Doctors Who Prescribe Pain Killers In Philadelphia (Page 12)



My current doctor has decided that it would be best to stop my monthly prescription for 30mg percocets. I have chronic back pain from skiing injuries and other sports related problems. I have never abused or taken more than was suggested. I never got "high" and was always able to work and interact with clients in a positive way. Now without the medication, the pain is becoming a distraction. Does anyone know a doctor who isn't scared to prescribe common pain killers. They are produced for a reason, but recent uptake in illegal abuse has made doctors uneasy with long term prescriptions? I live in the Philadelphia area (main line) but I am familiar with the greater Philadelphia metro area. Thank you and kind regards.

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South Philly can you email me the info. {edited for privacy}

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This will never change if we all don't do anything. We need to raise hell, call Congress call every Senator call the president. And Complain, B**** raise hell. Enough is Enough the DEA should not be making healthcare choices for anyone. In Jacksonville Florida you cannot Even get a Legal prescription filled. Just because of fear from the DEA. It's only going to get worse if we don't take a stand and make some calls send some emails. If enough people complain it will stop. We have got to fight.

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I agree! I've actually thought of doing done sort of petition. If you are real about doing something lets contact each other and think!

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I am disabled in extreme pain my doctor is retiring and I can't take the pain back both hips neck both hands and nerve damage Ican't walk some days my name is pete I need a little life back can someone help

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We cannot give each others emails on this site they will edit it out. But I'm with you man im mad as hell at the DEA. They have made people's life hell here in Jacksonville Florida. I don't even know if I'm going to find a pharmacy next month to fill my legal prescription. Just because of the fear the DEA has put the pharmacist in. It now is a epidemic, Disabled People living in chronic pain are suffering. The Disabled Have become causalities of the war on Drugs. We need to flood the phones of Congress and the white house, every day and don't give up. Keep calling and sending emails. Everyday over and over and over. Then maybe they will get the point. Stop the Suffering. If enough of us call every day something will change. If we do nothing it will only get worse.

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hi...please..if anyone knows a dr. that will prescribe pain meds, to someone who has permanent nerve damage..with the mri to prove it...pleasssee let me know.
thank you

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Read your testimonial about emailing you to get your old drs number. I am also new to philly and am in need of pain medicine. Would really appriciate your help.

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I am also in need of a docter in philly. I am new to the area.

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How much more of this crap are people going to take?? We have got to call and email every elected Congress person and Senator and governors. If we don't the DEA will only Make It Worse. I live in Jacksonville Florida and the Pharmacist are so fearful of the DEA I cannot get my legal prescription filled. This is coming to your state also. If we don't fight back Nothing will CHANGE. IF YOU DON'T WON'T THE DEA MAKING YOU HEALTHCARE CHOICES. WE HAVE GOT TO FIGHT BACK

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Thanks so much

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Wats doc name thx

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Does anyone have a doctors name they can give me? Any help would be great!! My email is {edited for privacy}

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Ive had chronic back pain fpr 8 years took every route but pain killers, injections, pt you name it. Finally had 2 lumbar fusions unsuccessful. Had a great PM Dr at Rothman took care of me was patient, great bedside manner and felt for my situation. I was prescribed 30mg oxycodone and 10mg valiums, never ever got a "high" and also didn't make my pain disappear but certainly helped. Because the DEA has these Drs so damn scared he told me it was time to find a new Dr his excuse was I need one who can better help me. His help was just fine he even prescribed fentanyl patches but I didnt feel they helped so asked him to take me off. I am not an abuser I have real pain issues, everything I've ever enjoyed doing is over for me. We need to take on the DEA I have proof out the ying yang of my chronic back pain issues and cannot find a Dr to help. All I hear is sorry our pain panel is closed, then why are you listed as a pain specialist I asked! Told them to take that off their website so people don't waste their time. Lets take on the DEA our rights have been taken away becausr of the jerks that abuse the system and that goes for some of these cash only Doctors! We need help and its our right, whats the first step? Lets get on it, time is ticking and I'm getting worse by the minute!

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I'm in a similar situation. Read my past posts. I want to some how exercise our rights against the DEA. They do not see the titanium in my neck or your back or the scars from the surgical tools.

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I think Most people with chronic Pain are finding it harder to get the pain medication They need. The only way it's going to change is calling the president and your governor and Senators and Congress men or lady. The DEA is Under the DOJ and they get their orders from Obama. I live in north Florida, ground Zero for the DEA's War on drugs. They are treating pharmacies & and pharmacist like Drug dealers. It's so bad here in Florida you cannot get a legal script filled. Just from the fear of the DEA. It has become a epidemic, disabled people are suffering. I went to my doctor today and could not believe my doctor gave me a Affidavit with my prescriptions. Maybe this will help the problem, maybe the pharmacist won't be so scared to fill my prescriptions. But I can promise you if we don't start making some calls and sending some emails and letters to every elected person. It will get worse. THE DEA SHOULD NOT BE MAKING HEALTHCARE CHOICES FOR NOBODY!! AND THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW. JOIN ME IN MAKING SOME COMPLAINTS.

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I am all about joining you to make complaints. I was actually thinking about moving to Florida because of my Injury. My wife said the warm weather would be good for me. But not being able to find a doctor or pharmacy to give me what I've been on scares me.

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What part of Florida. North Florida is were i live and i can help you find a good doctor that with treat you good,tor is in Jacksonville. If you already have your medical Records He will give you something for your pain on your first vist.if not he will send you for some test and then he will have come back and give you something then. I already had my MRI And gives me methadone and oxycodone 30 mg for breakthrough pain and a few other things. I've been under his care for 8 years now. This month i had no problem getting my medication. If you won't to check him out let me know and i will give you his name somehow. Maybe on some other page or website. The problem I was having getting them filled was almost everyone going their started going to the same place I was target pharmacy. It's about a half mile down the rode. So i went to CVS. And didn't have any problem getting all 5 scripts filled. Let me know he's a good doctor been practicing medicine, for. Over 25 years

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I live in Maryland and in the last 10 years the DEA has threatened our pain management doctors in to closing their practice and if the doctors don't they are arrested and taken to jail. I have lost 5 doctors who lost their license, their lively hood, moved out of state working for minimal jobs and never going back to their specialty of pain mgmt. I am fortunate to have a great pain doc now but I worry each day that he will be next to lose his license.
I do take alot of meds but they give me a functional life to do things I won't be able to do without my meds. I help run a online support group for people who had failed spinal fusion's for over 10 years that's very rewarding to me. Bottom line is if we chronic pain people don't unite very soon none of us won't have any doctors to medicate us. Each year we lose too many doctors who followed the laws and rules of the DEA but without our support they don't have a chance to fight back plus to detain a lawyer costs thousands of dollars they are unable to afford a good lawyer.
So please start writing, calling and emailing our state representatives, mayor and our congressional reps. Write your stories to newspapers, TV, and local media!
It's time to fight for our rights and to help our doctors who have lost everything to give us a functional life so we don't have to rely on state benefits that gives you such hardship to receive less then $500 to live on!

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Tampa Bay Area I think. Is that close? I have surgical records, MRI and also permanent disability records..

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