Dilemma With 2 Narcotic Scripts From 2 Doctors (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hi all. I have intractable pelvic RSD, peripheral neuropathy, lumbar facet spondylosis. I live in California and am about to have to change insurances at the end of this month. The new insurance has ridiculously high Rx prices. I go to a PM for all my pain meds, but my primary dr has in the past managed them for me. My question is if anyone knows if I get an Rx for the 60mg Oxycontin twice a day like usual from my PM and then my primary to write a script for 40mg 3 times a day and then I can go to 2 totally different pharmacies and fill one with my insurance and the other at another pharmacy and pay with cash, will that flag the DEA and cause my PM to get a notification of "Doctor shopping"? I am just trying to have enough meds to get me through an extra month until my husbands new job let's us get medical coverage?

I had to do this one other time a year ago when the same thing happened with me loosing my job because I could no longer work and I wasn't married yet to get my husbands insurance. The first 2 months I had no problem, but the third and LAST month I was needing to do it to get me enough meds to last me the 3 month waiting period, my husband forgot and filled both scripts under the same insurance but just at 2 different pharmacies instead of paying cash at the second one. My pain doctor found this out and thank God I was able to explain my way out of it and he didn't discharge me as a patient, but now in this situation again, I'm afraid to try it one last time til we are settled with yet another health insurance. I would really appreciate anyone's advise or experience they could share regarding my situation. I truly am not a doctor shopper, I am just afraid to run out of meds and be in massive pain and / or risk getting into trouble.

241 Replies (13 Pages)

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Tina, they can refuse to fill it until then or refuse to fill it at all. If you have a Pain Contract with your PM dr, you will be breaking the contract if you get it filled, unless you've already cleared it with your PM dr.

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It's so hard for those of us with chronic pain issues. I think it would send up a flag. I'm just now recently trying to find a dr who will write anything. They have them so scared to do anything. If you're in CA, can't you get your medical marijuana card?? I have rheumatoid arthritis. And it helps me. All I can tell you right now is to hoard your controlled substances. Pretty soon the government will want to monitor when we pee.

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Taking one tablet of say oxycontin the night before makes you come up positive and you will be well above residual levels. I've seen people do this and they pass every time. Only hair follicle diagnostics would show that they weren't taking it regularly. So UAs are kind of worthless like I said...

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BARRINGTON...... If exercise n meditation is the 'cure all' for each n every one of our different medical conditions, then y r u on a pain med thread? OBVIOUSLY reading the posts! Creeping for tips to feel high?

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Now, for double dipping on a script.....ur scenario doesnt make sense as to how u ended up w 2 scripts for 1.....2, do u realize what ur contemplating is one of the causes as to y legit, rule abiding, pm patients are suffering now, in dire need of n searching for a new pm med to get our pain under control bcause the strong meds we once had access to, r being removed from the market! What u want to do is why the pharmacies, Dr's, DEA , FDA, n any other combination of the alphabet related to meds is making it sooo hard if not impossible to have access to needed meds! STOP! Not only r u risking losing UR monthly meds all together, but ur making it harder for the next person walking in after u for the same med!

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I would like to know if you do fill two prescriptions from two different doctors and you have done so for a few months, if you got found out by one doctor will They tell the other doctor. are they allowed to tell the other doctor with your patient, doctor confidentiality

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Hi Lynn dear. To be honest this sounds like a test from your doctor. Unless he intended for you to have two scripts, way fax and write unless he knows unless it's a five day supply, hydrocodone needs to be written for over five days in most states. I'm worried for you and pray it is nothing at all. Best.

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Nicole I'm not aware of a federal monitoring program, just state monitoring programs. The states don't talk to each other, but you never know what our sneaky federal government is doing wasting our tax dollars on stuff that makes them feel good, but solves almost nothing... I live in Texas and Texas is one of the most anal states when it comes to control substances, but they don't talk to other states unless the federal government monitors their data base. Like I said before, I've never heard of a federal monitoring program, but who knows what their wasting money on these days. With Obama spending money like it was his personal back account anything is possible...

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I had a situation today and was really confused and frustrated with the pharmacy. Now my usual pharmacist was not there and there was a new lady. I'm on several medications for blood pressure, anxiety, mild depression, high triglyceride levels which is temporary, and amoxicillen, and just had an MRI on a very painful knee. The report showed a torn ligament and torn cartilage. Last week I was prescribed 5mg's of hydrocodone and told them it wasn't helping a lot with the pain, a week and a half later. So today they prescribed 5mg's of percocet for 2 weeks. The pharmacist accused me of doctor shopping and wanted to know how it was justified to switch from 5mg of hydro to 5mg's of oxycodone. I said to her, these meds are prescribed for 2 weeks only and I have my mri results, which frankly, is none of your business. So she said, "well I'm calling your doctor!!!" I said go ahead. So she gets off the phone and says, "well your doctor claims you're very responsible and everything is justified. But I'm only going to fill half of it, because I think it's wrong." Ummm, isn't that illegal??? This is in Delaware. I left a message for my doctor and reported her. I think that's outrageous!!!

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Well years ago when I had severe back issues, I used to take 80mg oxycontin and 30mg roxi's, so I can relate. But I haven't been on anything in 6 years and for 5mg tablets, I thought she was out of her mind. My doctor returned my call today, because I left her a message and she told me the pharmacist was within her right to notify her (the doctor), but that her attitude could be an issue, and that I could report her to her manager. But I'm going to transfer to another pharmacy. I've never seen her before. I normally dealt with an Indian pharmacist at the same pharmacy who was always nice to me. She even knew me by name. But this one day I went in, I noticed the new pharmacist and that's when I had the issue. I just think that when it comes to opiates, the government is really beginning to overstep there bounds with rules and regulations. I even heard a congressman claim that he signed a bill to make it more difficult for patients to obtain them. But when he had a family member dying of cancer a year later and they couldn't get pain meds, he felt horrible about it, and finally understood why people needed them. But by then it was too late.

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Well actually it wasn't doctor shopping. It was with the same doctor and she changed the original prescription to a stronger dose. That was it. I didn't seek out another doctor or a different medication. If I went to another doctor, then it would've been seen as doctor shopping. I'm very familiar with the law. I wouldn't dare. Far too risky.....Not worth it.

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If they're on top of there game, then yes, they would flag you. Each pharmacy will have a record of your prescriptions once they type in your name, date of birth, and address. So it wouldn't be difficult for the DEA to catch you if they were monitoring it. The pharmacist is more likely to notice before the DEA and they could report you. Be careful. It's not worth a felony charge, which could potentially land you in jail. I slowly weened my way off enough of the meds to save me from having to do that. But of course it will unfortunately entail some withdrawls. So it's your call ultimately. But I wouldn't recommend taking that chance.

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I was getting pain meds from 2 different Doctors and they found out! I wouldn't risk it unless you want to risk losing both Dr's!!

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I am seen by a pissin doctor a perceived narco 7.5s 60 a month .. Then I had a surgery from a different do tor and revived perk 5-325 and went to a diff pharmacy then I do for the 7.5s and they filled them after paying w cash will I get kicked outta pain mangement I live in maryland plz help

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You will be flagged FOR SURE! There is a data base that the pharmacy has to use and you will most certainly be labeled as doctor shopping and you will get nothing filled! Don't risk it!

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Yes you will get caught. I worked for a PM Dr as well as a FP Dr. Every drug is put into the computer under DEA website that is pulled up, if not by your FP Dr for sure your pain management Dr. It has nothing to do with cash payment.

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kohls, you can try another pharmacy
If you have signed a pain contract stating you won't get pain meds from.another Dr. getting the Norco filled could cost you your pain being managed.

Does the. prescription for Percocet say take 1 tablet every 4 hours.as needed?

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I agree with u Jane,wtf do u wanna risk having to go thru withdrawal and maybe move to using street drugs,it's 2016,you can't beat the computer,and yes people who abuse their meds are ruining it for people in real pain,like veterans with real injury and pain,not some disc herniation

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CC , you may end up not beign able to get pain meds from VA or the private sector. When you sign a pain contract you agree to not get pain meds from any other dr except that dr. VA and the private sector will know about the prescription through the Prescription Monitoring Programs Database in your state. That is a database with all of the pain medications and often other medications, that you have gotten filled in that state. It lists your name, the drs name, where the meds were dispensed, the name of the med, the milligram, how many tablets, the directions, how long the meds should last you, etc.

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CC sooner than later the computerized data base with all your filled controlled substance prescriptions is going to catch up to you like an anchor around your neck. They can charge you with a Felony and you won't be prescribed anything by any doctor as you will be on your state's blacklist. You are literally playing with fire! I don't know what the statute of limitations is for prosecution, but they can come back and charge you if they so desire.
I just now saw on the news that Obama is going after Opiate abuse as one of his top priorities with his time left in office... People doctor shopping, which is basically what you're doing are a top priority to catch them.

If you are having problems with the VA and are running out of your narcotic pain medications before you're getting your next refill. I might suggest taking less medicine like one pill less a day and build up a small surplus for a short period. Taking one less pill a day building a safety net is alot better than having NO medicine and better than going to jail for doctor shopping and get blacklisted!
Becareful because Obama is fixing to severely crack down on anyone not following the law concerning opiates...

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