Doctors Prescribing Oxycodone In Minneapolis Mn (Top voted first)
UpdatedPlease help, I have severe chronic pain due to fibro and my doctor was prescribing me oxy 30 mg and dillaudid 8 mg and I was feeling good now my doctor left on medical leave and now I can't find a doctor to take over writing my scripts in Minneapolis, MN. Does anyone know any doctors in Minneapolis that write these scripts? please help. Thanks.
15 Replies
I can offer a suggestion or two but they are not going to get you the meds your currently on (you've probably found someone by now....mpls is a small market).
Solution 1. Pain Relief will get oxy but not dialadid. I think 1 doc just lost his privelages so they might b tightening belt.....they just want the $$$
Solution 2. Dr Alfonso Morales. He's in st paul. He actually cares but is starting 2 worry about $$ a little more. You will have to jump through more hoops then solution #1. You will get lower doses but you can get both ER and IR tabs.
You probably know all of this if you played the game long enough. I am looking for a new doc possibly. If you can share any info on docs w/me that would b great. {edited for privacy}. thank you.
MN does not put any limits on who can prescribe pain medication long term as long as they are a MD OR DO.
Uptown healing clinic in Minneapolis or advanced spine and pain in west at Paul would be your best places don't know if they will give those same medications but they will do there best I moved here for. Another state and was getting oxcycodone 15mg 150 a month plus Valium and soma and I had doc from other state fax all my info over and they put me on the same thing. I go to uptown healing clinic. They are very nice. They don't judge but they do follow the rules. You take U/A's every visit and they do check the Minnesota narcotic monatering every time u go to make sure there is no doctor shopping, but they very liberal with writing the medications. Just google uptown healing clinic in Minneapolis. Hope this helps.
Well, the problem may be if you're asking doctor's to take over writing the prescriptions. That's going to be seen as drug seeking behavior.
What you need to do is establish a relationship with a new doctor and proceed from there, making sure that they get a full copy of your most current medical records.
And due to the new regulations that have been put in place, if you require these medications for long-term treatment of chronic pain, your best bet is to see a pain management specialist.
You can learn more Oxycodone details here and you can learn more Dilaudid details here.
Can anyone suggest a good doctor in the area?
Your doctor, under law, is required to have another doctor cover in his/her absence. You should find out who is covering for your regular doctor and contact that physician. The covering doc will have access to your medical records and your prescription history. Of course, there's no guarantee that the covering doctor will agree to continue to prescribe the medications that your regular doctor does, but it's your best bet. The covering doctor may feel that your intake of opiates is excessive.
There aren't many issues or cases of people seeking or being prescribed these strongggg narcotic medicines. I truely feel for those who are in physical agony (and by that i mean, most days you cant even stand). If you can stand, you can work. I've seen so many people on disability, getting checks for doing nothing every month, and are making thousands selling their prescriptions. I've never seen somebody be prescribed an opiate and take it as directed. ever.
They'll get a bottle of 60 methadone, 60 alprazolam, and 120 garapentin...and on top of free government checks, 2 grand a month. all 100% profit.
...It's amazing to me how theyve landed such a deal. They were in a bad accident 3 years ago, and once needed it, but not for 2 years. and the doc just keeps on writing those checks. I see these adults with adderall? what the hell? comon. they just abuse and sell it. make hundreds. for a 3 dollar co-pay.
To all of you who are suffering of a mental "disability," and are depressed all the time....i have the solution. Get a job. really. it makes you feel so much better.
If I have to hear another perfectly able-bodied person tell me how disabled they are, while cleaning up on government money...I'll flip. YET again, the losers are ruining something that can truley bring relief to those who really need it.
Somehow our ancestors managed just fine without drugs. depressed? go get some exercise. anxiety? exercise. sure, pills are easy, but they eat you from the inside out.
We must fight. I don't want to look back on my life one day and see myself just curling up in a ball. Read Winston Churchill's speech right before the 1st big german offensive on Britain. It'll inspire.
Twin Cities Pain Clinic in Maple Grove will be the best place for pain management. The doctors are willing to prescribe high doses and quantities as long as their is a legitimate reason. Do not doctor shop or miss pill count or forget your pain pills at your visit. They will red flag you and kick you out...
I want to know too. Please send a message back.
Re: Yeshua (# 5)
Sure, there people who abuse the system; show me a bureaucracy in which there are no proven cases of abuse and I will show you a bureaucrat in that system who is either illiterate or who has spent so much time figuring out how to beat the system that you would scarcely hire that person to be a dog-catcher (no offense to dog catchers intended; they are most certainly a necessary element in a society which refuses to take responsibility for any and all creature with whom we have been blessed).
That being said, there needs to be more research on behalf of those members of society whose pain is so severe that before they even attempt to leave their beds, struggle with their desire to be somewhat freer of pain that eventually and sadly they lose their desire to live, at which point the question becomes "Is this person in danger of committing suicide?" To: "When will this person commit suicide?" There is something profoundly wrong in a society which pours millions of dollars into researching male pattern baldness and erectile dysfunction among unhealthy 80 and 90 yr. olds, both being male driven maladies and barely "tips" those researchers who both believe in the importance of researching the manners in which pain is addressed, despite the fact that, specifically chronic pain destroys the lives of infinitely more women than men.
Re: Truck55 (# 6)
What dr at uptown clinics are good for the opioid management
How about walk ins? With back injury? Hcmc? Where can you find oxycodone in blaine, slp, coon rapids
Thank-you, one and all, for taking the time to answer my question(s)
Re: Jim (# 11)
I don't think you will find a walk in clinic. A lot of clinics won't even give you any on the 1st visit.
Re: 504 (# 7)
Is this clinic still in business as of December 26 2017?
Re: Tina (# 8)
I am looking for a Dr in Minneapolis Who prescribed oxycodone ? If somebody knows of one please I need one ASAP, All The pain management clinics have a very long waiting list . Thank you and God bless you .
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