Dewitt Pills For Kidney And Bladder (Page 6)
UpdatedI was told by a doctor that i have a kidney or bladder problem which seems to be giving me back aches when i try to sit or stand for long periods. I have heard of Dewitts kidney pills and would like to give that a try before things get worse. Can you help me to locate this product?
These pills are available in Nelspruit, South Africa through a Mopani pharmacy. I've used them often for years.
Re: Anne (# 101)
Wow! Would like to get my hands on some. I can't find them anywhere.
I live in Thailand and take them most days for lower back they can be bought in every pharmacy at a very reasonable price.... they work a treat enabling me to ride my bike up to 120km every second day and I'm close to 70.... miracle pill with absolutely no side effects..............
Re: SOMBAT (# 103)
I wish there was a way to purchase some. Can't get them here in Orlando, Florida. Can you share the name of a pharmacy along with a website/email address, any info on how one could purchase some online? Thanks much.
Re: duanta chew (# 9)
I just bought 2 cards of de witts kidney n bladder pills from a West Indian store in canada. I'll try it and see how it works.
Re: Pat (# 105)
Awesome! What's the name of the store and the address?
Pls where in the world can one get Dewitts pills now? Help, my cousin is suffering so much. It would be nice to have a proper address to contact please. I am in Nigeria. Thank you
Re: Pat (# 105)
What is the name and address of the West Indian store?
Re: Holymonk (# 4)
It's available in South Africa.
I managed to find a couple of resources but do not in any way vouch for whether the product is safe / authentic, or whether the website listing it is reputable. The price does seem expensive. It's listed as De Witt's K & B pills and the writing on the box is in Spanish.
And with regards to the ingredients, according to they are considered a diuretic with mild antiseptic action and contain:
Dry Buchu Extract 27.5 mg
Bearberry Extract 55 mg
DE WITT’S K & B is a herbal remedy, traditionally used to increase the formation of urine.
Perhaps another option could be to find a different product with similar ingredients?
If you suspect that you have a UTI, GO TO THE DOCTOR. I had never had one and missed the symptoms. It became a kidney infection which turned septic. I almost died. When I went to the ER my kidneys were working at 2%. and I now Ihave chronic kidney disease. I always get tested when I have any symptoms. Sometimes I do have a UTI and sometimes I don't but I don't take any chances.
Re: Gab (# 2)
Do you know if the dewitts kidney and bladder pills are still.available , I have tried them once years ago they work. Brilliantly
Re: Bob (# 3)
i hope so. i plan to go check if they still have them. my local pharmacy no longer stocks it(wynberg).
Re: Millie (# 88)
Try pyridium tabs instead. Worked for my UTI
Re: Stoenkie (# 114)
Does it work for joint pains also?
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