Doctors In Pa That Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 36)


I need a doctor in the pgh area. I have had 11 back surgeries, chronic pain and anxiety. My pcp gave me a month to find one... Please help.

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Re: antman (# 700) Expand Referenced Message

The scranton office was closed since Monday and just reopened today. It was raided Monday along with all the others and the saint is still in custody. A friend of mine still goes there and she got her script of 30s today but she went to 14 different pharmacies and no one around here will fill them ... said they are only filling scripts for suboxone but no pain meds. And that’s just rediculous to me. Naturally I’m not a patient there anymore but I wish u the best of luck, now you see how I felt a few weeks ago and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Let us know what happens.

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Re: Nikki (# 701) Expand Referenced Message

U are the lucky one being out of there. My brother paid 110 dollars for 2 weeks worth of medicine. He usually gets 4 times the 30 mg and they all of a sudden said his levels were low this time and last time there is a female in the room now to protect the doctor and he's cutting people either completely off their meds by discharging them, as 21 people were discharged friday... Most voluntarily are asking for the letter....Wg can no longer write the big 30......They yell it out every morning, then 3 hour intervals after that....Continuously letting us all know that basically 50-60 percent of all of our meds will be taken away... I'm asking to go to the one u guys go to but it isn't any better if dr spores doesn't like u.....Then he'll say whatever to let u go, so its no better there. Carmen is very lucky he likes her... He's moody and opinionated, mr gram cracker with smores....Mr pores...Lol...But wg is a zoo and the patients play the part. It's time to find a new place - our run is over....I speak for myself...

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Re: Nikki (# 701) Expand Referenced Message

My brother was dropped to 21 fifteens....told to return in 4-7 days and theyll try to fix it but reassured him he may never have his 30s back....THIS IS NUTS. HIS LEVELS WERE NEVER AN ISSUE BEFORE which scares me sensless. Nikki's right, they are lying. Patients will pay over and over again because they need that medicine.....its not my fault or nikkis fault or carmens fault...that u allowed baby faced 21 year olds up to baby faced 26 year olds to get the heavy doses.

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Re: bridgepanter (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I live in PA and if you're willing to name the practice it would help me greatly. I do have the documentation to prove my issues. If you don't want to put your doc's name or practice name out there I understand. I'm just glad someone is escaping this nonsense. I thought I was going to be fine cuz I have been taking the same meds for over 15 years and am now over 50. Well if someone tells you that your immune to this conspiracy don't believe them.

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Peanutsmom07 (# 703) --

You are talking to somebody who posted almost 6 years ago. Find a better way to find out where to get the good stuff.

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Re: antman (# 705) Expand Referenced Message

Oh wow, I'm having such a stressful day that I didnt even notice that. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I think I need to take a break from doing anything with the computer for the rest of the day. Thanks again:)

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hey carmen....hey nikki....we were all talking chronic pain and meds as soon as something bad happens nobody wants to talk......we all have options in life if the well runs dry on pain meds mainly oxycodone there is other options....a doctor once told me youll always get what u need from somebody or another and he was right since 2013 ive had 2 good pain doctors seperate facilitys of course....but nobody is saying much of anything on this forum and two of you are patients just like me....5-6-7-8 days are oing by i need updates from u guys your 117 miles away but still your all part of facility is slicing every single person is your facility doing anything like that 20 plus people getting discharged a day...!!!! 121 so far the manager told me!!! hows your facility!!!! I need u chronic pain warriors to step up times are ruff lets stick together with ideas!!!

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Re: antman (# 707) Expand Referenced Message

Hey antman. I've had some bad luck recently, that's why I haven't been on here. I wrecked my car last week n there was n issue with my airbag I never got fixed so when I hit the wall mine didn't work..... I chose not to rear end the car in front of me cause I saw a baby on board plaquered so I thought I would be able to stop b4 I hit the wall but I didn't. I went thru it n over it.... So I f***ed up my sternum and broke a few ribs on my front left side plus a few in my back on the left side... N didn't go to the hospital.... But I think I might go tomorrow because something else is deff wrong besides my ribs.... In some of my other accidents I've broken like 10 ribs in one shot front n back on both sides n this pain is way worse..... I go friday but I haven't seen anyone getting cut or kicked out so I guess on friday I will find out... Even if they start doing that I dont think he will cut me or discharge me cause he knows that I am not afraid to stand up for myself and all my issues are documented.... So ill update u friday. Sorry bout ur issues.

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Re: antman (# 707) Expand Referenced Message

I am not a patient there anymore, remember, they discharged me. So i really couldn’t tell you what they are doing at this facility since the good old raid, and frankly i don’t care. What they did to me was downright wrong, i miss the saint, but the rest of the practice ive had it with. I’m bitter and miserable, they straight up f’d me. I’ve had no luck finding a doc, that will write for narcotics at least, and my pain is almost unbearable at times. When the pain creeps in and is not being treated, so does my depression, there are some ok days but most days i just want to sleep my life, and sleep this bad dream away. I still don’t understand how any practice can discharge a patient under pure lies or suspicion of selling meds. It’s not like i ever got arrested or anything like that, and if i was selling my meds then how is it that they were always in my system. That’s going to be on file for the rest of my life now. It’s just wrong, it’s terrible, sick, and yeah, that’s where i am currently at, and it’s not a good place. I need you to pray for me.

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Re: Nikki (# 709) Expand Referenced Message

One good thing nikki is your discharge letter should not say that....because that was never proven...the patients who leave the practice in wg whether their fault or not....the discharge letter says nothing bad. It will not be with u the rest of your life. The saint made it so that if anybody calls its just....the person isn't a patient anymore. The saint doesn't want anybody without a pain doctor and if he wasn't in jail, dr jerk would be getting yelled at and you'd be getting your meds. The saint's rules always were to help the patients & say very little upon discharge if they inquire of a patient, no blackballing... The more the merrier when it comes to money...he did remind me of jesus....and they did throw jesus in jail for helping people.

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Re: antman (# 710) Expand Referenced Message

Hey antman hey Nikki. So i had my appoiment today and the only thing that changed was the price of a first visit n the price for the regular visits it's 170 now for a first visit n 90 for a regular appoiment.. and im usually there early for my appoiment n I didn't notice n e thing different bout people being cut or kicked out.. So i guess for now everything is normsl... hope this update helped..

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Re: antman (# 710) Expand Referenced Message

It should not say that you’re right Antman....except it does. When i say what they did to me was wrong I mean that wholeheartedly. My discharge paper states that “patient was selling their medication and was not following the proper treatment plan”. I told them I refused to sign it because it was untrue and they told me if I did not sign it they would not give me my last 2 weeks script for my meds. So like any person in pain, I signed it because I figured hey they are kicking me out so be it but at least they are giving me one last script. Pretty messed up to say the least huh!? what do I do? Suffer! Because that’s how I’m feeling at the moment.

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Re: Nikki (# 712) Expand Referenced Message

I am so so sorry to hear what they did to you. For them to put on your discharge papers that you were caught selling your medication and did not comply is absolutely outrageous. I don't understand why they are trying to mess with you getting another pain management doctor and putting that on your discharge papers, there is absolutely no reason for that. And any other case I would not suggest this but this case is different. I feel like you should seek out a lawyer because they have absolutely no proof that you were selling your medication and therefore this sounds to me like it is illegal. The only reason I'm telling you this is because I used to be a paralegal but I'm retired now and being unable to prove or have any proof that you were selling your medication, this is a complete fabrication and they are hereby preventing you from getting any further treatment because no pain management office is going to take you if they feel you were caught stealing your medication. Your former doctor would have to show proof that you were selling this in order for them to put this on your discharge papers. I am so so sorry that they did this and I really wish you were in the predicament you were in and didn't have to sign the papers but I wholeheartedly understand why you did because you needed to get your medication. As someone who's in the same situation as everybody in here, I would have done the same thing. Sweetheart, I am so so sorry for your trouble and so sorry for the pain you're in. If you do want to take the legal route please write me something on here and I can get you a good medical malpractice doctor because I worked with a lot of the big guys in Philadelphia and still have a lot of contacts here. I wish everybody on here the best of luck and hope everyone can get a new doctor and get the help that we also desperately need. My best to you sweetheart.

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Re: Nikki (# 712) Expand Referenced Message

That really sucks. Obv that place isn’t run incredibly well. I’m in the same boat as in I’m also trying to think of a doc I can go to. My current one just isn’t cutting it and their office is absolutely terrible.

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Listen, if they truly believed u were selling your meds they would've never given u 2 weeks. That doctor is taking such a horrible advantage of the saint being away... My opinion stands - the girls up at the front desk had it out for u... How far are u from another practice of his?

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Nikki if u didnt find a place u can go to another location or fight to get back in...people have done it....i know it for a fact especially when its lies...the saint always covered his tracks. if he believed u did it nikki he would discharge you...he knew u were innocent. why haven't u voiced yourself to a different practice? the saints wife is a nice just telling u not to go down that easy.

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Re: antman (# 715) Expand Referenced Message

How’s do i fight to get back in? What would you suggest doing? How do i get ahold of the saints wife? I have had no luck finding a doctor i am so sad and miserable. Any docs that will take cash bc i do not have good insurance only state. And i want to get a lawyer bc i feel i have a good case but i do not have the money for a lawyer. So now what?

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antman --

Good stuff, dude. Nice that someone would stick up for the issue.

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Re: antman (# 715) Expand Referenced Message

I am willing to go to another practice of his. I can travel, except on my discharge papers it says I can no longer be seen at any of his facilities. So now what? Those girls up front are something else...I always brought them lunch, coffee, etc...and she said they get calls everyday that I sell my meds out of their parking lot. Bulls***. So I go all the way to the pharmacy 30 minutes away to get my script filled and come back to your specific parking lot to sell my meds!!!? Like how stupid does that sound!! She says “oh maybe someone has it out for you were they are calling...I said nobody even knows what practice I go to so that’s bulls***” never happened. Discrimination. I would love to go the legal route but I don’t have money upfront for a lawyer...I mean at this point what else can I do?! I have suffered so much these past few weeks over here...just miserable and in so much pain...i am so distraught over this whole thing that my pain is getting worse by the day....HELP!

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Go to a different one and join....tell your story....say the saint didn't want u gone.

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