Day 1 Of Xulane Instead Of Ortho Evra (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I HATE this new patch already. Did not adhere to my skin as easily as ortho and came off about 4 hours after applying. I've been on ortho evra for 5 months loved it and never once had a problem but I already can't stand xulane and so I don't know what I'm going to do ! :(
My insurance switched me to xulane because it's the generic brand to ortho evra. This sucks I hate life.
Ps. I'm 18

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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How did you appeal the denial?

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This is currently happening to me. When did it start? Is this normal? Im freaking out.

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I'm on week 3 of Xulane and so far no problems, but after reading this discussion I don't know what to think. I've been happily on Ortho Evra for 6 years, no problems, they switched it suddenly on me like for all the rest of the commenters. I'm wondering if the reason why I didn't have any of the side effects talked about because I took a month of of OE before going on Xulane? My last OE patch was the first week of February, but I couldn't get an appointment with Planned Parenthood for refills, when I did they gave me Xulane instead. They didn't tell me anything about how to switch over from one to the other, or when to start with Xulane since I'd missed several patches.I didn't want to mess up my very regular cycle so I waited until the end of my next period to start with xulane, just as if I were starting Week one with the patch as normal. I've not had any problems, though now I'm rather afraid of my period will be like next week! But I'm wondering if getting all the OE out of my system first, and starting again like I'd never been on it helped avoid the problems everyone else seems to have had. I find it initially doesn't stick perfectly but after the first few hours seems to adhere fine. The letters that disappear kind of disconcert me, what's up with that? Are the hormones being used up as fast as the letters disappear? Now after reading all the reviews I'm really hoping it actually works, as I don't want to get pregnant. Although I've been really happy on the patch all this time I'm thinking of calling PP and discussing going on the ring. I don't want to take any chances.

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REALLY???? We should have to jump through hoops to make the patch stay on the way it was intended? I don't think so! I have refused to use this generic and my doctor has written my prescription with "No substitute or generic."

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I was on Ortho Evra for about 4 years and the only problem I ever had was some spotting and weight gain in the first month. After that, everything was normal. And then I started getting Xulane last April. I figured since I use generic medication for just about everything else (Advil, tylenol, midol, etc.), it'd be ok to try this one. I was wrong. After using it for 4 months, I was spotting every week, which was embarrassing after intercourse, and my libido dropped. I had the worst cramps I've ever had in 4 years. My mood was awful. I was in tears over the smallest things, like not being able to eat chocolate that day. I was lashing out at anyone that touched me. I was in a foul mood most days and tired all the time. I kept getting these awful headaches. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I thought maybe it had to do with being around more women in those months, but when I switched workplaces, I didn't get better. Then I took a look at the Xulane patches. I think the box showed half the dose that Ortho Evra was. Made a doctors appointment the next day. She wrote me another prescription that indicated that I can't use generic anymore. I've been back on Ortho Evra for about 9 months now and I do feel like I'm better. The cramps aren't so bad anymore. The spotting has stopped. The headaches are gone. My mood has gotten so much better. My doctor said that the sudden drop in the medication could have something to do with how badly my body reacted to it. For now, I'm just glad to be back on Ortho Evra.

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How did u get Ortho? I thought they discontinued it? I was on ortho for 5-6 years then I found out It would be outrageous price because my insurance no longer covered it. I got Xulane but didn't even use it after reading the reviews. I'm not on bc right and haven't been for 3 months because I don't know what method will be best for me. Ortho was perfect and I'm sad I can't get it anymore. I admit that I feel a lot better not being on bc because I'm not having mood swings, emotional etc.

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I was switched to the Nuvaring by my doctor. I wasn't even told a generic was available. But after reading the posts on here I am glad to be trying the Nuvaring instead of the new generic patch. I was on the past for over 10 years and never had a problem, this cancer crap is rediculous. If you have a risk of cancer don't use it. But for those of us with long term use with no side affects it should be our choice to use it.

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I would go with Nuvaring first, it is the same type of birth control as the patch.

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Seriously? OE has been discontinued? :( This is the worst news I've heard recently. I haven't had trouble getting it yet, other than having the price go from $0 to $70, and yesterday I had to pay $150. WTF? The government and insurance companies won't provide us with free birth control of our choice, but will basically pay for us to have babies?

I've been avoiding Xulane since it came out last year because I have been on OE for 10+ years now, and as the saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Plus, I read this thread a year ago, and it scared the s*** out of me. Now the comments have gotten even worse from long time OE users. I think I've read that 4 people on this thread alone have gotten PREGNANT??? Something is seriously wrong with that. My long time partner and I are not ready to have kids yet, but I'm not going to make him "suit up" either.

My question is... once OE does really go away, which I am guessing will be soon... What have other long time OE users gone to that actually works without all of these horrible side effects?? Nuvaring? It sounds like it might be the best option?

Thanks, and sign that petition that's on this thread, if we don't try to change it, nothing will.

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I had to stop taking it because of the side effects that it gave and of course now I'm pregnant. Don't get me wrong I'm happy but the intent of using the patch was to not get pregnant. And because it caused me to bleed for 3 months the doctors don't want to put me on any other forms of birth control because literally all of them say 'do not take if you have irregular menses'. I was in love with ortho evra and xulane was a pain in my butt. Everyone is saying it causes cancer in women but so does everything else. Now, post partum I have to figure out a new form of bc to take.

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Where is the petition?!?! I hate the generic. Does nothing for me and falls off!

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See post #110 for a link to the petition. If we want change, please sign this and have any friends or family. You do not need to be on this patch to sign the petition, anyone can!

Also, I know it's about a 15 minute phone call but please call the company who makes Xulane and explain of all symptoms. 800-848-0461. They said when I called that more people needed to call for them to look into it!

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Thank You! I was just thinking the same that government just wants to market Xulane since most of us like Ortho Evra better. What I've been reading about Xulane's side effect are all similar to mine and from what I've read about others are pretty similar as well.

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I am on my last pack of Ortho Evra (luckily I was stocked up due to an insurance glitch) and have been dreading this day for months. I have the Xulane pack that was sent by my pharmacy, but after reading these posts and my previous medical concerns, I don't think I will try it. I was an OE user for 13 years, switched from the pill (which made me nauseous) the very first month OE came out. I'm sad to hear of the discontinuation. For those who weren't sure if it was truly discontinued, the FDA posted it last Fall:

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My Ins switched me to Xulane sometime last year, after being on Ortho Evra for about six years. Right away I was experiencing SEVERE night sweats. I called my Dr and all she said was "that's not normal, come in so I can see you." Instead I asked her to specify to my Ins that I needed brand rather than generic. I was able to get Ortho Evra for a few more months but now it can't be found anywhere and I'm stuck with Xulane. So far the night sweats haven't been as bad as last time, but instead I'm experiencing severe photosensitivity; and I'm already as pale as a ghost!

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I have been on orthro evra on and off for almost two years then my insurance company stopped covering it and switched me to xulane. At first I thought it would be cool since it is slightly smaller but I was terribly wrong, its so itchy and constantly falls off and makes me feel so fatigued and dizzy. Before that I tried the depo which I had an allergic reaction to and never tried again. I went to my gyno because mt insurance wouldn't give me anymore xulane until she sent a dovtors reccomendation to them bit she basically said that my insurance wont even cover that anymore they only cover 3 types now since most of the money is spread because of obama care. Luckily for me my gyno is giving me samples of orthro so for anyone else on a low income insurance my advice would be to find a doctor willing to give samples like mine

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Please report!!! Every person matters:

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I have been on OE for about a year and a half for ovarian cysts and i had some weight gain, but not really any other serious issues. When xulane came out my insurance started charging me $20 for ortho evra but i continued to get it until the backorder crisis happened and i called around everywhere with no luck. So i started on xulane.

I started the xulane patch a week ago today (5/30/15) and i have been having suicidal thoughts and severe depression. I cry over nothing, i contemplate driving my car into a lake or plunging sharp objects into my arteries and i just had an emotional melt down at work today. I went to my doctor and she said i should discontinue using it immediately. I am looking into non hormonal paraguard for contraception because after this i am afraid of switching to anything else and will gladly take painful rupturing cysts over suicidal thoughts any day..

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This sounds terrible..I have had similar, although not as severe side effects. There are so many more women out there who are having these issues and it is important for us to help us all! Please if you have the time do the following:

1. Sign this petition:

2. Also, I know it's about a 15 minute phone call but please call the company who makes Xulane and explain of all symptoms. 800-848-0461. They said when I called that more people needed to call for them to look into it!

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I would most definitely support a legal suit! If you get one started I know I would be interested. Please contact me if you are serious about this.

Also, I don't know if you have heard but there is now a new law saying that if your doctor recommends the brand name, the insurance HAS to cover it. So we may be able to get Jansen back on the market.

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