Discontinuation Of Xanax - Any Updates? (Top voted first)


My PCP of 15 years told me today that the DEA is wanting to start halting the doses of alprazolam for intent to wean completely off. How is this going to be possible? I am on disability for my mental health. I was attacked viciously and my alprazolam has been my anxiety med for 13 years. Anyone know where I can get precise, accurate more specific info? This terrifies me. She scared me. Would the pharmacies know? As anyone who takes alprazolam, the withdrawals nor the panic attacks are of any fun.

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This is happening everywhere.

The best advice I can give you is to try to save up extras now for tapering off later, I was taken off “cold turkey” when I suddenly lost my Dr when she quit.

The withdrawals are something I wouldn’t wish on anyone, I’m a 58 year old female, with other health issues, I really felt like I was dying.

The anxiety is bad enough to deal with, no longer having anxiety and sleep meds I took for 32 years, but it is much worse to have to go through withdrawals too.

Any med you take which is controlled, l would try to save up extras now, you will have times when you can’t fill your prescription because the pharmacy “is completely out”.

It is rough, without the benzodiazepines, I have OCD, PTSD and acute anxiety disorder, but can’t take any benzodiazepines for it because I have to take opioids for blown disks in my back.

I tried seven antidepressants to try to get a handle on the mental issues, but kept having serotonin syndrome symptoms due to the mixture of meds I take.

If you do not take opioids, your only option is antidepressants.

Many of them are great for anxiety, you won’t get the immediately relief from an anxiety’s attack like with Xanax, but antidepressants can calm you down.

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What you were told is basically what we are all being told. The writing is on the wall for the class of drugs we know as Benzodiazepines. I didn't want to believe this when I first joined here in 2013. From 2011 to 2014 I had a very generous doctor who saved my life going through a withdrawal in 2010. He somehow tripled my dose to bars. Knowing how dangerous Xanax was I actually cut down my Xanax use, giving me a multi year buffer. Since then the doctor had his license yanked. I've had a similar experience with Soma, my current doctor refers to these Schedule 4 medicines "Narcotics", actually documented in my records that I had stopped taking Soma as they were no longer on the market. Then he wrote for 540 of them over a 6 month period. I think you told me this was not possible in another post and he was unethical. He is actually very sharp, and very aware what you have posted. It will happen!

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Re: Hitchhiker (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

That's what you told me in my other post. I just wanted to make it clear what you previously posted was incorrect. As far as you contacting the forum expressing that you wish to have no contact with me, that is not possible. Enjoy your weaning

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Re: EDDY (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I see you have had a ton of complaints on here. Not sure what starting issues is doing for you. It’s best to get along with others. Anyway, best of luck to you. I will be going the opposite direction of any of your posts. You have a lot of usernames/ handles too. That’s creepy.

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Re: Hitchhiker (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Woah what?! Dude I don’t see any of that in what he wrote. Are you ok?!

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Re: Shari (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Lol not if you don’t have a serotonin deficiency. If I take meds with serotonin I get so sick, I feel wired, my jaw makes involuntary movements, it’s NOT OK. None of those meds ever made me feel “calm” they’re not even supposed to lol they are anti DEPRESSANTS they make people WANT to get up and out of bed, not calm and relaxed.

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Re: Optimistic (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your post Optimistic

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Lol I’m supposed to be scared of what you said? lol. That’s hilarious. I’ve saved a screenshot too of this post. Kind of creepy. I do recall saying he could be unethical and then we had follow up conversations. I have those screenshots too. You sound like a stalker and manipulator. I find it odd that you just stated your doctor also prescribed you a Med that was off market, he wrote that in your chart but then prescribed them anyway. I also think you're changing what you think you’ve said. And no, I am not threatened by you. You’re definitely not too smart to threaten or think you’re threatening people online.

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

“my current doctor refers to these Schedule 4 medicines "Narcotics", actually documented in my records that I had stopped taking Soma as they were no longer on the market. then he wrote for 540 of them over a 6 month period. I think you told me this was not possible in another post and he was unethical. He is actually very sharp, and very aware what you have posted.”

This is the best example of unethical-prescribing when off market but then prescribed you 540 anyway.

I no longer wish to have contact to or from you. I will be contacting support to block you. Very creepy-like

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