Day 3 Of Withdrawals!!! (Top voted first)


I tore my ACL about 4 years ago, and no one will operate on it.I have been dealing with Oxycodone addiction since i was first prescribed my 5 mg percocet. I am currently DETOXING from around 500 MG of oxycodone per day for about the last 4 months. I've Dt'd many times before, but i am in it for the long haul this time. I haven't slept in two nights and tonight isn't seeming to be very promising either. I'm just looking for some support, maybe someone to talk to through the harder times. Also if anyone knows of any OTC medications that may help get me through it would be greatly appreciated. I Love you Max Jr. Daddy will be better very soon.

17 Replies

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I completely understand the pain your experiencing, withdrawal's can be the single hardest thing to deal with, there are a number of OTC medications that will help. 1) for sleep, try melatonin (spelling) it's a natural occurring chemical in the body, and helps nudge you to sleep, also, tylenol/advil/ect.. PM anything, can help with the cramping and sleep issues. 2) leg spasms, I'm sure your very familiar with this, try one of those water jet foot massagers, they help the flow of blood In your legs and can help with the cramping. Please note, I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!!!! And none of this advice should be supplemented for the advice of a professional medical doctor, I'm only offering these suggestions in hope's that it will lead you In the right direction..... Feel free to e-mail me for further conversation... I am currently studying in the field of addiction and recovery, and have done many research projects on opiate withdrawal and recovery. Also, on a personal note, my brother was addicted to heroin for 4 years, and I was able to coach him through his withdrawals he's now 5 years sober... I only wish to offer whatever help I can, nothing more, and again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!! And this is not medical advice!!!! Only a discussion on your situation.... Best of luck here's my e-mail if you want to ask any further questions, because all the info I have would take me hours to post! mryan1984 at hotmail. Best of luck, and remember, you can do anything you put your mind to!

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Thank you for the good suggestions so far New York M :)

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I almost broke my back 3 yrears ago. I have suffrered tremendous tissue and nerve damage. I was on the meds and was pretty abruptly removed. there is no remedy such as the the meds supply. My life is a consistent struggle and suffering. My family is in and out of crisis mode. I was in the emergency room last sunday and the dr. helped me for a few days. It is an endless string of looking for drs. who do not humiliate me. I continue with God to hope someone will help me. There are thousands of people such as us. I can't believe this is 2010. I search for relief but the most relief comes wnen I behave such as a paralyzed person, no movement no life, just rest. May God you with a dr. that cares. You are definately not alone! It is as if the accident just happened I never got better.

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Idk if your still struggling, but I am former anesthetist I think I could offer you some advice (that worked for me). Dt'ing is the easy part, its the bone crushing depression that will be your biggest enemy. contact me email if you think I could help you.

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Ask your Dr. about suboxone. Helps with the withdrawls and low physical side effects.

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kona 140 states he can give advice about bone crushing depression after detox.been there am back on percs after bad reaction to suboxone..severe pain after 10 car accidents , fibromyalgia, chronic daily migraines..nothing however than the hellish depression that was relieved by nothing , anxiety so severe , it presented itself as w/drawal 2 months later..can't get back to myself as I was before detox 1 yr.

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drugstore previous post indicated bad reaction to suboxone thanx anyway

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i've not only been through it, but it was also my job to detox people. there are little tricks for the body. however what you have to remember is that it leaves the body in a few days but doesn't leave the mind..the mind is what has to be won over...if you need advice or to talk feel free to contact me...

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yea been there w/the dts. It sucks! unisom helped me w/sleep but take a couple of tylenol w/it. i had probs with my back knotting up along with my legs. Not to mention the nite sweats....hang in there bro, it does get better. email me if ya need 2 talk.

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Yea i've been their last time DT 'ing was in jail... an i was shooting up like 300 mgs a day for like 2yrs straight because i got them perscribed due too a freak motor cycle accident... i just about broke every bone in my body an had to learn how to walk again... but thats besides the point... the reason y it hurts more DT 'ing is because the herion gets into your bones... so thats y it hurts so much an it will last like 2 wks. but the rest of the side effects will only last 5-7 days before u are able to start feeling human again... so juz hang in their because 2marow is juz a day closer to success... so stay strong an in the words of my drill instructor in the U.S.M.C ''Pain is nothing but weakness leaving the body'' HOORAH!!!

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I see you had a hard time with suboxone, but have you tried METHADONE, there are methadone clinics that will adjust your dose and wean you off when the time is right, it stops all side effects of narcotic withdrawl, but on the downside it costs about $13 to $16 for each dose, methadone is primarily for heroin withdrawl, and is another narcotic pain medication, but it does work wonders and being monitored the way it is in the clinics there is no withdrawl when they wean you off.

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I been through the withdrawal several time and it's no fun. But i think the worst part is when the withdrawals are over and the memory of the feelings. I was buying from a dealer and when i got i was right back. So it's one of those thing you have to one day at a time.

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Hello Everyone,
Everyone here is giving some damn good advice to Maxk, so let me give my two cents worth. Whom ever said that it was mostly in your brain was exactually right.Don't get me wrong, the pain of withdrawal is real. One day at a time is the key. If you can make it through one day, then surely you can get through the rest of them. But in my opinion, if you subsitute one drug for another even over the counter drugs you are defeating your purpose, because you may find yourself wanting to take tyenol are advil all of the time, again back to brain power. My advice wopuld be to go through the pain for a few days, and when its over you are drug and pain free
Thanks everyone, and hang in there Maxk, just think of the little one that you spoke of , and what a great father you would be after the pain of withdrawal and you are drug free. Oxycodone is a powerful and dangerous drug, but I know that you are more powerful. GOOD LUCK!!

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Withdraws From Any Opiate Based Pain Medication Is A Painful Experience. Here Are A List Of Some Over The Counter Drugs To Help.
Tylenol Pm
Or Just A Sleep Aid
Midol - For Cramps
Imodium Ad - For Diarrhea
Many People Experience A Sour Stomach, Phillips Or Pepto

Xanax Is A Prescription Drug That Can Help With Sleeping And Anxiety (Don't Take This Drug For More Than A Few Days)
It Will Take 5-7 Days Before You Start To Feel Normal.

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stop taking poisin administered by the government
they sell cigc and alcohol but put you in prison for pot
try pot
natural foods
loose the doc and his drug addictions

ask me for more info

link you to natural docs with real soul knowledge
drop the chemical drugs.

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I may be able to help. I myself have detoxed many times and I just found the best detoxing method that is the least agonizing. respond to me to show more interest and I will elaborate.

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Delsem cough syrup and melatonin trust me it fools your brain into thinking that you are still taking oxycodone,try it it really works.

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