Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts (Page 3)


I was recently diagnosed with Adult ADD and have been prescribed Amphetamine Salts (Generic for Adderall) for a few months now. The initial dosage was one 10mg tablet/ three times a day and recently my Doctor upped the dosage to one 30mg tablet/ twice a day. I know that overall this has been very beneficial for me but I cant help but wonder if the generic brand (IR Amphetamine Salts) has less of the active ingredient, and more unnecessary side effects(irritability, fatigue). I know that while the active ingredients are likely to be the same, the "fillers" usually are not and even the active ingredients can vary up to 10%. I also know that everybody reacts differently depending on their bodies' make-up as well as the drugs and I have always reacted sensitively to any kind of drug. The more I "google" the more I want to stay away from the generic form. Also- almost every pharmacy around has little to no Adderall Brand IR tablets in stock, they only have the generic brands and possibly Adderall brand but only the Extended-Release. My Doctor seems to firmly believe that there is no difference between Adderall XR and Adderall IR, and because she prescribed me the generic form (Amphetamine Salts), she probably doesn't see a difference there either. I don't have the time to ask 10 doctors what they think so if anyone has any information or experiences please share! Thank you!

686 Replies (35 Pages)

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The Butler, You are probably a friend of Margarita's, if not her yourself. You should go find a different forum to decorate with you fecal matter, Margarita did a good enough job on her own here. Please, if you must patrol this page, do so without leaving a response. We don't like Margarita's thoughts on this topic, so it's unnecessary to try to change our opinions of her. You can keep your opinions to yourself, this is a discussion for differences between two different legal pills, not the difference between street drugs or cocaine, neither is it a page to defend a person who proclaims that we are stupid because God made us that way. Sorry no, she can be stupid all she wants, and you can join her insolence, but please do so elsewhere.

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And for Sam, I'm sorry you went threw that. It seems that your doctors really wanted money out of you, when all you might have needed was a different form of this pill. They didn't communicate with each other on your dosage, which could be terms for expulsion, and I would suggest to get all the information and bills/receipts and take those negligent doctors to court, but you mentioned that you self-medicated, so that wouldn't work at all. There is a very clear warning label on my bottle, as well as a long insert with my bag, and my doctor warned me in his office that I was to not take more than he told me is safe. You may want to seek out a better doctor who can find a good medium for you. Children are even suppose to take a break from this kind of pill during week ends, every holiday, and during winter and summer break just so they get a break to know how they feel when they are off of it, and so doctors can see if the dosage is right. So even as an adult, you need breaks. You got to sleep sometime, plus it would help you train your body and mind to be stronger on their own when you aren't on the pills. Either way, If you have ADD or ADHD, these pill can help you. You may not have it, but if you do, you know the suffering that comes with not having the pills help buffer the electricity in your brain to route the signals to the right places. Then again, you may be scared to try a pill that can help you. That takes time, but in the end, you either have ADD or you don't. You either suffer or you don't. You do need to get a different set of doctors though.

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Who are you to play doctor. Yes margarites post was ill informed, she clearly does not understand what its like to live with a mental illness and the necessity of drugs like adderall which help people maintain normal lives, but f#! You for attacking her opinion and looking just as ignorant as her. Clearly your an atheist but you need to keep your opinion to yourself, this question is not about your beliefs. Obviously the person who asked this question would see margarites post as irrelevant being that they live with a mental disorder that requires them to take any drug and they know that it . Your post therefore is also irrelevant.

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Boss, how dare you question my religion? I actually am extremely religious and a very proud Christian. I wasn't attacking her, just trying to get her to see why she shouldn't jump to conclusions. You are attacking me. Stop. You have made yourself look like an ass, so just stop. This is about the difference between Adderall and the generic. I will not reply to anything else you have to say, so do me the same service.

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I was prescribed salts of amphetamine 6 months ago. Two 10mg pills per day to help me with my ADD. It has helped me in many ways but in some not so much. Before i took the generic version of aderall i weighed in at 215lbs I'm 5'10 i wore a size 38 waste and after 4 months of taking it as prescribed i am now in a size 29 waste and way 165lbs i lost 50 pounds within 4 months of taking the salts of amphetamine. Was just wondering if that is a normal side affect of this drug (decrease in appetite) ?? And also is there any difference between Salts of Amphetamine and the actual brand name Aderall as far as helping cope with ADD?? Does Aderall give better results??? Thank you!!

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i just been prescribed the amp salts i understand its hard to get add been on it one day but feel a little more energy well we see let u no

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No I would not recommend taking the generic. I was prescribed 30mg generic Adderall and I experienced anxiety x 10. I am now on the brand adderall xr and I love it. It is very smooth and I noticed positive changes right away expecially with my attention span. I am now able to focus on one thing at a time. I recommend the brand name, but this is just my opinion. Trust me you will feel a difference.

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Yes, amphetamines have loss of appetite as a major side effect. In fact, amphetamines used to be prescribed (and/or abused) as "diet pills." Supposedly, the effect does not last, which makes it a side effect and not a clinical use. I lost weight, too, which I was trying to do anyway, but it sounds as if the effect has lasted quite some time with you. 50 pounds in four months is MUCH faster than healthy weight loss is supposed to be. Burning fat that quickly can interfere with normal metabolism. I would recommend a checkup with routine labs.
Someone has to prescribe this stuff every month. Is the doctor not concerned? If its's a psychiatrist or a neurologist, they don't do general physical checkups, but you need to find someone who does.

Amphetamine salts, generic Adderall, have the same active ingredients as brand name Adderall. I take the generic and seem to do just fine, but many people on this forum claim to have more side effects from the generic. The FDA is concerned mainly with the active ingredients.

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I agree if you have never taken or had to take Adderall you will never know what other people are going through. My ten year old daughter struggles in school and at home it is so hard for her to focus. I have taken her to many different specialist. She has a very low IQ and taking the medicine really helps her to focus more. I seriously do not like giving her the med but if it help I am going to follow the instructions of my doctor.

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There is always going to be the positive and negative that comes along with adderal. And I feel as long as it's not abused, it is absolutely helpful. I'm a 28 year old who is back in college, have never been prescribed it, but given some by friends, and it's been an amazing help.

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I dont suggest anyone to use this ADD can be a big problem and seem like a really hard struggle but their are so many better natural ways to get around it and learn to focus naturally. I have been diagnosed with this and once i took this pill all i felt was all hell i instantly got a headache that stayed constant throughout the day i felt tired and my mind felt clouded as if i were a zombie and I guarantee everyone who takes suffers from the side affects and are better off without it your struggles are your strengths now go and fight your add naturally with many practice you can get your focus and maybe more complexional thinking than the average who didn't suffer with add and keep training your mind to focus. Eat healthy exercise daily I recommend Lumosity.com for anyone with add it may help you gain stronger focus also reading as much as possible even if you fail to understand read it over and over again that's how ur brain will get a better memory and be able to recognize words again faster just like if you were working out your body to have stronger muscles that can withstand more challenging workouts the brain is very similar and can get stronger

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Poor Girl, No wonder you're depressed. If there were no God, I would be depressed as well. In fact, I would not even get out of the bed to face this World without it's creator. Now, kids, I'm old. I have money. I have insurance. I have ADD. I take both, slow released which is a sub, as well as amphetamine salts. It's true that often, we do not have a choice. Either the insurance company decides, because they need to make money, or the "legal" drug industry complies, because of our interfering government. Hence, the supply is very low and sparse in most pharmacies. So it really doesn't matter what we want or what works best. What really matters is our sanity and ability to function to the best of our ability, day by day. BLESS you Child. JESUS loves you and your extra 15 lbs.

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I am sorry you had such a difficult time. I have nothing but good experiences with Adderall,, generic or otherwise.

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this is to dancing dream, i have found out that i am ADD to, had no clue. I was fine to deal with it for a while. But i had heard so much great things about when people had gotten medicated for it, its night and day. With ADD life is so much harder than it should be. It will change your life for the better. Plus find a good doctor or psychiatrist because my doctor dont tell me s*** about what she will give me and she thinks ADHD and add are the same thing. People with add will struggle with life if your smart or not smart. Helps me with nervousness and me being scared which gone helps with finding a good job.

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Hello Everyone,

I am a 50 year old male with a Masters degree, and I was just prescribed Amphetamine Salts. I have struggled with attentional issues my whole life and have found some success in spite of myself. It didn't have to be that hard, and I didn't have to always be late, scattered, inconsistent from day to day. Now that I'm on medication, people laughingly ask me what took so long. Nobody has told me they don't understand why I would be on medication for attentional issues. That is both reassuring and frustrating that it took so long to get to the point of help.

I have more focus, more energy, and I'm less cloudy and foggy in my thinking. I also feel shakey at times. Yesterday, I got overheated very easily outside and felt so fatigued I could barely stand while trying to walk 9 holes of golf.

Is this normal?

As for the people out there that feel the need to express their unintelligent opinions? To each his own. At the end of the day, I'm responsible for my own decisions and will live with them, good and bad. Advice from crackpots on the internet is entertaining. Seriously, how mad can you get at someone who hasn't figured out how to spell check yet?

Best of luck to everyone struggling with their ADD/ADHD issues.

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I posted earlier and wanted to thank the person who stated they have taken Vivarin to help them. I have consumed large amounts of caffeine in my adult life. Coffee, Diet Coke, iced tea, energy drinks, etc. Usually, a combination of all of them in the same day. Why? Because when I wake up, I am extremely foggy and feel anxious, emotional, lost. I have had a very difficult time functioning in the morning and have found if i consume enough caffeine it takes me to a level that clears things up, gets me focused, allows me to be productive. That was the first clue I really noticed that maybe I have attention deficit issues. I tried an antidepressant and it helped ovreall but not with the attentional issues. Since I started taking Amphetamine Salts, I have found no need to drink more than a cup of coffee or one or two caffeine drinks per day. I don't claim to have any answers for anyone else but I may have found an answer for myself.

Thanks to the kind people on this site who are working hard to feel better and reclaim their lives. Keep it up!!!!

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You need to learn to keep things to yourself. Your input was not needed on this site.

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I don't know where you get your information, but it is wrong concerning the fact that in Texas you have to be seen by a neuropsychologist and go through some form of testing before being prescribed Adderall. My daughter and I both were diagnosed with ADHD as adults and neither one of us went through any form of testing. Our psychiatrist diagnosed us and prescribed us Adderall. Unless what you claim has went into effect in the last 6 months or so, I'm sorry, but you are incorrect.

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This site was created for information, input,experiences of others relating to the same subject. It is intended to help people come to their own conclusions and maybe help with what they may be experiencing. It is not intended for name calling or for one person to decide what and who's input is needed or not. What helps one person, may not help another. But in all, is intended to share our experiences to possibly help another.

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I plan to comment more later... for now, though, I feel like I can't wait to say GOD is definitely real! & wonderful!!

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