Divalproex 500 Mg Teva Drug Company
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My old depakote (divalproex sodium er 500 Mg was a large pink pill. my new prescription of the same pill made by the same Company [Teva] now is larger, white and has the number M473 on one side. Is this the same pill. I have epilepsy and valporic acid - depakote was the med that saved me. Thanks.
5 Replies
My brother in law hasn't had a seizure since we've had him on the Teva brand divalproex 500mg. The last few months it has been a challenge getting this filled. Does anyone know what the problem is? Does anyone know of a reliable source for this medication?
It's extended release...JB RN
My son is 25 and takes the large white pill, 3 before bedtime, for his bipolar disorder (type I, manic). What are the long term effects?
My pill says DR (the old pink one). Is extended release the exact same thing? I was reading where some of these can be dangerous because they're given for different problems.......such as headaches. Thanks for your help
Yes, the new tablet is also 500mgs of Valproic Acid in an extended release formulation, but it is not manufactured by Teva, it is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals, which is why the logo is an M.
Learn more Valproic Acid details here.
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