Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 38) (Top voted first)


I need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.

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If anyone helps u out plz share the info.

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I no longer have a doctor because he passed away around Thanksgiving and I need to find another doctor or clinic.

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@ Karma what is the pain management Dr's name/practice you said that had offices in new castle, hermitage, and Pittsburgh I believe was the 3rd place you listed as well in a former post. I'm looking around for a pain management dr or clinic and really need to find someone so if you could let me know I'd really appreciate it, thank you!

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I'm having the same problem. 4 surgeries, just moved here and been on 30 mg for 6 years. We tried everything. It works. I live a normal life here on them. If you know anyone who writes them pls let me know thx {edited for privacy}.

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Hello. Saw this when I was looking for a dr. I live in pa. Down near lancaster. I have scoliosis, disk degen, n siatica to the point i cant even walk. My pcp dropped me after 6 years. He never gave a reason. Did all the U/A's like he wanted to make sure i was taking them. Alot of pcp are affraid. I have mri's and everything. A name of the doctor would be greatful. Thank you.

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Do you go to a pain mngmt doc near Scranton ? If so would love to talk. Been living with pain for nearly 9 years and haven't received much help as far as doctors.

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I have the same issue. Scoliosis, Bulging Discs, Sciatica, Arthtritis etc. Honestly haven't been back to a doctor in nearly 2 years out of frustration with my PCP. looking for a new PCP who will help me or a pain management office. I'm near Scranton. If anyone has any ideas and can share I would truly appreciate it.

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Have you had any luck? Looking myself

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How far is it, from Cincinnati, The pain doctor please, I had a bad urine after my surgery So I have been going to a methadone clinic $15 a day and having to drive there everyday I need to find a doctor to go to once or twice a month at least If you can help me out I appreciate it

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Have you ever tried subutex, I think this is for if you are addicted but I'm telling you what it really helps for the pain I've been on percocet for over 20 years And 2 + 6 - 10 pills a day And I only had to do one of them a day the first day that I tried it, Now I'm trying to find a doctor that will prescribe them to me From Cincinnati

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Do you have a # for this Dr. ,always in pain, R.A. , back surgery.

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i live iin NEPA
prob take all at one time i have bad back

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I was in pain management for over 10 years and the doctor retired. Now in Ohio with this new law I can not find a doctor who will subscribe oxycotone 30mg and oxycotin 80mg which I was taking for this period of time. Why is it when a drug helps they don't want you to have it. Now I am on oxymorphene and I can't stand it. It makes me so miserable. Dry mouth etc. I am looking for a new doctor in the Hermitage, Sharon PA area. Can anyone help thanks.

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Who is the doctor that will prescribe pain killers? I was on opana for over a year. I got cut off and now nothing and am in a lot of pain. Can u email me {edited for privacy}

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My pain dr died thanksgiveing to assuming we had same wonderful doctor. Have u found anyone if so please tell me im hurting daily

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Is there any good non judgemental pain drs near hermitage pgh area that will take my records and see me from facts. I been in pain management since 2004 and my dr passed away please someone help me with a good dr.

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Hi Bridget, I'm in NE Ohio, basically on the PA/OH border. The only Dr I've heard anything about is at the Pain Clinic located in or affiliated with the hospital in New Castle, PA. Sorry, I don't remember the Dr's name! I'll check a couple things and get back here tonight. Meantime, can your PCP cover you until you can see a specialist?

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I think you may be thinking of dr Wrightson he is new castle and has three different offices. That is who I use to go to and am currently looking for pain management and have been suffering

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Who was your PCP? That's exactly the medication regimen that I am in need of right now! I got dropped by my PCP and my Pain Mgt Doctor in the same week. I wanna cry!!!

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Re: Loulou (# 733) Expand Referenced Message

But you know what, karma is something else.Every dog has its day.

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