Did They Stop Making The Roxane 54 411 Buprenorphine? (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 153 half moon orange tablets which I cannot stand at all. Has anyone else had a problem getting the Roxanes or the Mylans or know for sure what's happening? I did see that Roxane merged with West Ward but don't know if that has anything to do with it or when the merge occurred and the 54 411 tablets are still listed on the West Ward site as a medication they manufacturer. I've heard everything from they are not making either of the brands anymore to there is just a temporary shortage of the brands.

195 Replies (10 Pages)

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No they didnt. I beliebe a bew mfg makes em.now tho. Last month i had the hikma 460s this month back to 54 411 (my preferred-even tho they're all the same. Cept those tiny 8 arrows by hi tec) even my doc said ALL his patients gate the small 8 arrows. This month was back to 54 411 as i said. But mfg. Still said hikma? Hmm il google it

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54 411 are my fave. Habe u tried the new white round 460s? I liked em. But they have alot of hate here on em.

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Re: Disgusted with pharmacist discrimination (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in southwest Florida, just yesterday picked up my 90 subs from CVS in the sealed bottles say hikma from CVS my normal pharmacy has not been able to get the Rhodes for me, now it could have been worse because I almost settled with the orange half moon from Walgreens, and would have had a rotten month..

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No absolutely not. I emailed customer service with Hikma (sp)? Yesterday and they responded back to me this AM. This brand is manufactured daily and not on any backorder. You may want to check CVS as that is the pharmacy I have used. Walmart was stocking this brand however apparently stopped. I went to Walmart for about 6 months until they came up with their own product. You must live in the same county! Not enough to be in the state. My county is 2 MLS away yet I had to transfer. Typically I don't care but I had problems then they had that wicked Sun 460. Ok, hope this helps. God bless

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Re: Hannah (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

Actually hikima changed from when they first released under that name. Initially they were awful then I just had them the last two months and they were just like the old Roxanne pretty much. They must have changed them back. I was able to get rhodes yesterday and honestly they are pretty comparable now. I didn't notice a difference when I switched back.

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Yes the shortage is there! You know why all the hype from FDA since January of this year, ridiculous. I like the 54/411 and Sams club had then they closed there store. Then Walgreens Bartells and now Cvs, as I called them and they have it in! I am so happy as this one works so well! I had the orange ones recently m8?! Terrible the orange made me feel like I was going thru withdrawal! Then the anxiety of it was not good at all! The 8 arrow are great but it seems like a lot of people don’t like it, they are all different!! Consistency is important!

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Re: Charlene (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

So if you're saying Roxanne makes the 54 411's the pharmacy I've been using for the past two years, had them UNTIL October. NOW, regardless of WHO makes the BETTER 54 411's, CAN NOT be found in my small Louisiana town. AFTER reading ALL these comments I'm SO unsure of WHAT brand I'll GET from any other pharmacy! Equivalent or junk! Subutex 54 411's has BEEN the best out of 3 OTHER brands I first tried when I FIRST KICKED my three plus decades addiction to opioids. This unfortunate transition, of having to use ANYTHING different, has me VERY concerned. I appreciate ALL of the input.?????

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Re: Luxor (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

i get em from the pharmacy at my drs office...same w xanax and adderall...works out great

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Re: Melissa (# 120) Expand Referenced Message


Roxanne made the 54/511, they were the best! CVS has 54/511 but they are not the Roxanne; they are hikma and have a different formula. I did not like the sun ones (orange I believe) and then the r8’s I didn’t like those at all, but hi-tech is what I use and they to me are good. Medschat has other conversations in different discussion threads, better ones than these and more updated. Everybody is different!

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Re: Roxanne 56 (# 117) Expand Referenced Message

So does wal Mart have a different brand altogether? Wal Mart won't even fill them where I live in WV.

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Re: Bobby (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Bobby (# you are absolutely correct. I miss the days when we took brand name prescriptions. I know I’ll miss Suboxone forever lol. When I started to get the generic version I almost cried the next day :/

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Re: Charlene (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

I literally just filled my script about 10 minutes ago. And I got 90 subutex 54 411's. I live in the Northeast, Manchester NH. I've been getting these for over 3 yrs now. There was a gap of a few months when nobody up here could get the 54 411s, then boom, they came back.

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Re: TexAsGirl (# 123) Expand Referenced Message

Walmart is awful I wouldn't bother with them. I heard they don't want to fill controlled substance scripts. Also there just jerks usually. I've been having trouble filling my Adderall scripts lately, but not my Subutex. Only problem is my CVS won't order Rhodes brand only hikima which isn't working well anymore. No pharmacies want to fill my Adderall though. They always give me a problem now and call my doctor and threaten to report him sometimes. I tried to switch back to Adderall ir from XR because of price but the ir made me super sick right away! I called my doctor and told him and said I was switching back to my XR but I needed his ok when it was time for cvs to fill a new xr script they had on hold he said ok. When the day came this one pharmacist that works there who is awful called him and threatened to report my doctor if she filled it so he said ok don't fill it. I flipped my lid because she called me and told me oh he said not to fill it like she had nothing to do with it. So filled a complaint with the FDA over the awful ir pills I received and I'm At my doctor right now hoping to get my normal XR scripts with today's date and if the right people are working at cvs I'm gonna try to get it filled again today because this is rediculous that I should have to suffer because I got a generic ir that didn't contain what it should. I'm just over these awful generics! It's a crime...

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They are still making the 54 411 tablets there is just a shortage and there having to get other brands of the pill

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Re: Luxor (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

2020 here and I just spoke to mfg (roxane merged with westward) and yes 54’s are still being made. They show PLENTY of inventory out there, said they sell to big chain stores, and distributors that sell to smaller “mom and pop” pharmacies. For me I go through this about twice a year I find a place that assures me they’ll have each month then they don’t. Sucks but just really hard to find literally have to call and ask every pharmacy. Try smaller local pharmacies vs big chain pharmacies.

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Re: Luxor (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Totally agree and it’s not cool. What’s even more messed up is when you have it written by the doctor on the prescription to fill “name brand only Roxanne” and the pharmacies refuse to order!! How can they do that??

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Re: Dan (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

Hey. You’re close to me. I’ve been having so much trouble with getting these pills and it’s so upsetting. Can I pick your brain?

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Re: kB (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

Who me? If so I can do that.

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Re: kB (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

I’m also in NH and go to a doctor in Manchester.

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By far the Roxannes are the best.... I got em when they started making generic subutex. These saved my life

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