Doctors Who Prescribe Pain Medication In Michigan
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Looking for a good doc who will prescribe pain meds in the Troy Michigan area as well as xanax pills to ease anxiety and not look at me as if I am a junkie? I have chronic back pain and need help! Anybody!

38 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My sister-in-law lives in Lansing and gets Norco from a regular doctor and smokes cannabis.

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I'm looking for a doctor in Michigan that will help with my back pain. Most docs seem to be against pain meds... Anyone know who to see in my state? Would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance...

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I doubt very much I’ll receive an answer for my question. I’m looking for a doctor or pain specialist who will treat my chronic back pain with opiates (Norco preferably) in and around the Coldwater Michigan area or the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Michigan. Thank you. I have Disc Protrusion at c6-c7 pressing on spinal cord Central Disc Protrusion at t7-t8 pressing on my spinal cord and I have degenerative discs lumbar with sciatica pains. Had surgery on l4-l5. L3and S1 are now being affected. My doctor's office cannot treat chronic pain since January 2018. Thank you.

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Looking for a pain management Dr in my area in Michigan that accepts cash or meridian health coverage.

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Re: Heyyoo (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

There are people who need these drugs to function and telling people not to ask for what they want is asinine. It's not drug seeking behavior. You're basically telling people to play a game with a doc by not asking for something that works.

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My current doc is retiring and I need to find another one who will prescribe Norco. I've been on it for 9 years due to injury and removal of an 11 lb tumor. I'm in Lansing, Michigan so anywhere close by Eaton rapids, Charlotte mason areas are fine. Plz help.

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I have had 2 failed back surgeries L4-L5, a knee with a torn meniscus and arthritis. I have a painful hip due to the back surgeries. Where I am going now, they are under a magnifying glass, and every appointment they are reducing my meds. I am in Oakland county,(Pontiac area) would really like evening appointments or Saturday.

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Re: Steve (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

It’s a trip from Battle Creek but greenfield pain and neurology will help you Dearborn

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Looking for a doctor in Flint that will prescribe Oxycontin with a medical marijuana card. I have been on them for 12 years, for severe back pain. I've been through 2 back surgeries and my back keeps popping in and out. I get terrible low back pain that goes down my legs and the bottom of my feet feel numb.

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Re: Nicole (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever get the help you needed? I didn't see any suggestions so I wondered what happened because this was from 2016.

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Re: trace (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

No doctor is just going to write a script for a narcotic. They have to work around your diagnosis and prescribe all the other medications too. What did your retired doctor do?

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Looking for pain doctor in/around Troy, MI.

I've had 5 spine surgeries.

Fentanyl 100/mcg/hr. (every 48hr.) - Norco 7.5/325 (3x daily).

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Leaving from illinois today. My pain dr retired and I cant find one. Please help.

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I broke my neck 28 yrs ago, got through the hospital and the hall; was doing good for the next ten years. Then came arthritis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, hep, deg. disc disease. I started off at a pain clinic and finally when my thyroid almost stopped I got into a Dr at m.s.u who put me on thyroid meds, meds for gerd, and what gave me my life back. I was on a small dose of methadone 50 mg daily + lyrica 75 mg + .5 mg xanax for panic attacks. Also tried a tens unit for neck and back pain as needed. However he has moved out of state and I have been at a clinic where Doctors do their internship, which means every yr or so they move on. Each new one changes what works! I need a doctor for the long haul - one that cares. If you know of one in Michigan or are a good Doctor yourself, I need help. I'm 57 and have for the last ten years been the caregiver for both of my parents as they died, my brother and my four year old grandson. I'm a Christian woman who believes God made it possible for us to live without pain, so why are we? Thank you.

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I'm looking for a pain doctor that's going to write oxcodone 30 mg. I was already ready getting them.

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I was diagnosed with ms in 1986 and have had many courses of I've steroids. I have had 2 hip replacements 1 Liz frank fx with steel rods put in my foot I have had 3 compression fix in my back and have had 2 kyphoplasties no one wants to give me pain meds help

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I was hit by a drunk driver 40 miles per hour head on, November 7th 2016. My doctor writes 60 norcos 10/325 and it is not enough meds for the month, but she is a good smart doctor that's why I'm there still. Neck injury, knee injury, a lot of injuries. Looking for a good pain doctor. If you can help me please give me a call at {edited for privacy}.

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I was just informed that the office I have been going to since moving here from Ohio is closing due to shady practices. I am not a drug addict! I have lupus that I have been treating with norcos, high blood pressure and a host of supporting conditions. Now I have no meds pain or blood pressure. I am looking for a Dr in the Ypsilanti or Canton area. Can someone steer me in the right direction?

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I too have extreme pain from major surgery which left me with large scar hernia which I can't get anybody to operate on. The pain is so bad! I'm a redhead and a friend recently told me about medical study's which are online that show that there is a gene that make us resistant to pain meds and have a need for higher dose than the average person, yet I can't find a doctor that believes it! I live in Oakland county can anybody help??? Please respond {edited for privacy}.

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I have chronic pain in my left arm with two surgeries and metal plates and 14 screws. I also have back pain from a previous injury and knee pain, they do xrays and say my back and knees are arthritis, my left arm constant pain, the pain from my back travels to my butt and i cant walk straight up in the morning. my dr was providing me with 45 500 norcos and i have been taking UA as requested without notice. I am on other scripts for thyroid, depression, anxiety, collestorol. They said my last ua was water, how can that be, they said no medication was in me, how can that be when i take my scripts religiously on a daily basis. now they will not fill my pain medication. i need a dr in saginaw who will fill my norcos as well as my others, i do see a physchiatrist for depression and anxiety any body have an idea

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