Doctors Who Prescribe Oxycontin In Oklahoma (Page 10)
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I have been in Pain management since 2004 in California and just Moved out there to muskogee Oklahoma... unfortunately there are NO doctors here willing to treat my pain i was on a regiment of 80mg Oxycontin 2X daily 10/325mg Norcos every 4 hours and 4mg IV dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain... i am in search of a doctor out this way who is actualluy willing to perscribe these meds... thanks

220 Replies (11 Pages)

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You can go to the wellness clinic of Roland Oklahahoma. you will need a copy of your medical records and most recent MRI and xrays. Its $95 a month but the first visit is about double that. Dr Myers who is one of the doctors there and he is president of the pain management association of America. They are a great staff of people committed to the relief of chronic pain.

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Could I have your e-mail as well please. I'm very private but will explain more via email.

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Pain management in ok. Hi I was needing a dr that prescribes oxcycodone for chronic pain. Your email address was blurred out. Thx in advance for your help.

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I'm looking for a dr to continue to prescribe my oxcycodone 30mg and xanax ..I had a lumbar fusion and two shoulder rotator cuff repairs abd need kneck surgeey due to a piched nerve associated with digenerative disk disease. I'm miserable. Oxcycodone is the only successfull pain med that has worked on me. I have akso suffered from major anxiety for 18 years now..xanax is the only med that has helped me with my anxiety.any help would be greatly appreciated!. Thx in advance

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Hey Pollyle, you should try Dr. Terry Gile. Im in same situation and I used to see him 10 years ago til he went into public practice. Now hes back in PM and I am sending med records so I ca make appt. I like him and he will prescibe , or at least did years ago.

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Please send me the name of your pain management dr., Im ready 2 just give up, i cant take my life falling apart because im in to much pain 2 do what i should or need to. i actually can manage my pain with 2 at the most 3 lortab 10s a day. i dont need all the stronger stuff.

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I need pain management doc in okc for opana and hydrocodone. Not Dr. Jenkins

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i am looking for dr on OK that will prescribe pain meds..loratb or oxy. Can you give any info? thnx.

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Need pain meds for arthritis and also had carpal tunnle surgery in both hands, did no good on right arm but left is ok. Pain is all over elbow and shoulder, my arthritis pain is both legs all the way to my feet and now have a bakers cyst behind right knee, I really need relief and can anyone help? Thank you.

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And of you looking for a dr in Oklahoma for oxy email me {edited for privacy}

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came across your correspondence about a pain med doctor in oklahoma, i am looking for one as well and was wondering if you could help. I am new to this area. I don't have the money to spend going from dr to dr and just want to find a dr that will prescribe me my nedication, i do have records and documentation stating my injuries. Thanks for any help.

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{edited for privacy}. I really need the name of a good pain management doc here in Ok....I love in Enid. Thank you...I hope you see this and may you be blessed peace&love, Beth<3

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Hi Lindy, I just seen your post. I know it's been awhile but I'm hoping you see this. I'm not the Beth that posted a few posts down....Lol just the same name! I live in Enid and looking for a Doctor for my husband he is in horrible pain 24/7 ...I am disabled and on workman comp. Can you share with me details about this Doctor...does he do pain management? Thank you so much I pray you see this... cause I know I can't call and ask because they alway say NO we don't and we can't Doctor shop either, it lol bad on us!! God Bless..Peace&Love <3 oh and willing to :)

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Can you give me information too? I have been under a doctor's care for about 4 years. He recently retired and I know what medications work for me, but not sure which doctors prescribe the medication I need. I'm 47 years old, had an accident 4 years ago. Any help would be appreciated.

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What does the psychiatrist in Tulsa charge per visit first and continuing?
Does he require medical records?

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Okay thanks. What are his prices and he will write what I need for pain and anxiety etc? Do I need med records?

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He is a psychiatrist. He deals w pain management? Or prescribes oxy. For what?

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Dr. Hazeem Sokkar, Tulsa

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Pain doctors I recently moved here and have many records showin my need for MS Contin and percs for break threw bit no luck on doctors. I have been to 4 already and they act like your some drug addict even though you have all your recorded as I understand you might be able to help me get directed to a pain doc?

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