Dilaudid And Subutex (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI had a knee surgery yesterday. I have been using subutex to help me taper narcotics. I stopped the subutex 2 weeks before surgery. My doctor prescribed both percocet and oxycontin. I am getting no pain relief. The iv Dilaudid worked in the hospital. Has anyone taken Dilaudid by pill at home?
I am on 4mg of suboxone and slowly dropping down as I was on 16mg for 18mths.Now I want to come of suboxone but have been told that I will need subutex. Can someone please tell me why I can't just finish taking suboxone and not go on subutex.
Yes, diluadid is my preferred opiate because it doesn't have acetominophen in it, a liver killer, and is quite effective 8 mg = 60 mgs of morphine. I don't get nauseous or drowsy using hydromorphone and only need 4 mg in the day and 4 at night.
I have been on subutex for 3 years and I am curious about taking four milligram dilaudid. would it be a waste of time?? or will dilaudid override the subutex? just wondering since the subutex has no naloxone like suboxone.
Hello. I have had a very badly injured neck for years and have been on many different narcotics to help the pain. Every one of them have had side effects that were hard to deal with. After many Doctors and pain management I have found a fantastic doctor here in CT. He put me on Butrans 20ng patch (Bupernorphine transdermal patch) which was absolutely wonderful for 3 months. The best pain relief to non mood changing ratio of any drug I have been on Including Morphine, Oxycontin, Oxycodone. It was absolutely the best thing I have been on for my neck pain. Now the only bad thing, Approximately 40% of people are allergic to the adhesive that keeps the patch attached to your skin. Of course I was one of the Statistics. It made me itch so bad I wanted to rip my skin off the past two months. I just dealt with it because it worked so well, but eventually I just couldn't take it any more. It is such a shame because the drug worked fantastic. It made my pain manageable without the moods and constipation. I have now been put on Exalgo ER 8mg (Hydromorphone) It has only been a week, but the Exalgo is no where near as good as the Butrans for me. I know everyone is different, but Butrans was fantastic for me and I encourage anyone with pain to give it a try. Obviously if it makes you itch you will have to stop, but it is worth a try. Hopefully an increase in dosage of the Exalgo will help? Right now I am back in horrible pain after 2-3 months of manageable pain. Has any one had any experience with Exalgo? Will it help more once my body gets used to it?
In pill form this drug is not as effective as IV or IM (intermusculer). As your Dr to switch you back to oxycodone if possible.
I am on 4 mg of Dilaudid 3 times a day plus FENTYNAL sprays for instant pain relief. I was put on this due to cancer,but now am in full remission. I do have serious back issues due to being hit head on by a drunk driver back in 2011. I am wanting to get off all of this. Any suggestions?
2mg subutex-suboxe(either one you gotta wait about 14-36 hours after last opiate)induction:take the 2mg 15 minutes you don't feel better or worse take an additional 2mg take up to 16 mg if you have a tolerance don't go too qwik make sure you already are in early withdrawals especially with suboxone
I took not even a quarter of a Tex about an hour ago if do a 8mg D now will I feel it?
I took not even a quarter of a subutex an hour ago if I do a 8 milligram Dilaudid now will I feel it?
I took not even a quarter of a suboxen. If I do a four milgrm diludida will I feel it? Please tell me.
I recently had abdominal surgery and was not informed that I needed to stop the subutex before my surgery. I was given Dilaudid 4mg 1-2 tablets every 4 hours post-op. The pain was excruciating and the Dilaudid didn't touch it! I took it for 5 days and resumed the subutex the 5th evening after surgery. The subutex relieved my pain more than the Dilaudid ever did. On other occasions, I have been given IV Dilaudid with great results, but it was necessary to increase the dosage significantly.
I was in hospital coming off 330mgs methadone they gave subutex to come off i went in on Thursday come home on Saturday 2 days. I've had couple hot flashes nothing major but asked if i should take kratom and your.right they said the withdrawal is bad and they have nothing to give you for it either. Unlike methadone ect..
haha best reponse i've read!! So many geniuses in this world!
No, I'm not.
It is a new drug that has some pain killing ability. It is a controlled substance. When you take it other narcotics don't work. So it is good for someone having a hard time coming off narcotics after surgery. I have had 3 surgeries in less than a year so I became dependent on the narcotics. Subutex helped me get off the drugs. I was faced with a dilemma thouth when I had to have an unexpected knee surgery. I did come off the subutex for 2 weeks before the surgery. The best drug for pain used with subutex according to what I have read is dilaudid. I was just trying to find someone that may be familiar with both. Thanks
I have been in chronic pain for years and finally got into a pain mangment doc. They first perscribed Percocet and after a while I built up a tolorance so they switched me to 4mg of dilaudid pills every 4 hours. What you get at the hospital in IV form is not the same as pill form at home cause the IV goes straight into your blood stream where as with any pill it has to absorb and if you have anything in your stomache it will not be as effective. If you choose to take the pills at home just be sure you take it as perscribed as it can be habit forming and it does make some people sick and itchy.Also you may build up a tolorance to it very quickly.
i had knee surgery 5 mths ago and the diluadid is the best for pain for me ive taken them off n on for last 3 mths
I feel sorry for all you guys going through this, but why? I have had surgery while on my normal pain meds, the docs were able to up them during recovery and lower after. Not all of you, but some sound like you are reaping what you sowed, abuse pain pills for fun and when you REALLY need them you have these sorts of problems. I have been on a Fentynal 75mg for 3 years, switch from Narco to Percs for break through pain. When they did my lung surgery they left the patch on and added Fentynal by I.V. to get thorough the worst of pain. My doc never said I had to come off my pain killers for this very serious surgery, was in hospital for a week. Am I ever out of pain, no, but no one is, the pain meds just mask it.
I can't get over you ppl.who act like everyone is a druggie ! They're the Real problem ! ! There USE TO BE GOOD PAIN MANAGEMENT MEDS,all of the sudden the drug co.care about the druggies HA HA HA! All it's about is $,if I wasn't on medicad I'd BEABLE to get fentynol taffy,all the sudden after yrs.of being on the taffys I can't get them due to what medicad pays.They try & say ( the only testing was done on cancer patients So I can't get them after all these yrs.) Bull ,now I have to suffer w chronic pain that was taken care of all those yrs.CHRONIC PAIN is chronic pain,Why do I have to be dying of cancer to get the Same MEDS I've been on for yrs..My Chronic Pain Dr.lies & says he put in an appeal BUT HE LIES!! HE'S TO LAZY TO GET SOME XTRA PAPER WORK DONE SO I CAN GET THE MEDS HE KNOWS I NEED.Hes had me on so much heavy MEDS ,that I could Really function like a normal person,But he's to lazy,But puts on an act like he really cares & did put in for an appeal but I would have gotten a paper fr.my medicad & haven't SO HE'S A BIG LIER ! Now after he raped my $ I got fr accident now he acts like he cares IM SURE HE KNOWS I KNOW BUT ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS THE $$ he steals fr. His patients but I don't have the $ now so I suffer everyday of my life & I'm tired of lying drug co. & LYING DR.who only care about patients he can steal $ fr. I showed him this site so if he reads this he knows who I'm talking about ,Dr.P fr.philly !
I'm from Australia and have been on suboxone for 2years now.
My question is how do I start dropping the suboxone without having to double dose like the Dr recommended.
I'm currently on 4mg film now and have a big problem dropping down to 2mg as I start feeling very sore.
I know eventually I'll have to do it but would just like some different options from anyone who was on suboxone and has finished the program successfully.
Thanks for your time
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