Day 1 Of Xulane Instead Of Ortho Evra (Page 4)


I HATE this new patch already. Did not adhere to my skin as easily as ortho and came off about 4 hours after applying. I've been on ortho evra for 5 months loved it and never once had a problem but I already can't stand xulane and so I don't know what I'm going to do ! :(
My insurance switched me to xulane because it's the generic brand to ortho evra. This sucks I hate life.
Ps. I'm 18

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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Rub the area down with rubbing alcohol before applying. I do that and I never have a problem with is coming off

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I don't have adhesive or bleeding problems however I do see and feel the difference. I have been using ortho evra for 4 years and never ever had problems after switching to this stupid generic brand now my libido is low and I started to gain weight even though I work out ....with this many bad reviews I don't know why they still sell it

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I just started the Xulane this past week! I was forwarned about the lack of stickyness, so i went ahead and applied rubbing alcohol to the area before putting it on, and it seems to stay fine! I just dont let the direct stream from the shower hit it, and i dont wash directly over it with my pouf, just around it!

Maybe the big issue is switching from orth evra to xulane. Most people ive talked to that just go straight to xulane from nothing or the just the pill have had minimal issues!
I was on the pill from the age of 13 to almost 19 and then spent almost 2 years BC free before going on xulane!

I only wanted it because of my severe reactions to latex, and lambskins being expensive and very hard to come by!
Im waiting my 7 days, but seeing that some people got pregnant on xulane, im probably going to make my fiancee still pull out! I dont want kids!

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So glad to read all of your comments and know it's not just me that is unhappy with this drug. I just turned 40 and have been using Ortho Evra successfully for 6 years (more for hormone & menstrual balance than for birth control). Due to the generic drug Xulane becoming available, my insurance made the switch for me. After 4 months of constant back ache, stomach cramping and irritability, I asked my doctor to PLEASE write a prescription for the Ortho Evra and to write my insurance company stating that Xulane DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. Hoping to return to my old self again soon and keeping fingers crossed insurance will cooperate. Good luck to you all finding something that works for you and is safe!

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I just started the patch on the first day of my period and took it off after four days because I didn't like it now 11 days later I'm still bleeding like a period does anyone know how long it takes for the bleeding to stop

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To everyone using xulane. Everyone who is on it should complain to the FDA and the makers of xulane to stop making these patches. My doctor found out that the ingredients needed to be as good as the ortho evra is not the same. I was shipped the xulane 3 months ago because generic became available, just as everyones stories. Then all of a sudden, i started to spot every other day. My period came days later even with my patch on. Patch would not stick correctly and needless to say, i had more periods and spotting throughout the 3 months. Finally my husband convinced me tp check myself out not thinking it was xulane. Doctor was able to see that its the patches. He ordered me the brand ortho evra and made sure it was medically necessary with no substitutions. Firsr they denied it and then had to call my insurance to appeal and it went thru. Im finally going to use my patches on sunday and get back to normal. I had been on ortho evra for 12 years till 3 months ago. Never a problem. Since xulane, bleeding almost everyday, got my period today AGAIN...this has been horrible. Cant even have a normal sex life without worrying ill be bleeding after he pulls out. Ladies, switch back to brand and appeal with your insurance if its denied. Glad i wasnt the only one goig thru this.

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I've been on Xulane for 3 months now and I LOVE IT!!! It never comes off and I haven't had any negative side effects....I don't understand why everyone hates it so much but then again I never used Ortho Evra I switched to Xulane from Sprinte. Im 25 and I have been on the pill since i was 17, I tried the depo shot (Hate It!!) but besides that this is the only other birth control form I have used and so far I absolutely LOVE it!!!

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Thanks for all the comments. I think Im going to stick to evra bc it works and Ive had no problems with it in the past. I had xulane on for 12 hours and decided to take it off bc Im a medical professional and the fact that my period started yesterday and it said it was ok to apply the first day of uour menstrual cycle....this by fault means the next time you have your period it will be longer. The egg that was ready to shed (first day of your period) you are blocking with the patch, and the following month, a new egg will be there with the old egg ready to shed. I have a 3 day cycle and would like to keep it that way.

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I was on my period for 34 days. Got scared so I stopped applying it. Been off for two weeks. No more period but my face is breaking out :o( put new patch on so I guess we will see if period comes back.

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This is kind of dramatic. Every single side effect I've heard of someone having is obvious with patches and birth control in general. Acne isn't a serious health issue. Neither is a rash around the application area. All others are side effects of the medication. This will not be on legal suit commercials because they include everything you all have been saying. Either pay more for birth control or close your legs.

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On the contrary, I seem to not be having any problems with xulane, I think the problem is that people who used ortho evra longer are having the worst problems
For me, ortho evra caused some pretty intense manic depression and my period didn't regulate (but the cramps did lessen a great deal)
on Xulane, the moodswings stopped and my period is regular for the first time in my life.
Either way, first time in my life I'm not dealing with the mind numbing cramps my ovarian cysts caused and I haven't dealt with a burst one since i got prescribed BC.
Xulane isn't bad for everyone.

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Ive been spotting for two weeks and no period yet and in on this patch too. Took two pregnacy tests.don't know what the back is going on.

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I haven't been on OE for quite some time just forgot about picking it up when I finaly do remember I got the xulane and hate it I'm on the second week and already constantly irritated started spotting and gained weight haven't had any falling off problems tho I did with the OE it would peel and iche but I would rather be itchy than gain weight and have spotting

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You can start the patch at any time in cycle right

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Do you mind me asking how much you are paying to get back on the Ortho? I was paying $40 a month before they switched me to Xulane which is now free. I called my pharmacy today to see how much it would cost to switch back. $140! Ridiculous!

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Xulane will put you in the ER! Please do not take it! I have been nauseas for 15 days, then body ache and head ache started. I have an excruciating pain on the right side of my back, I have a fever and can't stop trembling and overall I feel like I am going to Die! Can someone please tell me how I can Sue this company?!? Do NOT use XULANE! I am currently spending New Years day in the ER due to this patch! Please listen to me!

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Yes 1 patch every one for 3 weeks and 1 rest (the one with your period) start again next week even if you still having your period

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In my first post I was fine with xulane until it started to give me horrible migraines ache and hate it so I'm not using it anymore!!!!

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I've been on Xulane for at least 4 months....(was on OE) and I continually have heavy spotting after I apply the 2nd patch. Very frustrating. This patch also doesn't stick as well.

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I first commented months ago when I first started xulane. It was great for the first few months. I did spot a little, and the mood swings were definitely there, but that happens with MOST birth control, so I stuck it out. months 1-4, great! month 5, very dark red and purple squares on my skin after I change patches, but they didn't hurt or itch, so no worries. months 5 and 6, I go about 2 days before im clawing at the patch because it itches and burns so bad! the last one I took off completely ate my skin up and I am now babying a large square peeling bleeding SCAB! I am on my last patch for this month, and if it causes a scab, im not starting another box. I don't want these large square scars and scabs on my legs, butt and arms. not fun, or attractive at all!

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