Diltiazem (inwood)
UpdatedIm taking diltiazem (inwood)240 mg sa cap and im having something like a rash on my face and my eyes have been bothering me.My doc says it shouldnt be from the medicine i think not anyone have the same results or have any answers. Thanks
8 Replies
Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions.
As to the problems you are experiencing, blurry vision and dizziness can be common side effects to this class of medications.
However, the rash could be a sign that you are having a mild allergic reaction to it.
You should really contact your doctor, again to discuss the matter, because this is probably not the right medication for you and there are other options available that you can try.
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I was taking metoprolol (25 mg) for Angina,my doctor changed my medication to Diltiazem (Inwood) 240 MG SA capsule,the color is purple and green. Is this a better mediciation,what are side effects?
Nelly, there really is no way to say that one medication is better than any other, because they can all have different effects on different people.
Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker and some people do well on them and some don't. I had very bad reactions to them and had to stop taking them, but seem to do okay on beta blockers.
The common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach pain.
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I am taking metropolo and Diltiazem. Should I be taking them together or discontinue the metropolo? My doctor has given me different pills to help me to adjust to a more effective medicine, but I think I should have elimated the Metropolo when I started the Diltiazem
Bob, have you asked your doctor about it?
They are two different types of blood pressure/cardiac medications. The Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker and the Metoprolol is a beta blocker, so sometime they are prescribed together, but only your doctor will be able to give you a definite answer.
My husband developed a non therapeutic effect from diltiaXT 180mg that was prescribed in may 2011 after having a pacemaker implant , his entire body turns red, short of breath, and terrible fatigue. I stopped the drug with the Dr's ok about 9 days ago but he still is getting the side effects. Has anyone experienced this side effect, how long did it take to subside/or did it subside.
I am prescriped Diltiazem (INwood) 240mg SA Capsule once per day. This morning I took the medication at about 6:00 a.m. In the afternoon I fell asleep (nap). When I woke up I thought it was the next morning and took the medication again. So, I took the Dilitiazem at 6:00 a.m. and at 6:00 p.m. in the same day. Will I have any adverse effect from this mistake?
I know your question was a long time ago and I hope your husband has been able to overcome the problem but just in case he hasn't...
I had my first pacemaker implant about 6 years ago and my endurance dropped right away. Over time, my ability to focus and strength has dropped until now I can barely function. I've done my own research and am currently being tested for Chronotropic Incompetence. This appears to be a common condition that many doctors don't seem to be well informed about. In the US, only Boston Scientific has a feature that avoids CI
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