Doctors In New York Or New Jersey That Prescribe Roxicodone 30mg (Page 4) (Top voted first)


hello so heres my question i am looking for a new pain management doctor in either the 5 borrows or in new jersey that prescribe roxycodone/oxycodone 30mg i currently have a doctor in staten island who was prescribing me 45 roxys bi weekly then uped me to 60 30mg roxys bi weekly now he has me coming in every week and lowered me to 20mg oxycodone 30 a week i told him this is not enough for me but he dosent listen to anything anybody says also i have a job and work 5 days a week he wants me to come in every friday but i cant because of work but when i tell him i cant come in every week because i have work let me come on a day i have off im going to loose my job he ignores me and just says its ok just come next week like im just some jerk off i also told him the 20s are not enough its not working im still in pain again he ignores me and says its ok just come in next week this guy does care he wants me to come in every week cause hes banking my insurance out with these weekly visits i never heard of any doctors prescibing this medication weekly or bi weekly almost every doctor does monthly visits... so what i need is a new doctor that is willing to prescribe me 30mg roxys and thats not going to judge me or just try to give me some other type of medication because i litterley have tryed every pain meds known to man and this is the only thing that acually works. i was in a bad car accident in 2008 and i have a slipped disk 3 buldging disks and a herniated disk in my lower back and with my job im on my feet all day long so my pain has got so much worse since then i cant stand longer then 2 hours at a time because mt whole back just starts locking up and the pain is there for hours even when i take my meds it takes a while to go away it sucks.. so another problem of me finding a new doc is because i am only 22 and most doctors are not willing to prescribe someone my age this medication so i need a doctor that will give me what i need without judgement and without trying to give me non narcotic pain meds or very low dose pain meds because there not going to workand i dont even want to waste my time and my insurances money. i am willing to travel to any of the 5 borrows, long island and even jersey as long as i can get a monthly script ill even do bi weekly but i cant do this with my current doctor i have an appointment friday and i dont feel like loosing a half day of work for 30 20mg oxys thats going to be finished in 3 days its not even worth it anymore i tryed talking to my doctor but dont listen to s*** that i say and it gets me really annoyed so please if anybody can help me with a new doc you dont know how much that would help thank you very very much any answers are greatly appreciated..thanks

616 Replies (31 Pages)

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Dr Albana in Holmdel made his millions and no longer writes. He hooked my wife on xanax And oxy's then took her off xanax and last fall he stop writing oxy. He is a D;:$ and wAs a cash drug dealer. Hope they get him on tax evasion. Toom her $300 cash one month and knocked her from 30's to 7.5

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Hi. I also live in Queens and am having a problem finding any dr to prescribe at all anymore. I have numerous bulging discs, 5 pinched nerves. Spinal stinosis. Seems all dr's around here are opening physical therapy offices and are no longer prescribing. I've been to like 10 dr's and either left with nothing or only given shots which for me makes it more painful. Shame had a great dr who left Queens. Used to get Fentinol 100mcg every 2 days patch and 4 10mg perks. Anyone know of a dr still prescribing?

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Hey Valerie.. My previous post about Dr Allen Weinstein was to help you out so I hope you saw the post. I just saw him on this past Thursday and I know for a fact that he is taking new patients. I pay cash because he doesn't take my insurance but he is worth every penny. Dr Weinstein is old school so not only does he write scripts to keep his patients very comfortable, he takes his time during every appointment to see where you are at with your level of pain so that he can adjust the amount of your current medication and add something else if need be. I know you said you were trying to find a Dr in Monmouth Co. but he is right across the border of Marlboro and Old Bridge.

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Yea..pain management.. He is a primary as well.. He has been my pain management Dr for 4 yrs.. I promise you he will help. He only does medication management..That's it..

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As most of us know who depend on narcotics to lesson our pain from assorted accidents and illnesses... Many ... If not a majority of our doctors are no longer willing to write prescriptions for pain medications that allow us to live life to it's fullest or anywhere even close! Our government has scared the dickens out of our doctors, by prosecuting good and bad doctors a-like! In retrospect, it is not hard to see that we had a major problem with doctors writing prescriptions for people that did not need these medications and who would then go and sell those same medications which many times were paid for by our government who of course was able to pay for them from the taxes they collected off of hard working people! It became apparent that this was what was happening when people were dying that had never received a prescription for these medications!

Our government prosecutes both good and bad doctors however! There are no other medications that our government treat like they do pain medications in that the government has put a number on the strength of pain medications .... or the equivalent in which our doctors can write! It also appears that pharmacists are also written into this cruel game on those who depend on these narcotics; as quite often you hear of people being unable to fill their prescription all of a sudden or they are no longer able to fill their medication for the amount that the doctor has written. They are forced to fill their prescription for less then the number that the prescription specifies or not fill the prescription that is written for more at all! They prosecute doctors who write prescriptions for pain medication in excess of what our government feels we need!

I am a 58 year old female who a few years ago could take 30 mg. of oxycodone 3 or 4 times a day for break thru pain! I am now able to take 5 mg. no more than twice a day!

Anyone who takes medications for pain can imagine the consequences this change has had on me! I wear a fentanyl patch that keeps me fairly comfortable so long as I do not do anything! So, my life is basically spent in bed now. I have the ability to walk but it takes no more than about 20 or 30 minutes on my feet and I need something more for the pain! Because of the broken screws in my cervical spine, the same is true for sitting!

I have multiple problems, from degenerative disc disease to osteopenia which makes any more surgeries on me very unlikely since I have not been able to find a neurosurgeon who is willing to try and help me anymore with surgery!

I have broken screws in my cervical spine from hardware failure which again I was unable to find a doctor to remove the screws or hardware even before I was diagnosed with osteopenia because the risk of leaving me a quadriplegic I was told was too great.

I retired from my job as a flight attendant many years ago; because I could not take narcotics and do that type of work at the same time. However until the government started rationing pain medications... I felt that I still had a lot to live for!

Even before the government got involved with my pain management I had to balance my activity with pain medication because if you don't you will just continue to need more and more medication!

No one can understand my rant better than someone who suffers from Pain and has done so for a long time!

I'm alive today because I am praying for change... I have gained too many pounds from inactivity and probably depression as well and find myself losing hope!

I actually started to write this in response to the gentleman who was looking for a doctor that would write his oxycodone on a monthly basis... however it appears that my frustration got the best of me and I never got that far!

So here it goes... it is apparent that this Dr. is taking advantage of the situation by bringing someone into his office on a weekly basis and doing the same exact thing every single week! It appears he is also lowering this gentleman's dose from 30 milligrams to 20 milligrams because he is probably uncomfortable about writing this dosage for this long for someone this young and I would not be surprised to hear that this doctor or any other would reduce the dose again!

I am usually very supportive when I hear about someone's medication being cut out of the blue, however I am unsure how I feel about someone taking these medications so they can stay on there feet for 8 hours; especially someone this young!

Why does this young man not look for a different type of job, one that is not so dependent on him staying on his feet all day! It may be that these medications allow him to do this now but there will come a time that they will not!

It seems if he is not able to stay on his feet at this point in his life at 22 years old that his best bet would be to further his education or something else so that he is not tethered to these medications for the rest of his life!

I did say that I have been on these medications for a long time! I took every step that I could however before I gave up the battle and agreed that these medications were my best option! That included surgery which failed me; when I failed to get better after surgery; they found the screws which were placed in my neck that was supposed to make me better had broken causing me more pain than before the surgery!

Before agreeing to do surgery I tried a vast number of things in hopes something besides surgery would help me! That included traction, physical therapy, deep tissue massage, chiropractic care and acupuncture as well as rest; all of which failed me! I finally agree to do surgery 2 years later!

After finding I had these broken screws which left me worse off than ever, I had a morphine pump implanted because I needed so much medication to relieve my pain and even then I suffered more pain than I could stand which led to me to have a morphine pump implanted a couple of years later! I used the pump for 7 years and believe It would have been a great alternative except they could not figure out what was causing what they call granulomas which led to many people being paralyzed as well as deaths! If it were not for these complications I would have had another pump implanted when my battery died on my 7 year old morphine pump!

Initially it seemed like a great devise until the consequences became fully known! You see I was able to steer cleat from all medications except for a lortab on occasion except of course the very small amount of morphine which went in my pump! However, after 7 years when my battery died they had still failed to figure out what was causing these granulomas which were paralyzing people and sometimes causing death! Because of this I decided I needed to re-evaluate the pump! My thought was if something were to go wrong and I ended up with a granuloma I could very well end up a complete quadriplegic if not dead! So, I went back to the oral medications that I had taken and depended on before the pump ... Including the inj's. in my spine approximately every 3 months!

Getting these medications however have been a real challenge that has left me frustrated, depressed and in bed most of the time!

So, at the age of 22, my thought is that you should get a second opinion and maybe even a third and fourth before you resign to taking these pain medications for the rest of your life!

Please understand that it is out of consideration for you that I say this especially considering how hard it is to get these medication! I believe you are being set up for a huge challenge when these medications are no longer available to us!

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#438 I know you didn't ask me your question however I felt I needed to respond. Most definitely DO NOT tell the Dr you used your husbands methadone to avoid sickness. The reason I say this is they will show you the door fast because they are there for your pain issues. They will think withdrawals are for an addiction specialist to deal with. They don't want to hear about anything but pain.

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Hi Kitty. I appreciate the information and went back to my doctor. I explained to him that the Oxycontin was just barely working and if a breakthrough ir dose would be an option. He told me that there are new protocols for pain management and eventually all ir will be phased our of treatment unless it is for comfort for hospice care or post surgical in a hospital setting. I have asked prior to your kind response and the only reason that I have stayed with this doc is because I was not accepted anywhere else because my case is 15 years old. Although the pain does get a little overwhelming at times I will not give up trying. I have been on here for months now and you are the first to respond to me directly which has given me hope and a reason to keep trying. I know it sounds corny but it does help a lot when you get a response.

If anyone here can help...I live on Long Island NY...willing to travel to get to a doc who will prescribe oxycodone. I have a recent MRI (2 months old). All of my U/A's are on point (only prescription, no other drugs). I keep up PT to best of my ability. I have epidurals 3x a year (max allowance for NY Comp Insurance). I get trigger points in between. Well...thats me. Anyone who can help I would greatly appreciate. Take care, Kitty. Thanks for listening.

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@miss taz... I don't see how they can force pain management doctors to stop prescribing IR's because they are for breakthrough pain. I wish that my Dr would prescribe an ER to go along with my IR oxycodone but i would never want just an ER pain medication. There are times throughout the day and especially in the morning when i first wake up where if i didn't have the oxycodone IR, it would take me a lot longer to be able to get out of bed.

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Dr Weinstein Said in his new office they only will take patients locally Bc he is filling up and he is soon starting to just do regular internal medicine and not pain managment. I would try and see either way but this is what the lady Carol told me also.

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It is a disgrace the way this office has been treating patients... I am extremely disappointed in Dr. Dov Rand, the owner of the practice is going to let all his loyal patients suffer. All those loyal patients that waited patiently for Dr.Rand to come back to the practice after his little hiccup. He decides to just have the staff tell you that Dr. Rand is only prescribing Suboxone and that the first appointment is $375.00 and $175.00 thereafter. More cash in his hand again...Who raised the office visits to see Dr. Sloan at that Wayne office to $250.00.. it's Dr.Rands practice, so who raised the price and why is Dr. Sloan suffering the consequences as it's being said Dr. Sloan was arrested. What was he arrested for. Dr. Sloan's not at any of his other offices and those staff members say Dr. Sloan can't write those types of scripts anymore, so where is Dr. Sloan..and to add insult to injury his colleagues in New York will not see any of Dr. Sloan's Wayne, NJ patients if you were not a patient in New York. Dr. Rand has seriously done a grave disservice to all these Wayne, NJ patients.

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Yes he Is S. Allen weinstein in Old Bridge New Jersey.. 732-952-3999 is the phone number. Good luck.

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Beth, alrighty then...hmmmm. I don't think Ms Kitty meant to offend anyone. Sometimes it's hard to track the flow of response on the thread.

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Pain everyday, I appreciate your responses and I agree wholeheartedly that some of the people who are using medicine for all the wrong reasons are making it difficult for those who are documented chronic pain patients. Every patient should be treated individually... everyone has their own stories to tell. Some patients have had numerous surgeries. Also some people can die from withdrawals depending on other medical issues they have. I wish nothing but the best to everyone on this thread. The one person you have to be honest with first is yourself...all of us have been put in a cruel other Doctor wants to pick up Sloan's patients. What type of care are the patients getting. This whole situation stinks...

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Please do not be pissed at all of us. I only know 30 mg Oxycodone. That is what I was prescribed after Trigger Shots were unsuccessful. Had been on Vicodan 10/660 for years and they were no longer working.

I never asked for Oxycodone but they sure did work. I was actually started at 180 30 mg per month and I asked it to be reduced to 150 per month. I have had Paperwork and Hospitalization since 1981. Now I only have more recent films and reports but I will take more and have no issues being given a drug panel on a surprise basis instead of once a month at my visit. Never failed one since way back in 2001 when I started on Vicodin 10/660. Also on 8 mgs of Xanax a day and never failed a drug panel.

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Bill says and Chris B. Be careful with the helping out part. Someone I know was ripped off for money.... there are Predators on this site who know all about Dr Sloan, the office closing and patients trying to find a new doctor. Whether everyone's pain is legit or not I am not one to judge, but like I said someone got ripped off.. people are desperate and predators want to take you for a ride.

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I have went to Sloan for 7 years. I am now stuck with nothing and don't know what to do.

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Hi, your words hit the nail right on the head! I suffer greatly everyday so much I can't even take care of my cat. I too was lowered to barely nothing! I hate the dea and what they have done. I believe if you have the mri and proof of your sufferings we have a right to live pain free without wishing for god to end it already.

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Candy, please help. My wife broke her back 15 years ago. She has so much metal screwed to her spine the only way she can function is with medication. Her last dr was shut down and every where I take her they want to stick needles in her spine. She tried it once and will never do it again. If you could share with me the dr's name in Edison or union I would greatly appreciate it. Her quality of life is deteriorating.

{edited for privacy}

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Could u please provide dr info. Trying to find a pain dr for hubby is is a few weeks post surgical. All want to do Neve block despite fact he is on blood thinner, combined could result in paralysis This is absurd

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Hi, I understand what you are going through. It is inhumane and we need to band together.

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