Doctor Who Will Prescribe Xanax In Cincinnati Ohio (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been prescribed xanax for ten years and my recent doctor cut me off. Does anyone know of any doctors that will prescribe benzodiazepine in Cincinnati ohio or Harrison Ohio? Thank you

56 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: jim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can you tell me where? I am a vet that cannot get proper care through the va or civilian drs.

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Re: DiamondADay (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I'm with an addiction psychiatrist. Just got to 3 years with him. Legit. He has an armed accurate security guard and takes cash only. $300 dollars for 2 to 3 scripts and it only takes like 30 mins with a room full of people...I have tried other places but no one will prescribe xanax and subutex together Iike he does, and I need help in finding one. He's not worth going to. He doesn't help mentally, just gives out drugs. He didn't even run lab work ... well randomly he does.

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I also need a Dr who can prescribe benzodiazepines and Suboxone in conjunction with one-another.

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Re: jim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in the same situation. I was prescribed Xanax for traveling for years, but ran out since I haven’t been traveling recently. Is there any way to get a new prescription?

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Re: Lexie (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Where's this at need info plz I'm on Suboxone an have sever anxiety plz an ty

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Re: Shane (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I’d his name dr Nguyen lol everyone knows that guy I’m shocked he’s still legal

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Re: Societys2cent (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Ty for the info would u no a phone number address or anything ive looked online an can't find it thank u again

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Re: Lexie (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Would u have phone number for him plz in need of it badly thanks greatly appreciate u I've found many number but they all say they don't no him

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Re: M Will (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Since you are not travelling, it would be best not to start Xanax again. Perhaps when you start travelling?

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Re: AntLos (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Where's this at do u got a name or phone number for them

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Re: jim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Please hit me up i no u don't know me came across a xanax post from 2 years ago in a very bad spot need help asap trying everything

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Re: Kurt (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

4 Bars or one Bar? You need to be honest with yourself Kurt. If you take a massive quantity of Xanax per day, and throw in some Opiates as well, one can easily say you are an addict, hooked

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Re: jim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am responding to a post from you back in 2015 about where to get anti-anxieties, and am hoping you can still respond to this. Where to go/what to do??

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Re: Lexie (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Can you give me contact info on the doctor you are describing. Need help badly.

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Re: Helpneeded (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Nothing is the same except Xanax is still only available from a Medical Doctor. You need money, both to see your Doctor, and to purchase the medicine. While you don't need insurance, you probably need to develop a relationship with your provider. Or you can visit Mexico and get some by yourself, no doctor needed. You can also try ordering from the mail, this is not legal or suggested

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Re: jim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I get some filled today?

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Re: Sam (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

“Interventional pain clinic”. Which means , in my opinion, does nothing to help you! No medication that can help you!

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Re: Sam (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Please don’t wait. Go to your closest Emergency room , they will help you and even give you recommendations for doctors that can help you. That’s how I found mine. Good luck and good health to you.

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Re: Baby g (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I, too, have documented PTSD and severe anxiety. And panic attacks.

Doctors who are reading this, please be kind to those who are suffering.

It makes me so angry how they can just walk away from a patient and leave them to suffer! Have a heart!

I’m elderly, and when I was about to turn 65 my doctor dumped me flat! My insurance was about to change to one he didn’t accept. I would’ve paid cash! But no, he didn’t talk to me. He just let me fall alone and suffering. Please, in my opinion. Don’t ever go to pain to wellness clinic! They said that they’ll NEVER give Xanax to any patient again. He’s covering his own butt!

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Re: amanda (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

What state are you in?

I sure wish I was a doctor. I wouldn’t let my patients suffer.

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