Diclofenaco/tiamina/piridoxina/cianocobalamina Translated In English (Top voted first)


Can I take this medicine simultaneously with high blood pressure and cholesterol meds?

6 Replies

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Top Answer
It would be best not to take it, without your doctor's approval, since Diclofenac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and it can cause elevated blood pressure as a side effect in some people that take it, according to FDA reports. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach irritation.

Active Ingredients:

[1] Diclofenac / Diclofenaco: MedlinePlus

[2] Thiamin / Tiamina (Vitamin B1): MedlinePlus

[3] Pyridoxine / Piridoxina (Vitamin B6): MedlinePlus

[4] Cyanocobalamin / Cianocobalamina (Vitamin B6): MedlinePlus

I hope this helps!
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Hey, I been having a uncomfortable pain my upper left abdomen for a few months. Can this help?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How many pills a day an adult can take and for how long?

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Is this a supplement? What does it contain?

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Re: Beverly (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I find these pills at?

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As someone who has been dealing with back pain and nerve damage, I was recently prescribed a vitamin-like red pill. It has significantly alleviated my nerve pain. I felt compelled to share this as it could provide hope to others dealing with pain - this vitamin/pain pill has proven to be a wonderfully effective pain reliever.

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