Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Portland Oregon
Updatedsuffering from cronic headaches and neck pain due to a variety of events
looking for a new dr. who will be willing to give me the same meds as I was taking before I moved here, they are narcotics that I take on a regualar basis for headaches and neck pain, hydro codone 10 to be exact, where I came from it is tough to find a dr. who will help you, how will I start over in Portland to find a helpful Dr.?
I'd suggest looking for someone that specializes in pain management and making sure that they get a full copy of your medical records from your prior doctor.
In many cases, if you go in asking for a specific medication they will see it as drug seeking behavior, but they can see what works for you as documented by other physicians, they are more likely to prescribe accordingly.
Learn more Hydrocodone details here.
Does anyone else have any advice or suggestions to add?
I have to find new doc in thirty days before my script runs out. Doctor no longer accepts my insursnce. I live in salem Oregon. I have fibromyalgia and sponge kidney disease so I really need these meds I have severe pain.
Thank you, so far I have and I have been okay, with one script, but he cant prescribe the other type I need for anxiety, but he has directed me as to where to go. I guess here in Or. (or maybe pain drs in general, wont prescribe pain along with anxiety meds,) I was getting all my meds from a neurologist
in Ga.
Did u end up finding a good doctor?
Did you find anyone taking patients?
I have not been lucky to find pain management who will keep me at my current meds so if anyond has amy advice I would greatly appreciate it thank u.
How does anyone get their pain medications in Oregon? I moved here recently. Been on Vicodin for years for back problems. Now doctor here says take some naproxen ! I asked for a referral to pain management clinic, he gave me name of clinic, but the reviews I've read don't sound promising and there is a long wait for appt. Don't even know if they prescribe my medication there. Does anyone know a good doctor? What is wrong with this state?
I have found that calling and asking to speak to a nurse (at their most covenant time, and tell her in short your situation, the truth about what you are looking to do for your health, and asking if you are at the right place, b/c you dont want to waste your time or the doctors time. They usually will tell you in general what you need to do. And always have records from past drs.. very important, and copies of xrays etc. or be willing to get them or what ever the doctor requests, as ins. will allow. Also Its better to be honest, tell the dr. what works for you, what you may want to expiremnet with or wont, and thats your best bet for good health care. In Or. be ready to sign a drug contract with the doc. and the pharms are very on top of things, so follow the rules. good luck
Try doc hursey 503 399 7474
Or doc. Jones 503 982 2174
Good luck
By law they can't say..."yeah we will give you pain meds", at least on the phone, the DEA has under cover agents trying this all the time to make sure the pain doctors are living or doing everything by the books. So unfortunately, your not going to find out unless you make an appointment and physically go in. Good luck.
How do you know these doctors will write narcotic prescriptions, have you been to them yourself. Just wondering because I am looking for a new doctor to write my pain meds. My dr just retired without telling anyone and left everyone hanging. Any information will be helpfu or if you know of any other doctors in Oregon and they don't have to be pain management doctors. My last one was a family practitioner and I just signed a pain contract with them. Thank you...
Does anyone know of any doctors in Medford Oregon area that will continue prescribing my pain meds.
I recently had my doctor of 5 years retire leaving me in need of a new doctor.i live in the Medford area and really need a good doctor who will prescribe my meds,I have legitimate back problems and have never had an issue with mis use or abuse with my current doctor,just need them to get threw a days work,if anybody knows any regular doctors that aren't gonna try and give me hippie roots to rub on my back,knee,and shoulder.
Doesn't have to be a pain management doctor,if u have a general practitioner that prescribes that would work cause I'm in need of one and if I didn't have to go to a pain management doctor that would be great.but anything will do as long as there good doctors not terrified of prescribing
Was it Dr Thomas?
I need help..oxycodene..I have medicare
I had to seek methadone management at a clinic,until I could finally find a doc willing to treat my pain.which had been being treated for 6 yrs in Washington until my move to Salem.It may not be for everyone,but it sure saved my life for the yr. I used that service!
I am looking for a doctor in the Portland, OR area that will first off listen then help me strive towards a rewarding, comfortable life. I am 51 and was in a car wreck 9 years ago. 21 surgeries later and conrtacted through a local pain management clinic I am finding that the doctor has quite listening. I am also going through testing at OHSU for other medical issues that I am experiencing. I understand the problems that doctors are facing with all the abuse but for those of us in need with excellent medical documentation is there anyone out there that will not categorize me with drug abusers and help me with needed medication and care. I am currently doing physical therapy and aqua activity to gain strength and mobility. Now I just need to find a doctor that will listen and get on board. Is there anyone out there? Thanks for all input.
Please come back and let me know if you found a dr.
I live in nebraska and cannot get the meds I need for my pain so I travel to LA cCali. area for a dr that treats out of state payients that are legit . It does cost with the flying motel car rental but Its worth the pain relief and a Dr that listens to me. Google DR. Forest Tennant Or Dr. Adam Hy and there is 2 more that formed a group to treat out of state people with intractable pain and do so with opiates and enough of the to actually help ease the pain. Some have you go every 2-3 months and send you home with scripts for the 3 months so you dont have to wait for them to mail them. thier good Drs. Ive been going out there for over 4and a half yrs. now. Hope this my help you.,
How can you help?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Mike (# 205)
Mike. It has been a long hard road thru hell..thanks for the EMPATHY BTW. I do live in OR and it sucks sweetie.
Re: Bella (# 218)
I Agree!! We need to get this thread current! I broke down and too started Suboxone treatment but not working. I was curious if that would hurt chances of ever getting narcotics again too!
Re: Jen (# 217)
Agreed!!! Has anyone found docs as of 2020? Or tried any of the recommendations of drs listed here???
Is this thread dead? Needing a doctor that will prescribe pain medicine. After 17 years on oxycodone (40mgs-80mgs a day) at the end my doctor in Washington retired (was traveling from Portland Oregon to Olympia Washington about every 4 to 6 months) but my doctor retired... Anyone willing to share the name of doctors that actually still write pain meds scripts? After suffering for a couple months after my doctor retired I broke down and went to the methadone clinic. I'm hoping the methadone clinic didn't f***** my chance to get back on my pain meds because it's messing with my life having to go into the clinic every day to dose...I've seen people suggesting doctors in pain management clinics but the threads are so old.
Re: Karri (# 216)
Is this thread dead?? We need to help each other Oregon is bad.
Re: MissT (# 16)
Who did you find? I’m suffering horribly and live in Salem.
Re: Karri (# 214)
I totally agree my dr stopped my meds cold turkey. I was on Xanax 30plus yrs for Hyperhydrosis. On disability and was in a wheelchair 3 yrs chronic back pain now begging for surgery because of no meds. Legs hurt so so bad.
Re: Crystal (# 3)
If you find a new dr let me know who it is. I live here also and suffer severe pain and was taken off a 10 year pain mgt contract and left with nothing. Nobody around here will prescribe opiates at all. It’s BARBARIC AND TORTURE
Re: Jennifer (# 212)
Portland has been so wiped out of GOOD docs willing to prescribe the OMB went nuts investigating docs for simple things like keeping tight patient visit notes etc.. I dont think anyone with a doc who is prescribing for them they dont want to give out the info...… either I have before no one reported going to this doc so I have a better one now and seen the Pain Specialist to affirm my meds....he said reg GP or primary care are under much less pressure than the specialists prescribing
Re: Vernonm78 (# 200)
Wow hey wish i had seen this a year ago. How are things now? I would have reported the abuse to the Medical Board did this pa flag you? Why you cant get a pcp with regence bc/bs I dont get. please tell something is better
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