Day 1 Of Xulane Instead Of Ortho Evra (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I HATE this new patch already. Did not adhere to my skin as easily as ortho and came off about 4 hours after applying. I've been on ortho evra for 5 months loved it and never once had a problem but I already can't stand xulane and so I don't know what I'm going to do ! :(
My insurance switched me to xulane because it's the generic brand to ortho evra. This sucks I hate life.
Ps. I'm 18

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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For those that don't bleed the whole time using the patch, how long does it take your period to start on your off week? This is my first month on it, I haven't had any problems, but last week I started noticing breast tenderness and I haven't started my period yet. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. So I'm wondering if my body is just being weird with the patch, or if I'm pregnant and it's too early to tell..

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And my patch has been off since Thursday for my off week

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I don't have adhesive or bleeding problems however I do see and feel the difference. I have been using ortho evra for 4 years and never ever had problems after switching to this stupid generic brand now my libido is low and I started to gain weight even though I work out ....with this many bad reviews I don't know why they still sell it

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I just started the patch on the first day of my period and took it off after four days because I didn't like it now 11 days later I'm still bleeding like a period does anyone know how long it takes for the bleeding to stop

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I haven't been on OE for quite some time just forgot about picking it up when I finaly do remember I got the xulane and hate it I'm on the second week and already constantly irritated started spotting and gained weight haven't had any falling off problems tho I did with the OE it would peel and iche but I would rather be itchy than gain weight and have spotting

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You can start the patch at any time in cycle right

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Do you mind me asking how much you are paying to get back on the Ortho? I was paying $40 a month before they switched me to Xulane which is now free. I called my pharmacy today to see how much it would cost to switch back. $140! Ridiculous!

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Yes 1 patch every one for 3 weeks and 1 rest (the one with your period) start again next week even if you still having your period

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In my first post I was fine with xulane until it started to give me horrible migraines ache and hate it so I'm not using it anymore!!!!

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I first commented months ago when I first started xulane. It was great for the first few months. I did spot a little, and the mood swings were definitely there, but that happens with MOST birth control, so I stuck it out. months 1-4, great! month 5, very dark red and purple squares on my skin after I change patches, but they didn't hurt or itch, so no worries. months 5 and 6, I go about 2 days before im clawing at the patch because it itches and burns so bad! the last one I took off completely ate my skin up and I am now babying a large square peeling bleeding SCAB! I am on my last patch for this month, and if it causes a scab, im not starting another box. I don't want these large square scars and scabs on my legs, butt and arms. not fun, or attractive at all!

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I've been on ortho evra for 2 years. I loved it.

When xulane came out I got it without being informed. Oh my god I loathed it. It didn't stick. Just fell right off! I bandaged it to my arm. ((At the time I was highly sexually active and just wanted the damn thing to stay on. I am terrified of getting pregnant.)) I had no other side effects. The writing that vanished terrified me at first. Was not expecting that lol. But other then needing to bandage it to my arm I didn't have issues with Xulane. Oh wait it did make my skin a little itchier than Ortho evra, but not enough to really warrant it as a side effect.

I called my doctor at the end of the month jn tears and was back on ortho evra.

Well I guess with the new insurance laws bulls***, my insurance now only allows me to use xulane. I just found out today. It's a Saturday so I can't call my doc. But now my ortho patch... I'm being charged like $280 for 3 months worth of patches. And I just CANNOT afford that. I'll be taking Xulane this month and taping the f***er to my arm.

About the tape. I talked to my obgyn, and she said she cannot find any logical reason as to why you can't tape it. She said it's probably to force me to get a replacement patch. She told me to not worry and tape it if I need to. I've taped it when I went swimming in the past and have had no issues.

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Hello, I am in need of your help. Idk what your current situation is now but XULANE sent me to urgent care multiple times. Apparently they discontinued it, but I need all of your help getting it back! Is anyone willing to help me out?

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Xulane should have never been approved. Used it for two days this week as my pharmacy claimed they were out of Ortho Evra and due to the snow, didn't know when they were getting it in. Xulane caused me to be in excruciating pain that I could hardly function at work. The clots that left my body during this pain were so huge. Thanks to Xulane I am now seeing my period twice in one month. THIS is why I never wanted to use it in the first place. The reviews I read were exactly what I experienced. I ripped it off after the two days. Finally I was able to get Ortho Evra after calling about 5 different pharmacy. Why are insurance companies forcing people to use this generic patch!? FYI...I have been on Ortho Evra for about 10 years if not longer.

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I am currently dealing with my daughter who was put on Xulane and after a month we are dealing with blood clots. In and out of ER three times in 1.5 weeks. She was on ortho previously. Please beware of the risks.

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OMG I thought it was just me. I'm 47 been on OE for over 10 years, didn't have insurance so the clinic started writing me a prescription which I now pay $100 for a box of 3. I then found out that it was xulane instead of ortho which is a smaller patch with less active ingredients. I didn't start having a problem until month 4 patch 2. Wth I didn't know what was happening to me I'm bleeding and passing the biggest clots I've ever passed. They need to take xulane off the market not ortho and I am going to complain to the company. Thanks ladies you've helped me out tremendously I was a nervous wreck. And the doctor I went to see had the nerve to give me Provera which is a hormone...SMDH ladies check out the side effects for Provera.... SERIOUSLY

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I am so thankful I found this board! I went to the pharmacy to pick up my OE after requesting brand only and was given Xulane. I have been on OE for 8 years with no problems and was very hesitant about starting this new patch. Pharmacist told me the OE was on long standing back order. I called several other local pharmacies with no brand OE in stock. The reviews from this board have confirmed my suspicions and I will be looking for a different option.

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I also got pregnant on Xulane. When I tell people that they seem like they don't believe me. I was faithfully on OE for 11 years and never had issues until I was switched to Xulane.

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Yes! I had issues with excessive bloating and gas. It was a terrible feeling. At first I didn't realize it was bc of the patch and thought "man I need to hit the gym more often." But it was definitely the patch. These are all such terrible allergic reactions and we need to get this generic off of the market!

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Thank goodness it's not just me, I thought I was going crazy, I thought it was food allergies (which I never had before) or a parasite (which I never had) or that I was developing ibs until I realized all this started with the generic. I just called the company that makes ortho evra and they have discontinued it so now I need to find a new birth control pill, may I ask what you switched to?

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I called Janssen pharmaceuticals (maker of Ortho Evra) after being told by mail order Rx company that Ortho Evra has been on backorder for the past three months. Janssen informed me that they have discontinued manufacturing Ortho Evra. I have a new Rx for Xulane now but am very nervous to try it after being on Ortho Evra for the past 10 years.

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