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I've recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder type II, an under active thyroid gland, insulin resistance, familial high cholesterol, anti-bodies attacking my thyroid gland, lowered iron absorption and also lowered DHEA.
As a result I've started receiving multiple new medications, and just to name a few: Diotroxin, Epitec, a multi-mineral, iron, insulin reducing medicine, stomach ulcer medication and so forth, each to treat my long list of diagnoses...
In the last month and a half I've gained 4kg, been struggling with constipation, unexplained migraines (which I didn't have before), an increased appetite and can see a change in the way my clothing used to fit.
What could be the cause of this weight gain? Could it be from the diotroxin? It is supposed to help with weight loss as far as I know...

2 Replies

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Hi Verwon,
I realised that the doctor didn't give me anything to help with the insulin resistance.
The medication I'm currently on, is diotroxin, omega-3 capsules, epitec, serdep, DHEA, chela-fer, chromium, a multimineral and vitamin D.
My weight is still increasing and none of my eating habits or daily chores have changed.
The migraines and constipation have subsided though, which is one good thing!

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Hello, Marette! How are you?

Learn more Levothyroxine details here.

Learn more Liothyronine details here.

The Diotroxin contains the active ingredients Levothyroxine and Liothyronine and, unfortunately, many people that take them don't lose weight and many end up gaining. It's just the nature of the medications and their effect on the thyroid problems to correct the balance in your body.

The insulin resistance can also cause weight gain and increased appetite.

What are you taking for it?

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