Xulane Forums
Recently active Xulane forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Xulane and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I stopped taking the Xulane patch in Oct. 2016. I have currently been trying to conceive and so far have had no luck. I remember being on Ortha evra and missing putting my patch on by a week and I was pregnant by the following month. Dr's say they're the same but I refuse to believe this as I'm having trouble conceiving now. I'm 25 and healthy with 3 kids already whom were born 2011, 2012 & 2013. So as you can see I'm fertile mertile lol. But this time around I seem to be having trouble. Help please. ## How fertile you were in the past does not necessarily apply to your fertility, now. Our bodies do change with time, as we age, and the father's fertility, and what may be affecting it, must be taken into account, as well. Generally, women are advised not try a...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI started xulane patch about two weeks, within 48hrs of being on patch, nothing but headaches/ vision blurry to the point I couldn't go work. I start to bleed five days before I was due to have period. I have since then taking myself of, not the same as OE. ## Hello, Deedee! How are you doing? Have these symptoms cleared up, since you stopped using it? Blurry vision isn't listed as being a normal side effect of this medication. It's typical side effects are listed by the FDA as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and the irregular bleeding that you experienced. ## I was on the xulane patch for about four years. The first 3 months i felt out of it, confused, dizzier than normal, moody and swollen tender breasts. Things evened out and i was doing great...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI have had no problems with the xulane patch except for nauseous feelings and the adhesive. How about anyone else? ## Have you experienced any of the other side effects that the FDA lists, such as headache, breast tenderness, menstrual cramps, fluid retention? I kind of wish they'd have had these when I was younger and using contraceptives. Can anyone else that's used these patches chime in? ## I have been on Xulane for a month now and I already hate it. I don't want to be too TMI but I've been having really bad discharge (brown) and I'm having my period when I'm not supposed to. My breasts are swelling, I'm having terrible cramps and bad headaches. It doesn't help that I got on Xulane so it would help my periods and cramps. If anyone is having the same p...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI HATE this new patch already. Did not adhere to my skin as easily as ortho and came off about 4 hours after applying. I've been on ortho evra for 5 months loved it and never once had a problem but I already can't stand xulane and so I don't know what I'm going to do ! :( My insurance switched me to xulane because it's the generic brand to ortho evra. This sucks I hate life. Ps. I'm 18 ## I'm 22 and I was on ortho evra for a YEAR and they changed me to this Xulane and good god I hate it. After a week of the switch I was in the emergency room passing clots and feeling like I was in labor, they thought I had PID and put me on antibiotics which kicked my ass even worse, but the bleeding stopped, and yesterday I was cleared to stop taking them because all my labs...
178 REPLIES UpdatedI have taken this birth control for one week . My side effects were nausea and a seizure. I do not have a seizure disorder. The other honest possibilility is an increase in anxiety which led to "seizure like" symptoms. Either way I have taken the patch off after one week. ## Hello, Ang! How are you? Have you informed your doctor, so they can check things out? It's very important that you discover what caused the seizure, in case it was unrelated to the Xulane. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, breakthrough bleeding and skin irritation. ## Yes I know and yes I've seen doctors, plural. A neurologist, an er doc, and my primary care doc. I realize those are common side effects, I had trouble sleeping and nausea as well ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedDo not use this patch! It started of OK and gradually like within 4-5 began to give me SERIOUS nausea! Second week I started getting excruciating back pain on the right side of my back. Even with 800ml of ibuprofen I was still in pain for two days straight. Then and up until now as I am writing this post I have severe body ache, a fever, a head ache and is uber emotional like I cannot stop trembling hence the reason I am in ER. Please do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY FROM THIS PATCH!!!!!!!! ## Hello, Lu Lu! How are you doing? I'm sorry that it made you so ill and thank you for posting this warning for others! The FDA classifies Xulane as a contraceptive and lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS-...
1 REPLY UpdatedIt's giving me severe headaches, made me super emotional, and I have wanted to their up all day. I'm not sexually active at the moment but take it to keep my hormones straight but after a day of this new generic crap I took it off. Hopefully my doctor can issue me a drug override at the pharmacy since I'm reacting so badly to this drug. ## I hate it too! I've been on Ortho Evra for many years and never had any problems. Then this past week, the pharmacy gave me this Xulane generic and claims it's exactly the same as OE. It's definitely not. Since putting the patch on I've been spotting, sick to my stomach, and I have bad cramps. Never had this with OE before. I'll be calling my Dr. first thing on Monday. ## Falls off super easily. I tried to give it a cha...
2 REPLIES Updated