Dilaudid Doesn't Work For Pain (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am allergic to Vicodin and Percocet so for my last 2 surgical procedures have been prescribed 4mg oral Dilaudid. I understand that it is a very powerful pain reliever but I get minimal relief from it so is it possible that my pain receptors are not responsive to this type of medication? The only other pain med that I take is Lodine (NSAID) for arthritis. It seems that I get more pain relieve from 2 Tylenol but am still in alot of pain with that. Both times after surgery I have stopped taking the Dilaudid after 3 days because I'm still in pain and on top of that constipated. Has anyone had this same minimal response and any suggestions on other pain meds I could use if needed?

80 Replies (4 Pages)

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For me, dilaudid works best if I use it preemptive of the pain (my doctor also said adding Alieve makes it more effective). It's a little difficult, because I have to gauge when my pain will come and take it about 1/2 an hour before.Talk to your doctor, but mine said I can take up to 8mg every 6 hours when my pain is at its worst. My pain is related to a large tumor in my liver.

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Do you have endometriosis? Have they checked you for this? Also your gaulbladder can differ pain to the left side

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Ihave been taking dilaudid and tramadol for pain after knee surgery. I have had no relief. Not sure what else they can give. I am so uncomfortable!

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a drug called Topamax taken every day is being used successfully to prevent migraines. it will not get rid of one once you have it. it prevents it from ever happening, though. it also works of a brain receptor that tells you you are hungry when you really aren't. so, now they are also using it successfully to help some people lose weight. about the only bad side effect is that it says to drink copious amounts of water to avoid gallstones. it originated as a drug for a certain kind of epilepsy in children. now it is used to the above mentioned as well as a mood stabilizer for bipolar. maybe try Topamax (topirimate). i hope it will work for you ~many use it and nothing else and never get migrains anymore by taking it daily.

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This is the most articulated argument for alternative options for pain control Ever. It's been a while but I wish you'd post again well thank you and bravo.

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You my have diverticulatis it is a problem with the colon.check it out talk to a internal medicine doctor.

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As I read I'm hearing the same problems. I've been on Hydrocodone 10. For a long time it was helping my situation. Then pain got worse so I was bumped to Hydromorphone 4mg. Does nothing!! So I go back on my Hydrocodone and NOTHING!! In so much pain don't understand why or what to do??

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I understand fully! I just had 4 doses through an IV the first day, 4 more doses through IV again about 7 hours later.... Had absolutely zero effect on me. If I didn't see them administer it myself, I would say they never even gave it to me. My 2 Dr's both said for the amount of meds they gave me it should have basically knocked me out. It's now been a week, also gave me percocet, still nothing... I now take 4 advil a day, actually seems to work a little bit...

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I don't now how old you are, but i was 27 years old been telling my obgyn doctore for years. Cramping pains, like labor contractions, pain on intercourse, could not eat, food would not go down. It got to the point that going to the bathroom on number 2 would just about kill me. My doctor had the nerve to tell me to walk to ease the pain. This was in 1978, when doctor did not know what Endometriosis was. All that pain. Endometriosis does not come up on blood work, x-ray, nothing. But it was there! Doctor's need to believe someone when they say the pain is bad. My Endometriosis was so bad it had my large bowel pushed up against my back bone, it was on my ovary's, muscle of uterus. It got so bad when i had my monthly cycle it would not stop that when the doctor had to do surgery hysterectomy. It's 2016 doctor's. By the way this doctor left one ovary and it came right back, had to do sug., again but not by him thank God. Anyway it made me go on total disability. I'm 64 and got total disability at age 49.

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Yes. I am very unhappy with it. Vicodin worked better but there is acetaminophen in it which can be toxic if taken regularly.

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I am 2 weeks out from an anterior/ posterior 3 level lumbar fusion. This is my 3rd surgery in a year (shoulder and 2 back surgeries) and i have had no relief from percocet, morphine, or Dilaudid. I am also wondering if there are other options for pain?

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Dilaudid is probably the greatest pain medicine I've experienced and I've tried everything in every way. I've been currently injecting the 12mg Dilaudid ER after crushing one up and adding 1ml of water then melting the white powder down. Been doing this for several years. The best sensation I've ever experienced. But that's just my opinion.

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I also have a resistance to Dilaudid. It just doesn't help and it's as if I took nothing at all. A lot of people don't realize that Methadone is not only prescribed for opioid maintenance. It is also prescribed for pain. I am prescribed Methadone for acute on chronic back pain from scoliosis and inoperable spinal fractures; 10 mg tablets, 2 tablets every 8 hours. Keep in mind that Methadone is a very powerful medication, so you will probably need to be on an established pain management regimen with a pain management specialist to have it prescribed to you. I hope this helps and you get pain relief soon.

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Have you been checked for ovarian torsion? It's apparently a problem that is affecting more and more young women, but that often goes undiagnosed. The symptoms sound similar to what you describe.

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I know this is a really old thread, but I thought I'd post this in case anyone else has the same question as the original poster...

The reason Dilaudid doesn't work well when taken orally for some people is that the bioavailability, that is, how much of the drug you actually absorb, is only 25-35 percent when taken orally. Of course, that goes up with other routes of administration.

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Sound like me at that age. theyve even put me in the psych ward to say pay was all psychological, just to come down two years later and asking several doctor did they perform laproscopy that how they discover that I had a very severe endometriosis and unfortunately it's almost impossible to diagnose other than a day surgery, and a doctor willing to do it due to age.

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About a week ago I had my tailbone removed and I also can not take Percocet or Vicodin due to terrible nausea , I was prescribed Dilaudid 4 mg. and it did absolutely nothing I don't believe it even took the edge off when I got up to use the bathroom the pain was so excruciating I thought I was going to pass out , I would have rather had the nausea from the Vicodin or Percocet anyway over the pain I was in my poor husband had to literally carry me back and forth to the bathroom.

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I assume the Morphine, Percocet and Dilauded you've taken were the oral pills. Being in "acute" pain may require an injected or iv form of administration, but if those aren't accessible to you, there are liquid forms of some narcotic medications available, and the liquids tend to work better for extreme and acute pain and they work much quicker. Methadone is in pill and liquid form, both taken by mouth, Percocet is in pill and in a liquid form called Roxicet, also both taken by mouth. Both of these in liquid form gave me great pain relief as oppossed to their pill forms. If your Pain Management Doctor will prescribe narcotic pain meds in pill form they will usually be willing to prescribe their liquid forms, if they are available in a liquid, and I know by experience that both Methadone liquid and Percocet (as "Roxicet" in liquid) are both excellent for relieving extreme acute pain. Just keep in mind that the dosages of liquid meds are obviously much different than the dosages of pill form meds, since the dosage must be converted from mg to ml, but your doctor or pharmacist will do the conversions for you and a liquid doser should always accompany the prescription bottle. To all of those in need of pain relief but are still suffering, my prayers go up for you and I hope my comments help you find the pain relief you need and if mine doesn't I hope someone else has the answer for you. May God Speed and God Bless.

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i had brain surgery Oct 6 2016 they gave me dilud 2mg I'm having more pain now then before surgery these pill do not relive my pain they only gave me 15 i filled them Oct 15 i have 4 left and I have pain all day im even wokein out my sleep after taking them with pain they didn't want to refill them after I got released out the hospital on Oct 11 with a 3 day supply so I been sparing them just so i I can get a little relief but they don't work

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Many people have complained that they get zero pain relief with Dilaudid, and I didn't either. I suggest asking your doctor for something different. I suffer with Spinal Compression Fractures, Scoleosis, and Progressive Osteoarthritis, and I am taking Methadone, 10 mg tablets, 2 tablets, 3 times a day. I tried at least 5 different pain meds and Methadone is the only one that works. I think you will have to get a referral to a Pain Management Specialist/Doctor to be prescribed Methadone if you haven't already, because most GP's will not prescribe it, and should refer you to an actual Pain Management Doctor. I hope this helps and you will feel better soon.

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