Dilemma With 2 Narcotic Scripts From 2 Doctors (Page 12)


Hi all. I have intractable pelvic RSD, peripheral neuropathy, lumbar facet spondylosis. I live in California and am about to have to change insurances at the end of this month. The new insurance has ridiculously high Rx prices. I go to a PM for all my pain meds, but my primary dr has in the past managed them for me. My question is if anyone knows if I get an Rx for the 60mg Oxycontin twice a day like usual from my PM and then my primary to write a script for 40mg 3 times a day and then I can go to 2 totally different pharmacies and fill one with my insurance and the other at another pharmacy and pay with cash, will that flag the DEA and cause my PM to get a notification of "Doctor shopping"? I am just trying to have enough meds to get me through an extra month until my husbands new job let's us get medical coverage?

I had to do this one other time a year ago when the same thing happened with me loosing my job because I could no longer work and I wasn't married yet to get my husbands insurance. The first 2 months I had no problem, but the third and LAST month I was needing to do it to get me enough meds to last me the 3 month waiting period, my husband forgot and filled both scripts under the same insurance but just at 2 different pharmacies instead of paying cash at the second one. My pain doctor found this out and thank God I was able to explain my way out of it and he didn't discharge me as a patient, but now in this situation again, I'm afraid to try it one last time til we are settled with yet another health insurance. I would really appreciate anyone's advise or experience they could share regarding my situation. I truly am not a doctor shopper, I am just afraid to run out of meds and be in massive pain and / or risk getting into trouble.

241 Replies (13 Pages)

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I was getting two scripts for Xanax for years. I was caught by the pharmacy I think then one of my doctors also knew then refused to be my doctor. I've been sick for a year, basically bed ridden. I'm no better at all. Should I go see my other doctor or does he already know. What should I do?

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I have been going to PM for 3 yrs, just started seeing a therapist for depression, add, and anxiety. My PM doctor has me on 5-325 mg Oxycodone/acetaminophen. Well today my Therapist prescribed me Xanax 0.25 mg. Will I get flagged and also should I call my PM doctor and let them know I was prescribed xanax?

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Robin all you need to do is use the same pharmacy that's on your medication agreement you signed with the PM doctor and tell the PM doctor next appointment or you can call the office. Although telling the PM doctor in person will asure it gets charted. The Xanax has nothing to do with your PM doctor's treatment plan, but it's always good to let all treating physicians know exactly what you're taking from all doctors. If you were on methadone there's a severe reaction that can occur if you also take Xanax with it. That's the main reason why you should always be upfront with all treating physicians for your own personal safety from drug interactions.

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HI, I have chronic pancreatitis and two different pain medications, and what I've learned the insurance is allowed 5 to 6 times in a year but it's the pharmacys decision to fill or not to fill, I wouldn't do anything that would red flag you.

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Robin, it depends in what your pain contract says. Anxiety meds and opiates can cause problems. The FDA and CDC have recommended caution when both meds have to be prescribed. The FDA has put Black Box Warnings in these meds. It would be best to call your pain doctor and also to tell your doctor at your net appointment, When you call the office ask to speak to the doctors nurse. Be sure and write down the date and time of the call, the name of the person you talk to, what you tell them and what they tell you.

Depending on the state you live in, Xanax may or may not come up on your State Prescription Monitoring Program Profile.

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I have endured (4) fusions. 4 levels in my neck, (done in 2 surgeries) plus 360 degree lumbar spine at S-I-L4-5 & L-3-4 (separate XLIF fusion). My neurosurgeon wrote a prescription for: (1) 20mgs Oxycontin q/am.. This was billed to Workers comp. I have leftover 30MG Oxycontin, but I do NOT want to take that high of a milligram for my neck. It's like I am forced to take it because they refuse to fill the LOWER DOSE.. Not everyone is faking it, not everyone abuses their medication either. Stop throwing everyone into the same bucket! I am maimed by a drunk driver and my back is mostly titanium, thanks to my job I am now retired from. I do not think the mg's I am on is startling.

My primary care doctor wrote me 20mgs Oxycontin for ongoing cervical pain from 4 levels being fused. He wrote it as take 1 q/day.

I dropped the primary care script off, and CVS said, "everything is fine, it went right through". I went home and 3 hours later, they called saying, "it was filled already so it's too soon." I told them it is for a "different body part", and "how do you all make so many assertions without asking?"

My neurosurgeon is not going to write a prescription for a surgery he did not preform.. I was HONEST right up front, when I dropped it off. I told them I wanted to pick the prescription up, and take it back to the doctor so they are holding it for me. They said, "the dose is the same", which is the only reason they will not fill it. This is a nightmare, especially since I OBVIOUSLY (look in your computer CVS) am weaning way down.

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Kristyne, it does not matter if it is for a different body part. All of your body gets the medication. Not just one part of it.

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Not if there is an increase of pain due to a "flare-up". My primary care doctor is aware of the dose I am taking for my new XLIF surgery pain. XLIF leaves people with psoas pain, and now he has added Lidoderm patches, for the "stinging" (like bees) around the area of the scar. When there is an increase of pain, it's actually better to prescribe a totally different pain med. The problem is, I am allergic to most of them. My ACDF pain is tremendous shooting pain. If the 20MGS was helping me, I would not make an appointment to see my primary doctor about this.

Two years ago, I had 2 upper teeth pulled and I had dental implants, AFTER bone grafting. The pain was "through the roof". I was given 5 days of 30MGS of morphine, because the pain is in a different area. I was taking 20MGS of Oxycodone at the time, and it did not touch the agony of teeth yanked from the side of my upper gums. I appreciate your time with a response, even if I disagree.

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Can I fill my norco tx, given Percocet last week from primary dr, thought rash was from norco it wasn't So pain Dr wrote my norco rx for me instead now will I have a problem filling it , two different meds, Percocet too strong .

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Re: Samson (# 229) Expand Referenced Message

If you give back your Percocet to your doctor and it's documented. He should be able to write for Norco stating in the prescription the reason for the new Rx. Otherwise without giving all the Percocet back that's remaining in the old Rx you could have a problem... But with that said, the pharmacist can still do whatever they want. Although conversing with your doctor telling the pharmacist the doctor received and destroyed your old Percocet prescription should carry a lot of weight...

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Re: bob (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

It shouldn't be a problem. Different doctors, different days, different reasons the drug was prescribed.

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Slightly freaked out and worried... I am currently a pain management patient- I live in Washington State- my pain doctor prescribes me two 5mg Percocet a day for 28 days. Last week for the first time in my life I had to have an emergency root canal because I had a horrible tooth infection spring up out of nowhere. So incredibly painful. My dentist gave me a prsx for 12 Vicodin, which my husband filled unknowingly to me. And he used a different pharmacy (right next to my dentist) than I get my Percocet filled at. Will my pain management doctor be notified? Should I tell her? I don’t know what I should do.

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I am taking Tylenol 4 and still have a 2 week supply left. Went to PM and they are about to call in 7.5 hydrocodone. Can I fill it now since it's a different medicine that is stronger?

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Re: Beth In WA (# 232) Expand Referenced Message

Your doctor will know what was filled, where, who wrote it, how many, the directions, etc by looking your profile up on your states Prescription Monitoring Program.

Be prepared for your pain doctor to dismiss you. And for it to be difficult to impossible to find another doctor that will manage your pain. If you are extremely luck these things won't happen. But, be prepared for them.

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Re: Beth In WA (# 232) Expand Referenced Message

If he honestly filled them unknowingly and you knew he shouldn’t have, you should have the full prescription. I think your only hope of not being dismissed by your pain doctor is to explain what happened and bring the full unused prescription with you to your appointment. If you used that medication knowing you shouldn’t have and don’t have the full prescription to show and turn, then I agree with the other poster, when your doctor sees that you filled them through the prescription monitoring system you will be dismissed and go through hell ever finding another PM doctor to prescribe to you. Best of luck.

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Re: Beth In WA (# 232) Expand Referenced Message

Just my 2 cents on this ridiculous situation we chronic pain sufferers find ourselves in these days... Basically we the patient have to stay on top of all our medications in our possession! The doctor can mess up, the pharmacist can mess up, BUT it doesn't matter because in the end we the defenseless patients are held to a higher standard. We're the ones who will be punished! Playing stupid isn't a defense to knowing the truth. You know what's right or wrong by today's ruthless standards! The days of having extra medication to fall back on because your pain situation got worse are over, nobody cares! Going to the emergency room will more than likely get you labeled drug seeker especially if it happens several times. The only way you could get me to go to an emergency room these days is if I were unconscious because the only thing that hasn't been stolen from me is my dignity and I'm not about to let some emergency room goofball treat me like a drug addict! We have to keep track of exactly when our fill dates are for our medications. Don't let 29 days overlap too much because then you'll have extra pills and a state prescription monitoring program may flag you. Stay on top of when your fill dates should be. Doctors can make mistakes, but you're the one who will pay for it! If you think I'm being ridiculous, it's only going to get worse and if you don't watch out for yourself no one else is going to.

About 6 years ago where I live there was a pain management doctor who was prescribing all their patients a 30 day supply every 28 days (not my doctor) they did this for many years. Needless to say this doctor got in trouble with the DEA, DPS and the Texas medical board after a new prescription monitoring program caught this occurring. Basically, all of the patients got an extra prescription a year. The doctor lost narcotic prescribing permission for just 1 year and paid a small fine, BUT the patients were the ones who ultimately paid the price! They all got blacklisted and for some it took many years to straighten it out! I think we all know that once a federal, state or local government starts something that it's almost impossible to stop it! Here's an example of that... This is also a prime example of WE the patient must and have to stay on top of our prescription fill dates everytime! It's your pain medication(s) that could be and are in jeopardy. This is a privilege getting these narcotic medications and not a right, treat it like that and you're already ahead of the situation!

When I see a new entry on this thread of Dilemma With 2 Narcotic Scripts it just amazes me that in this day and time someone doesn't know what's right or wrong about possessing 2 narcotic prescriptions or trying to see if there's a way to excuse it away... It reminds me of the old saying ignorance is no excuse of the law and if you play with fire you'll get burned... Ultimately if you have to ask...that's your common sense telling you DON'T DO IT!

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Re: TAD (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Ok so I saw my neurologist on Feb 2nd, 2018 and they prescribed me 90 5mg hydrocodone, and my dentist prescribed me 20 10 mg hydrocodone, and I was gonna get it filled tomorrow which is Feb 12th, 2018. Will this red flag me?

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Re: Brich (# 237) Expand Referenced Message

Possibly... You need to be up front with both doctors asap so it doesn't look like your doctor shopping even though you're probably justified with the dental procedure being done with extra medication. They're just getting really ridiculous in this whole Nazi opiate mentality these days... Years back no one would've even thought twice about these 2 prescriptions because they're independent of each other completely for different reasons, but today you're a drug seeker until proven innocent... Get a head of it before you get flagged. If you signed any type of medication agreement with the neurologist you'll have to contact them asap to let them know about the dentist and if you signed anything with the dentist you'll need to contact them!

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Re: Mark (# 238) Expand Referenced Message

I have signed no contract with either so is it really necessary to discuss this with either?

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Re: Brich (# 239) Expand Referenced Message

The PMP aka prescription monitoring program in your state that is connected to every pharmacy computer in every state will probably flag 2 hydrocodone prescriptions that are despenced so close to each other and then again nothing may happen, but if it does you can bet the dentist and neurologist will not prescribe narcotics to you ever again if you get flagged! They'll both say you should have told us about the others prescription. They'll cover themselves, you can bet on that as a fact if it gets flagged!
It's your life and if you weren't concerned you wouldn't be on here asking questions!
I'd say air on the side of caution, but that's me!
You and I both know that the pharmacy Nazis are out in full force, so why risk getting flagged and just be upfront. Both doctors will say they asked you if you were getting pain medications from another doctor. Whether they did or not is irrelevant because they will cover themselves like I said before. If you get flagged the doctors will burn you!
Protect yourself!

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