clinic every day to dose...I've seen people suggesting doctors in pain management clinics but the threads are so old.
Re: Jen (# 217)
Agreed!!! Has anyone found docs as of 2020? Or tried any of the recommendations of drs listed here???
Re: Bella (# 218)
I Agree!! We need to get this thread current! I broke down and too started Suboxone treatment but not working. I was curious if that would hurt chances of ever getting narcotics again too!
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