Doctor In Pittsburgh Pa That Prescribes Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Every doc I've met with here in Pittsburgh Pa will only take cash if they prescribe you xanax.. Very unethical but since I have insurance I would like to find a doctor to prescribe me the meds I need. I would take either although I like the Klonopin better, xanax cause my depression to worsen after I take them... Anyone know of any Psychiatrists that will take my insurance and prescribe me meds?

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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If you really are a good doctor as you say, and you're agreeing with "greatful patient" then why are discussing the happenings between yourself and clients?? HIPPA, anyone?? As a so called "professional" you should be taking the high road but, I have reason to believe through my own occupation that just like your address the situation is shady. For those of you that are users and abusers get it together, and for those of you who need the help and advice of a professional I'm sorry that you suffer through the actions of others.

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I know it's sorta weird how if something a doc says to you or dont give u the meds you want they can just go run your name in the dirt. I'm thinking these msg boards should b stopped

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Does anyone know a. Dr in wheeling wv that'll prescribe my xanax im on from my old dr.

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I am trying to switch from my psychiatrist right now to another one due to problems with the practice. I am on Klonopin and Temazepam for a severe sleep/anxiety disorder due to severe physical and sexual domestic abuse that happened years ago. I do not mind having to pay out of pocket to get the medication I need. I am very worried about not having my medication. If you, or anyone could share some referrals to doctors in or around pittsburgh that are willing to prescribe my medication, it would help a lot. I understand that a lot of doctors are hesitant to prescribe these because of addicts seeking drugs, but I have a documented medical history of anxiety. Please email me {edited for privacy}.

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My pain dr passed away sadly i been seeing him for years . my family dr took over temporarily till i get a new pain specialists. Between me and my family Dr we are having a hard time finding a pain dr that will take over the script. Does anyone know a dr that would with proof of history and i do have my records. Thats in pa im 45 min from pgh pa. Some travel is not an issue.

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Heaven, I just hope you find a new doctor, and when you do, don't tell anybody the name of your new doctor. I have suffered from chronic pain since 1998, my family has never understood, only my oldest son, my daughter and youngest son don't have a clue, I also suffer from aniexty and have been having really bad panic attacks. My new pain doctor decided to wean me off of the Valium I have been on for over ten years. I am going to see a a doctor a friend of mine sees for his anxiety and I am hoping he can help me. My family doesn't know the name of any of my doctors and I only have them down in case of a emergency. I have had to sign paperwork at all my doctor's asking if I give permission for them to discuss my health with anyone, I said no. I wish you well and hope everything works out for you.

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I am on a low stable dose of klonopin for 8 years of sobriety. Could you share with me the name of your DR? Or post a link? Cash is not a problem. My mood control predisposed me to addiction, and now controlling it is a very serious priority for me.

{edited for privacy}

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Money is not a serious concern. My PCP is willing to dose up to 3mg TID due to a recent assault and a cognitive behavioral therapist that prefers she handles the medicines. I take no narcotics and test regularly on a quantitative basis. Can you share with me the name and contact info of your phys.? {edited for privacy}. Lifesaver, thank you for sharing!

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I have been on Xanax for 17 years 1mg 3 times a day 2mg bedtime I moved here from south Carolina with all my disability and medical records and no doctor will help me. I am on disability because my anxiety disorder is very severe. can I sue?

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Sue, sue who? The is no obligation for a provider to see you, or prescribe what you might want or even need. Your old Doc should have helped you out before you moved.

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He kept me on my meds for six months while I tried to transfer care. Then he tapered me. Now I am back to square one with a very low quality of life. I am on disability because of this condition. I have a 20 year medical history supporting this. I have a lengthy list of failed meds. ANY doctor should see this and help me. I am not some junkie looking for drugs a**hole. How can I be found disabled because of a condition and than have doctors refuse to treat it? I will tell you why...because dopers get a hold of this stuff and use it with alcohol or illicit drugs and die. Well, I don't give a s***. I want my life back and I have every right to have some sort of quality of life. Those doctors took an oath that they would help people.

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Dr. Cerul is a very good doctor. He is cautious yet reasonable. He has been my doctor for years and has always been very helpful and kind in his treatment.

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Dr. Cerul is wonderful. Is he still in business? I tried to contact him with no luck.

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I was a patient of dr. M.Cereal he really helped me with my anxiety...i need people to stop using the system for wrong reasons..if there is a doctor out there that can help me i am willing to pay..or whatever i need to do..

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Hi...I'm in the same position ...did you find a provider to help with sub and Xanax? I currently go to a psychiatrist writes my pych meds for ptsd/cptsd, anxiety, depression, and so on .. Therapeutic dose of Xanax ..a different doc in same group writes my subs.... Yesterday they informed me they are not writing sub while on very small therapeutic therapist is also in the group. She is going to the head managing and part owner.

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Thanks for sharing this. I've been searching high n low for a Dr. to continue my medication 's. I have been on a benzo for over 20 years. My Dr. got extremely ill and had to have surgery and closed his office. My anxiety is so horrible and I have PTSD, GAD and panic attacks. I'm also on Ambien, 10mg at bedtime. I got stuck with a Dr. where my therapist is and she wants me to slowly get off them. I've tried this before and instead of taking 2 meds, they put me on 12. I've never experienced such difficulties getting my meds in my life. I would be forever grateful for your help. Thank you so much. This gives me hope.

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Hi, thanks for the info. I've been on Benzo's since 1993 and I've never had any problems until the last two years. I saw an excellent psychiatrist for several years. Unfortunately, he became very ill and had surgery and had to close his office. I can't find even 1 doctor who believes in the same thing I do. " If it's not broke, don't fix it." Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

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I need to find a pain doctor in Pennsylvania that will write for narcotics. I've had three surgeries and am in lots of pain.

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To a point, I agree with the doctor. They should watch out for characters like this who are going to doctors only for drug seeking and when they don't get it they try to make the doctor look like an *****.

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Re: apes (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in the same situation. I need a Dr that is methadone friendly. I heard there are psychiatrists that will write Xanax if u pay cash. I'm trying to get in to see a psychiatrist now. I called and left a message today on his voicemail. He said he'd get back to me within 48 hours, so if I get in & he puts me back on Xanax or Klonopin I'll let u know. He's in Bloomfield Pgh, Pa.

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