Doctors Who Prescribe Pain Medication In Michigan (Top voted first)
UpdatedLooking for a good doc who will prescribe pain meds in the Troy Michigan area as well as xanax pills to ease anxiety and not look at me as if I am a junkie? I have chronic back pain and need help! Anybody!
Looking for Dr around macomb couny michigan that prescribes pain meds like oxycodone n methadons for example I have legit pain with paperwork does anybody have one they can refer me to
Tom pain clinic of mi is very good.
It's impossible to get the answer you're looking for, because even if a patient of a certain doctor has similar circumstances and was prescribed the drugs you're looking for, that does not mean they will prescribe to you. Also, asking for a specific drug, especially drugs like Xanax and oxycodone, you throw up a red flag to any physician. You shouldn't seek out a certain drug- a legit patient just wants what works. If you've tried everything under the sun and KNOW what works, let them know, but do not drop names of any drug that you want or it's unlikely you'll get it.
AND.... in doing more research I found out that the physiatrists I was seeing is also a pain management doctor. I swear I don't take more than one pill a day lol. I am still wondering though about the percocet not working for more than 2 hours. Anyone have any thoughts on a medication that might be better? I certainly don't want to go with anything more than percocet, but it would be nice two have a pain medication that would last all day or was extended release...
Leaving from illinois today. My pain dr retired and I cant find one. Please help.
Looking for a doctor in Flint that will prescribe Oxycontin with a medical marijuana card. I have been on them for 12 years, for severe back pain. I've been through 2 back surgeries and my back keeps popping in and out. I get terrible low back pain that goes down my legs and the bottom of my feet feel numb.
I live in Michigan and I have tried several doctors who are afraid to manage my pain without giving me thirteen more meds to go with it. Needless to say I get sick to my stomoch and end up in hospital. Would this clinic really help me if I go there?
Asking for narcotics and anxiety meds by name is drug seeking behavior, and if you go to a doctor asking for Xanax and pain meds, it's unlikely you'll get them. No legit doctor would give these drugs out without a proven medical need, and if someone knows of a doctor who would give out these drugs to anyone who asked for them, that doctor would soon have his license yanked. No one can answer this question for you. If you have imaging proving the need for narcotics, a pain mgmt specialist will prescribe them.
I need to find a doctor who will prescribe pain meds in the mid Michigan area within 30 miles of Saginaw mi.I have all the paperwork legit. would appreciate any info on a doctor that is easy.I'm in a lot of pain thanks so much.
I go to the Pain Clinic of Michigan, too. They have 2 offices. One on 15 mile rd. And the other on Rochester Rd in Troy.
I'm wondering if the Pain Clinic in Sterling Heights is a good one. I have fibro and nueropathy and have just moved to this area. Is it a place where they will give you the run around?
I had lumbar back surgery about a month ago (level 1 fusion). After the surgery (which was done in another state), I got a script for 60 percocet, 10/325. I saw my PCP here for follow-up on the sutured areas, and he refilled the percocet (60 tabs). When he refilled the script he said that 60 more tabs should be more than enough (read: I'm not doing this again).
Prior to the surgery I saw a physiatrist, who gave me a script for norco 5/325 100 tabs. On a follow up visit I reported that the pain med wasn't helping, he upped the norco to 10/325, 100 tabs (which helped more with less pills).
With all that being said.....I still have maybe 20 tabs. I'm back to work and doing well 80% of the time. I take 1 pill at bedtime - otherwise I wake up in the middle of the night with pain. If it's been a rough day I take one during the day. I'm concerned that the meds will run out before I'm back to normal. Problems: I can't get script from surgeon (even norco) as he is out of state and they can't phone in a script for class 2 meds. PCP already poo poo'd it. This leaves physiatrist... They are aware I had the surgery, so I don't feel real comfy asking them. Is a physiatrist the same as pain management doctor? Considering the number of pills I've gotten in the last 4 months, I'm not sure I would even be able to fill another script. Anyone out there have any ideas or advice? I would appreciate any words of wisdom.
Hi there jlynn,
Did you mention how long you've been taking the narcotics? I read over your post a bit quicker than I should've probably.
Anyway, have you been taking the opioids very long? As in, how many years? I don't know about the state you live in but in Ohio and SC a "Pain Specialist" must have a specific license to prescribe narcotics all day long which is one of the treatments one would expect to see a pain specialist do. Among other things of course but you get my drift. I've never met a psychiatrist with the added specialty of pain management though it could exist I suppose. I ask how long you've been taking narcotic pain meds because it sounds like you have quite a tolerance built up and are worried about running out of medication.
May I suggest you begin tapering your doses down a bit each day in case that does happen?
Will your pcp refer you to pain management? Why are you hesitant to ask the psychiatrist for more Norco? Just because you've had surgery doesn't necessarily mean you're pain free after all. The Psychiatrist may be your best bet as far as helping you thru this next thirty days or so plus she could refer you to pain management as well. Best of luck to you! Please let me know how things work out!
I wasn't seeing a psychiatrist, I was seeing a PHYSIATRIST. A sports medicine doctor. I'm not sure if that's the same thing as pain management or not....? I injured my back July 2014 at the gym. I delayed seeing my PCP as I thought it was a pulled muscle. I was seeing a chiropractor and he ordered an MRI when we couldn't get past 90% improvement. I broke the facet joint - the "hinge" that hold the L5 in place. I wound up with my pcp referring me to the sports med Dr. That was December 2014. Surgery was March 17. So no, I haven't been taking meds for a long period of time (I listed in my post the specifics on the meds and how much I was taking). I hesitate to ask my physiatrist for meds as I haven't been in his care since the surgery. I feel weird asking for any meds.... I've worked for dentists for 20 years and have seen lots of people wanting pain meds. I'd like to think that taking 2 pills per day isn't too much...? I will say that the percocet only helps for 2 hours or so.... Maybe I am taking too much? All I want is to sleep thru the night pain and be able to have a good day at work??
Oh gosh. My bad! Had to look up "Physiatrist" for myself. I'm sorry your injury turned into something much more serious than a pulled muscle. In the description of Physiatrist I'm looking at on it states in the first line "Diagnose and treat pain". Then "restore maximum function lost thru injury, illness or disabling conditions". Plus several more services the specialty provides.
My experience is a thirty something year relationship with a condition called Interstitial Cystitis which is/can be a chronic inflammation of the bladder wall with lesions etc. Twenty three of the years under care of a Pain Specialist which in my experience has been an anesthesiologist with the additional expertise of pain management. Although there was a neurologist who joined the clinic I was most recently a patient of.
The last twenty five years I've also worked in a physicians office. In my case a large OBGYN practice. Like you I've heard about certain patients who get labeled as "drug seeking".
I'm not a Dr but could it be your injury isn't 100% repaired from the surgery? I can understand your feeling uncomfortable asking the Physiatrist or any Dr for meds but it does sound like you could use the opinion of a Pain Specialist.
Keep us posted. I hope you find relief and soon!!!
My advice would be to speak with your PCP and ask for a recommendation to see a pain doctor who specializes in pain management.
I have bone spurs, arthritis, and pinched nerves in my back. When i work for 2 or 3 hours my neck goes numb and a shooting pain goes from the center of my back through my neck. I live in Battle Creek, Michigan. Cant find a doctor who will prescribe narcotics which is the only thing that helps me. I've tried motrin, tramadol (Prescribed) and alieve none of that seems to work on me. Any suggestions on doctors, or pain clinics who might prescribe them Norco's, Percocet, Methadone? That all works on me. Thank You!!!!
Hi terry, so you are Very Happy with The Pain Clinic of Michigan? & is there one Doctor I should try scheduling with. ??? I've been seeing one at Sunrise in Troy for I broke my neck in 3 places few years ago & have a Spinal Cord Compression which causes my hands & feet to just burn constantly. I tried switching a good year ago but my case worker talked me out of it, so I stayed & then with other mistakes & I'm not getting relief, it's now time too look else where's??. Thank you Anyone out there!!!
I have chronic pain in my left arm with two surgeries and metal plates and 14 screws. I also have back pain from a previous injury and knee pain, they do xrays and say my back and knees are arthritis, my left arm constant pain, the pain from my back travels to my butt and i cant walk straight up in the morning. my dr was providing me with 45 500 norcos and i have been taking UA as requested without notice. I am on other scripts for thyroid, depression, anxiety, collestorol. They said my last ua was water, how can that be, they said no medication was in me, how can that be when i take my scripts religiously on a daily basis. now they will not fill my pain medication. i need a dr in saginaw who will fill my norcos as well as my others, i do see a physchiatrist for depression and anxiety any body have an idea
I too have extreme pain from major surgery which left me with large scar hernia which I can't get anybody to operate on. The pain is so bad! I'm a redhead and a friend recently told me about medical study's which are online that show that there is a gene that make us resistant to pain meds and have a need for higher dose than the average person, yet I can't find a doctor that believes it! I live in Oakland county can anybody help??? Please respond {edited for privacy}.
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