Diazepam 10mg C Dc
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Hi people. I've bought 2 blister strips of actavis diazepam 10mg, 14 pills per strip. Light blue, with C above the score line and DC below. Blank on other side. They melt on the tongue almost immediately. Does anyone know if they are genuine? Any help is appreciated.
Re: YourNotSure67 (# 38)
I understand through and through. I need a particular medication, and I never overdose. Why would I? I am not an addict. However, finding a good pharmacy is challenging—most of them let you down sooner rather than later. I recently had a disappointing experience with EU Meds. Despite having a proper setup with a questionnaire and everything, they suddenly sent me a batch of highly suspicious substances. It's disappointing, and the cycle seems to be beginning again. It feels like life is being drawn down to a purgatorial level. Here's a tip: check out TrustPilot and pay attention to the one-star reviews. You can learn a lot from them.
They are counterfeit valium. Some work amazing and some (like the light ones) take ages to work. Hope this helps.
Re: Lee (# 28)
His blue pills might be morphine though… some companies also make those looking ver6 similar to diazepam 10mg pills. I’ve never known cancer getting Diazepam.
Re: Wayneyboy (# 32)
Scan where?? The box looked real even the leaflet inside the box what the exact paper those leaflets are made with the feel of everything feels perfect.
Re: Poly addict (# 36)
I found out they are. I went on the Accord website, and the 10mg blue tablets have C|DC the 5mg yellows have C|DB and the white 2mg have C|DA on.
Re: Wayneyboy (# 31)
Everything was sealed in pristine condition. The tablets in appearance have zero defects (ie uniform in colour, no chips, nicks, well defined writing). They look spot on. Thing is, I don’t usualyl get Accord brand so I’ve nothing to compare it to previously.
In the past my orders have always been generics directly from USA or India online pharmacies with a big presence… as if I were ordering hayfever pills or something. No big deal was ever made of it, they were always legitimate, always reliable… I realise that it’s always been illegal to buy controlled drugs without a prescription. But I always completed an online consultation form and a script was then issued and filled. So I took them for so many years that they always repeated them for me and everything was super and felt normal for me until the supply suddenly dried up… not sure what’s happened there.
But now when I look online everything’s gone a lot more underground and it was a culture shock, and is hard to know who to source from or what’s legitimate and what’s not… and now I really feel like my monthly refill that I regularly got is now some sort of deal…. I have never increased my dosage of meds, never mixed meds for a high or chanced meds I’m not that type of person. So it feels alien joining in web chats asking where I can get things or even think that what I might order may not even be legitimate content. I know I’m not the only one that just wants to take these meds in a sensible fashion. My doctors surgery just wouldn’t supply anyone meds for longer than 4mths no matter who they were, or whether they were being irresponsible or not, or if they were satisfied with that dose. Because they feel they are stopping a dependency before it even occurs. So I do understand their reasonings. Yes, I am dependant on regular sleep at night and yes, the tablets offer me that… and would I be pissed off if they stopped of course, because it would disrupt my sleep and lack of that disrupts your whole life. Anyway… I’d be interested to hear other people experiences.
I filled my prescription of Accord 10mg Diazepam. They arrived boxed, with the raised braille the foil strips inside were identical, the genuine packs with the stamped exp down one end, the white side of the blister packet is perfect for the pill inside. The pills themselves are a pale blue color with a flat surface (not domed). One side is blank and the other side has "C" with a line, then "DC" below it, which used to be Actavis before they were bought by Accord. However, if they were bought by Accord would they still have retained the markings of when these were produced by Actavis? I want to know if the mismatch means this is likely to be counterfeit? They look like the real tablets… they are not overly blue nor the wrong shape or color. The only thing I have a question about is the tablet vs the packaging. I have yet to take them, I won’t take anything unless I’m certain it doesn’t contain unexpected substances. I’ll probably get them analyzed by a lab if I can’t get a definitive answer. I’ve seen on the internet that people receiving c|dc in ACTAVIS packaging are counterfeit because this company no longer exists. But what about by ACCORD? I don’t take multiple meds looking for an effect. I’d only ever take 1 tablet 2hrs before I want to sleep so it calms my anxiety just enough to allow me to sleep and then once I’m asleep I sleep well. I don't like taking Temazepam. I found that I began to need more to make me sleep and I wouldn’t ever take over and above recommended amounts so they just became useless. Whereas Diazepam has worked for me for years, and never needed to increase the dosage. I just can’t get them through my dr. As he is anti-pams due to the nature of the beast and substance abuse. If I find out that there is a mismatch in what should appear on the pills compared to the package they’re in I will simply flush them. There’s no way I would chance trying them to see whether they’re good or not. Especially as there have been deaths with counterfeits. Can anyone confirm what’s written on an Accord 19mg blue flat pill dispensed via pharmacy please?
Are "C DC" Accord Diazepam and "C DC" Actavis Diazepam the same pills inside?
Re: Chinaman (# 12)
I got them same ones with blank on one side a C then a slash then DC on the bottom of the tablet
Re: Ollie (# 14)
I got diazipan with C a line and DC under the line r they proper ones came in blister pack aswell
Re: Ollie (# 14)
Would you be able to tell me where I can get and fill a prescription for those? Cheers MD
They do replicate the taste now too. Just so you are aware. Try scanning the barcode. If it comes up with what they are your probably right. As i was dispensed some actavis c/dc on one side. Boxed. Blister packed. Not sealed though. N theyre no good
Re: Chinaman (# 12)
Yes. Dublin. ROI. You can get good ones. But mostly in uk theyre crap. N well known for it. Get the bitter sweet taste n if there sealed in a box. U probably good. PROBABLY!:)
Re: jim45 (# 7)
Still get 10mg Diazepam in Scotland too from the chemist as well but they keep trying to tell you everyone is on yellow or white diazepam now but no way to much lactose in them
Re: mac (# 1)
You don't get diazepam for pain, try telling the doctor you suffer from anziety or panic attacks
Re: goodbutstillfakes (# 5)
I have a friend terminal with cancer, and he gets blue tablets from a chemist. In his blister pack. In Scotland
Re: jim45 (# 7)
Valium IS diazepam lol its just diazepam is the generic term
Yes they are very strong and sweet. Be very careful on how many you take. I seemed to lose track and out of one strip had lost around 4 days but I suspect I got more as I had withdrawn another £10 from my bank! Don't take any other drugs with them as they are strong. Speak to your doctor if you need any help.
Re: Ozzy (# 2)
No, I have a friend who gets blue tablets prescribed.
I'd love to be able to get activas, teva, roche brands filled. I'm in the UK. Where are you?
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