Difference In Xanax Bars
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Ive seen green, white & yellow xanax bars...possibly off brand which is ok...its all the same only cheaper usually. I'm wondering the difference in them. Ive been told in the past that the yellows r double stacks but not sure if that's true or just bs. Does anyone know about this??

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I experienced all of those symptoms and just stopped, was sick of chasing the drug. Nobody mentioned the serious withdrawal problems that can accompany 25 years worth of use and I came very close to dying. The Doctor that saved my life also eventually tripled my prescription to allow for all those variables that you mention. While I no longer count pills (now more like count bottles) this stuff is poison and should be removed for sale. I totally agree with your observation about Xanax.

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The problem with benzos taken over long term is they perpetuate a sense of paranoia and rebound anxiety that's the reason they've become difficult to obtain. Most with a history take exception because through chemical conditioning they believe they are unfunctional without them when in reality the reverse is true. I was a 20 year plus legit user of this class drug for ptsd.It wasn't until I was weaned off these over a long term taper did I recognize what others have told me forever that these magnify stress related disorders not assist in tempering them.how many constantly obsess over the quantity remaining always counting them checking calanders checking the days until the next refill, what generics the pharmacy is carrying this month or worst will the pharmacy fill or will the doc refuse another refill. All signs and symptoms of this paranoia benzo use contributes to. If anyone experiences two or more of those tendencies you may want to reevaluate your use of benzos WITH CONSULTATION AND ASSISTANCE OF A LEGIT PRESCRIBER.

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The less you worry about Xanax, what color it is, what shape, double stacked Yellow R's, triple stacked etc...

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