Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Huntsville Al (Page 7)
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My pain management doc got investigated and now hes closed his practice down. I was getting 30mg oxycodone 5 times a day and morphine 15mg 2 times a day. Does anybody know a doctor in huntsville alabama that will keep me on my meds, need answer ASAP!
Plz plz help!!!!! Feel as if my life is over. Besides my bk issues, I also had emergency bowel resection leavn me wearing colostomy bag n SERVE LY DEPRESSION
Not sure how old your post is but I live in decatur alabama and I am a patient of valley pain clinic. I am very pleased with the doc and think it would be worth it for you to drive to decatur.
Finally someone out there with some compassion!!!!! Thank u
I agree, it's a shame but it is BOUND to happen...
with doctors writing less and less pain medications, mark my word- Alabama will have more H overdose death rates in the coming years!!!!!
Do you mean "amen"?
U didn't have to b solo f...n rude!!!!! Ben desperate simply to find help getn right Dr for my bk. Broke my t10 after motorcycle wreck where Steak out delivery driver hit me head on leavn me for dead in middle of the road. You SERIOUS LY need to think before u respond to anythn!!! Found or response EXTREMELY offensive
Who was your doctor in Nashville TN.I have chronic pain and hurt every single day.My family doctor was giving me 120 Oxycodone 30mg. But he too got in trouble for writing so much because he is not a pain management doctor he is just a primary doctor.and he cut me to 100 Oxycodone 15mg.witch is better than nothing but they are not touching my pain.I have done physical therapy, spinal epidurals and still hurt everyday.I am trying to find a doctor that will just try to keep my pain at a level where I can tolerate it.
Hello, I've read through 5 pages of posts, and I am amazed at some of the things I've read. I am a chronic pain patient, I'm 47 years old and I have no quality of life. I can't do my housework, cook, bathe by myself or anything I used to do. I was a happy hard working mother of 3, until I hurt my back. I used to work 8 to 10 hours a day, cook, clean my home, help my children with homework, take them to their activities, and was always so happy I had a loving fun relationship with my husband. We were, to be polite very intimate relationship. Now I'm in bed all the time except not in a good way. We haven't had a intimate relationship in over a year because he hates to see me hurt even more than I already do. My life is so sad and painful, I sometimes wish I could end it all. I've got so many things wrong with my back, both of my knees have been replaced ( they hurt just as bad now as they did before) my right hip needs to be replaced, I have neuropathy in both feet and my hands, no grip in my hands no reflexes in my ankles which makes me fall quite often. Anyway I'm a mess. I used to see a pain doctor in nashville TN after my PCP sent me for my pain management. He was so kind and he hurt himself so he understood what it was like. He gave me 450, 30mg oxycodone a month. He told me to take 3 of them 5 times a day. I never took that many but he said if I needed that many to take them but if I didn't then I could take what I thought I needed as long as I didn't take more than that. I only went to see him every 3 months. I lived so far away and had trouble getting someone to take me that he did that to help me out. He also wrote me 3 scripts post dated each month. The pharmacy almost passed out the first time I took that script in. But when I explained it to him he said that was nice of him. My doctors health declined and he had to retire. He made sure he found a doctor to take the patients that he knew really needed one. I had enough meds to last me 7 months after he retired. The new doctor put me on 100mg morphine 3 times a day and 15mg oxycodone 4 times a day for breakthrough pain. It worked pretty good at first but after a year and a half I had built up a tolerance to it but the doctor wouldn't change or increase it. Then he closed down without a warning or anything. Luckily the doctor that Did the shots in my back (which by the way didn't help at all) said he would treat me. He doesn't like giving meds so he cut my morphine down to 80mg the first time and now this month he cut them down to 60mg. Even though I told him I suffered so bad this past month, he just said well we all have problems. I have MRI' s, X-RAYS, CAT SCANS, MILOGRAMS and medical records satin back to 1995 when I first hurt m back and had surgery. He agreed that my back is in terrible shape but that's no reason to take so much medicine. He said if you are in severe pain then you will pass out and if you don't then it's not considered severe. I told him that I could tell he had never been in pain because if he had he would be begging for meds. Needless to say I'm looking for a new doctor. It is so sad that we have to suffer and not be able to live at least a half way decent life. Maybe one day things will change infill then may GOD Bless you and ease your pain and give doctors some compassion for us all.
I do know this. And becauuse we r n al i wont say that it has helped with chemo.........
Hey Levett, I don't blame you one bite. I didn't know you had other helath problems on top of dreading the withdrawals. I know for a fact that Marijuana helps so much with withdrawals but unfortunately we are in Alabama.
going to Urgent care. I also have a chronic form of Leukemia....and my wd will be horrific.
Hey Levett:; In no way am I trying to make light of this but just be glad that you weren't on anything stronger like a lot of people on here have been. I'm talking about Oxycodone, Oxycontine, Morphine, etc. Some people take about 4 to 5 30 mgs of Oxycodone daily and then loose there Dr. Some Dr's get shut down by the DEA and leave the patients just hanging, that is torture and inhumane, but it has happened, about 2 years ago Dr. A got shut down and so many people suffered withdrawals so badly that it was awful. I wish the politicians in Alabama would realize first of all that Medical Marijuana does help chronic pain patients and secondly the withdrawals from Medical Marijuana aren't even in the same ball park as to withdrawals from prescription Narcotics. there is NO comparison. I for one would choice MM any day over Narcotics but unfortunately Alabama doesn't give patients that choice (that our Veterans fought and soldiers fight for). To me, it should be up to the chronic pain patient what they choose to put in there own bodies. The best advice I can give you is if the withdrawals get to bad go to the ER and explain to them what has happened or get someone in your family to explain, you may not feel like even talking. If some of our politicians ever saw anyone in withdrawals from Narcotics all rolled up in a ball wishing for death then they just may change there mind. Chronic pain patients can't help that Dr's get shut down and are left to defend for themselves. Should be a law against that, it is so inhumane. I wish you the best of luck and maybe it won't be as bad as you are thinking. Like I said before when Dr. A got shut down there were poor people in there 70's that had to suffer withdrawals because the DEA didn't put in a physician to wing the patients down, they just closed the doors on the patients and that was it.
I went to Trinity Medical Center. Was truthful about wanting to taper off. I have real chronic pain. Was only on hydro 5 10/325 a day and wanted to cut down. Im from PCB FL and cant see my MD because of laws. Dr Faharha just referred me to Tennessee Valley and walked outta room. I will be withdrawing soon and wont see TVP until 2weeks. They told me my physcian should have prescribed enough to tide me ovee but he wont. What do i do???
Go up to Athens, Dr. Davis and Dr. Stevens. They prescribe 90 30mg Roxy's which is generally the maximum you will get these days from doctors especially when first starting out until they can justify increasing it anywhere past that...however that is quite rare. I'm sure I'll hear some i****s saying, "Oh I get 150 Roxys monthly..." but don't believe them, because its malarkey!
As I said, I used the above doctors...only problem is they charge you $500 upfront, although it does cover the first visit...every visit after that is around $165 as they charge you for UA fees...but will take your insurance. There is definitely some sort of scam going on though where they charge your insurance and then ask you for cash for paying for the UA also...who still get your meds.
where are you located
Does any one know of any pain docters in alabama? I have so many things wrong with me I am totally disabled, and I am tired of suffering I really appreciate anyone that could help me I am in a wheelchair and so depressed I moved here and I thought it wouldn't be so hard trying to find a docter I have medicaid I willing to pay cash. I been taking roxy 30's and moraine and Lyrica please anyone u can contact me {edited for privacy} I would be so thankful
Where is decade alabama?
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