Did They Stop Making The Roxane 54 411 Buprenorphine? (Page 3)
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I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 153 half moon orange tablets which I cannot stand at all. Has anyone else had a problem getting the Roxanes or the Mylans or know for sure what's happening? I did see that Roxane merged with West Ward but don't know if that has anything to do with it or when the merge occurred and the 54 411 tablets are still listed on the West Ward site as a medication they manufacturer. I've heard everything from they are not making either of the brands anymore to there is just a temporary shortage of the brands.

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Re: Sad but true (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hickman pharmaceuticals
Make 54 411 now

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Man I'm with you I found them in small pharmacies as of 12/6/21 the dont call roxanne anymore I dont remember what they call them but those r the only ones that really work

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ive been takinh thuis for 5 years with nko prob but noe thy tell me they heve stop making it abnd i know itws a lie they juts wabt to jack the priv=ce if u=it up,,the others ae=re a cheap nock of and yiu have ti take more and that hust defeats the purpose,, they want to keep us aon strung so they can saty and dio the thing s they want too usmm,,we neeed the fda to look into alll this'

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told me they cost more than my ins was willing to pay i even asjk if ui coukld pay the difference and was tol no,,

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I don’t know what’s going on. The pharmacist claims they are the same, but each company has a different patent, which is why they are not all producing the same exact pills. They each use different fillers, etc....... I mean people with heart conditions, some people can only take name brand drug and cannot take generic, and yet if a patient on this medication(subutext) gets upset over the pills changing, pharmacists alike claim “they are crazy, each pill is the same despite the differences in taste, color, size, manufacturing, etc.”

I also live in “ground zero” opioid capital of the world in West Virginia, and many people have to drive to other states just to get their script filled. And now that WV is suing distributors (claiming they are now to blame for the opioid crises lol) pharmacies are now on short supply. Westward (54) and mylan (M’s) are non existent anymore. No explanation. Everyone is now getting the RP’s and people aren’t happy. Overdoses are rampant again because people would rather go back to heroin or other drugs than take the RP’s...... so yeah take it from the experts (drug addicts); when their are pill changes people can tell!

As a RN, I have never seen so many pill changes as I have with this drug or with pain medication. I hate the stigmas that surround the people prescribed this drug. I will continue to advocate that I would rather have a patient addicted to pills than heroin. At least they know what they are taking and it’s made by professionals! Only the ignorant want to take away pain pills, because they want to see addicts suffer. On the contrary, they are already addicted, I say keep giving it to them until they are ready to quit (addiction is a disease) and for future patients, be more cautious with prescribing. This country along with the medical field is so backwards it’s sickening

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Re: Jaydee (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Can you let me know what pharmacies carry the 54s?

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Re: Sad but true (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was told today at my pharmacy that if i wanted to pay 7,50 dollars for the 54411 that they would honor my script but they couldnt bill my ins because the ins, would not pay the 7,50n dollars thats per pill and 56 would be 420,00 dollars ..isnt that some kind of ins fraude????

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Re: Sad but true (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Me too.....they took it off my insurance...cause I get 120 Xanax 2mg and 60 x 30mg adderall. So I just use GoodRx and get 60 x 8mg pills for around $39.

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I jus filled 60 , 8mg Buprenorphine SL tablets made by Roxanne....or are the 54 411s yesterday. This is the only brand I’ve got every month for the last 5 years. Chicago!

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I am having so much trouble getting these brands also. Have you found anything out?

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Re: Bekkah (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

Is that in NH? I’m in kittery, Maine.

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Re: Kb (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Fort McCoy pharmacy

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Re: Nhjmc (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Which pharmacy do you go to?

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Re: AWV304 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I know exactly what your saying hun I have used the Hikima 54 11’s for about 6 yrs now and if my pharmacist ever tried to hand me hi tech I’d probably Barf because they make me sick one time I had to take them before I knew anything about the Bup med and I has anxiety, shortness of breath, racing heart beat IT WAS HORRIBLE. Funny thing is the doctor told me that it was all in my head, never went back to him again! I’m trying to do my research on the brand Rhodes? Have u had any experience with Rhodes? Thank u for your help.

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Re: Nhjmc (# 134) Expand Referenced Message

Would you be able to write back? If you're in Manchester, that’s pretty close to me. Just wanted to get in touch with you.

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Hi I get ge the 54 411 so they most not want to oder any more. But if u go to private pharmacy they have them because the 8 arrow did not work for me at all. The 54 411 seems to help . I'm in ocala Flo. I don't know what state u are in but just ask ur private pharmacy.

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Re: Nhjmc (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I’m in southern Maine. Would it be possible to write back?

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I have never not gotten the Roxane’s except 2 times I got the hi-tech 8.... I hated em.... It would feel stronger than a Roxicodone 30mg. Thank god I don’t get those. Just Roxane’s "54 211" or whatever numbers.

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By far the Roxannes are the best.... I got em when they started making generic subutex. These saved my life

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I’ve taken Roxanne 8mgs, twice a day for years, I’ve only tried the little 8 with the arrow with looked like a roxi. And worked like one , so I stopped getting em and did then sublingual. Roxanne has stopped me from using any other somewhat opiate for 9 years.

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