Dewitt Pills For Kidney And Bladder (Page 2)
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I was told by a doctor that i have a kidney or bladder problem which seems to be giving me back aches when i try to sit or stand for long periods. I have heard of Dewitts kidney pills and would like to give that a try before things get worse. Can you help me to locate this product?
Found the pills at a pharmacy in Wynberg, Cape Town have taken them and now are awaiting the results
What is the recommended dosage to take in dewitts tablets
What isvthe recommended dosage to take in dewitts tablets
DeWitt tablets worked good for me. They didn't harm me but I have noticed that medicine that may be good for healing is usually taken off the counter. I have looked for them too and found out that the drug store placed them behind the counter. I had to ask for them.
From which country are you? The De Witts pills are blue in color and are available in South Africa at most chemists. Another suggestion is to drink lots of water at least 8 glasses per day. This alone will also help a lot. Kind regards
De Witt's k&b pills/k&b pille are available in South Africa in Arcadia pharmacy at an affordable price and no doctor prescription is needed.
Hi Julia I'm interested in locating these pills,as a young boy my mother use to give me Dewitts pills to flush out my bladder and over the years I tried to get them at the local pharmacy but it seem like they don't make them kidneys gets inflamed sometimes in which I have to take antibiotics. Please help me to where I can get these pills.
I am not able to find any dewitts pills. Any other info you can give me would be very helpful.
please send me the pharmacy contact ( phone number or e mail address). thanks
u can find them in these pharmacys sunford ,hasmed, D. med and westham pharmacy in durban phoenix
Hi, I've purchased de witts tablets last week from sunford pharmacy in phoenix durban. I also saw these pills in many pharmacies in phoenix.
Yes they are helpfully i did take them i was having kidneys problem but now im fine when it's start i take them
please can any body help me out I have not been able to lay my hands on the pills(dewitts k&b pills) I am in Nigeria and all pharmaceutical shop I have visited said the pills has been phased out. please any useful information and contact to get it will be appreciated. thanks
Where can I get Dewitt pills in Nigeria? I live in ibadan, the South Western state of Nigeria.
K & b pills works wonders for both the kidney and bladder..they good and safe, you can take them indefinitely. My grandfather took it all his life right up to the age of 88 yrs old. He had problems with his kids bladder and alcohol when he was in his early 20's...I live in malvern in queensburgh and there's lots here.
Hi, I'm looking for de witt's pill for my father. I have been looking for it every where on the world, but nothing found yet. I'm in France, could anyone help me please ?
Thanks very much in advance!!
Do you know about their availability in the United Kingdom? I have back pain with a urinary infection and used these many years ago but can no longer find them here and these are an excellent product and work very well. Wish they still made them. Can anybody tell me where to get them? Thank you.
my daughter is fourteen years old and she wet bed everyday, what can I do or what medicine can I use for her to stop. thanks
Their available in South Africa I got them at vaal water limpopo pharmacy to day the contains dry buchu extract 27.5mg & bearberry extract 55.0 mg
Hi I've been use de Witt's to be in my period because I've never been for 5years i was preventing so now i leave the injection but still not getting in my period what should i do
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