Day 1 Of Xulane Instead Of Ortho Evra (Page 3)


I HATE this new patch already. Did not adhere to my skin as easily as ortho and came off about 4 hours after applying. I've been on ortho evra for 5 months loved it and never once had a problem but I already can't stand xulane and so I don't know what I'm going to do ! :(
My insurance switched me to xulane because it's the generic brand to ortho evra. This sucks I hate life.
Ps. I'm 18

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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I've been using this patch for about 6 days now and so far I've had no issues with the patch peeling (I was very worried about this due to all of the negative reviews). I do make sure, however, that I don't lather too much soap on the area (it's on my back below my bra line). Previous to this, I had been using Ortho Evra for a little over a year. I haven't experienced any cramping yet nor spotting but I have had just one headache on the day that I applied it as well as some breast soreness. So far, I've had a good experience with this patch but no final judgements yet.

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I have been using Xulane patch since my insurance does not cover cost of Othro patch. I've been sick two times in one month with the symptons of: headaches, bodyaches, can't get out of bed, weakness& tiredness, sorethroat. I rarely get sick so I know its coming from this generic patch. With the Othro patch I only had headaches when on my peroid and patch was off. Totally getting rid of this knew generic patch, don't have time to get sick like that have three small children to raise. Very dissapointed with this generic Xulane!

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The Xulane patch is awful. I replaced it three times in a month. It comes off or wrinkles way too easily. I'm not even that active! I consider it a defective medical product and reported it to the FDA MedWatch online reporting system. We should all report it and get it taken off the market until it's fixed.

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I was on ortho evra for years. I'm just on my third patch of Xulane and I have been break through bleeding (less than a full period.... More like the final days of a period). I have been bleeding for over two weeks straight. I hate it! I also started getting acne a week after I started this patch. This is terrible because I am bloated and don't want to leave my house. I'm so over this, but my insurance wants way too much to switch back. I didn't even know they switched me to generic till I got home and opened up the staples from my pharmacy bag! I was shocked (I thought they gave me the wrong prescription), but I didn't mind trying because many generic brands work just as good, but my body does not respond well to these. I'm tempted to go back on the pill, but those made me so nauseated I couldn't even eat. I lost so much weight on the pill in the past and I'm already less than 100lbs on a normal day as it is. I don't have a choice unless I choose a different birth control because I have PCOS. I'm beyond upset! Does anyone know if the symptoms improve over time? Is anyone else getting acne?

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Hi, I'm a pharmacy technician at a CVS and let me start by saying, it's not our fault. Unless the doctor writes DAW "Dispense As Written" then we have to fill generic. I am also on the patch. Absolutely LOVED ortho evra!! And HATE this generic crap. But not even we knew about the generic coming until we ordered ortho evra and it came instead. Anyways, don't blame your pharmacy. They're just doing what they have to do. Contact your dr and get a new rx for brand only. But you may have to contact your ins company also. When we bill them, we have no idea what they'll cover. All we do is bill and they pay what they want. Sometimes we can do an override to get the brand at the generic costs, but we have to have approval first. Then again sometimes you just have to pay since "there's a generic available." Just depends on your plan and how much your ins company cares about their customers.

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Yes, acne and bleeding non-stop. I am on my third patch and haven't stopped. It's horrible. I called my dr to write me a new prescription and hope that I will get Ortho EVRA back. I am also tired and have horrible headaches for days.

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Its not the exact same .. i checked the ingredients between the two. The dosages are less in the generic and the medicine square is smaller. I had bad effects and kept using three months after I was automatically switched after using orthto evra for 9 months. I felt sick, cramps like I have never felt before, headaches which ended up migraine and landed me in er. My dr switched me back to ortho evra noting no generic and I feel I am feeling better to get the same hormones back in me. Never had such an experience w a generic product before.

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That's false. People on welfare get the generics!

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its been about a month since ive made the switch to xulane from ortho evra. Its ruining my life. ive become a mess. horrible cramping in the mornings, so bad ive had to miss work. The worst part is ive become a raging b****! I have never snapped this bad on anyone about anything and now everything someone does annoys me! I havent read any reviews complaining about libido, but i have none at all because of this patch. kind of defeats the purpose. but i literally have no desire at all for it. which is extremely depressing for me and my husband. THIS SHOULD NOT BE ON THE MARKET!

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I'm having the same problem. I was using ortho evra and loved it. My obgyn switched me to this new patch and I've been cramping like crazy. And today makes day 10 that I've been bleeding. I don't know what to do

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I'm worried the same has happened to me. Used ortho evra for 11 years.. first month using this new patch and I'm two days past when my period is supposed to start. If I don't get it by tomorrow I'm taking a pregnancy test. You should contact a lawyer. I know that if I end up pregnant because of this, especially since I not only use this for birth control but for prevention of ovarian cysts...I'm suing the f*** out of everyone.

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I went to the beach these past few days and swam in the water a lot and the patch still hasn't peeled off (I do worry about the square tan i'll have on my back from the patch however.....). I sweat a fair amount and am sexually active and again, the patch has not fallen off. I've been bleeding a tiny bit the past two days (third week on the patch) when I've been having intercourse but not sure if it's because my partner was rough or because of the patch. Overall, I'm still alright with it. Headaches come the second day after I apply a new patch however.

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I started the generic at the end of June and immediately noticed a change in how I was feeling. I became really sick after starting it. I'm very sensitive to medication especially since having my first child. I started getting migraines, ears ringing, and felt like I was overly emotional. Had no problems with the ortho evra but this stuff is junk! I had to stop birth control all together to let my hormones adjust back since it screwed me up so bad. My doc didn't even know they sold a generic. My insurance company told my pharmacy that they made it. As they say generic is generic for a reason. The bad thing is that it's only been out for 5 months so of course you can't find much reviews on it. Thank goodness I found this post!

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I have been on ortho evera for almost 3 years and on my last refill I was switched over to xulane, I'm not sure why, I assume something to do with using the CA PACT card and it being cheaper, but I literally can not get a patch to stick to me for more than a few hours, it sticks great to my pants and underwear though. I think I may try calling the planned arenthood to see if theres anyway to get my ortho back now instead of on my next refill, since I'm almost out ouf patches

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Christina (Post 14) -- I refused to switch to Xulane because I had NO clue what it was. BC is not something I want a generic for. I get my ortho evra at Target pharmacy. Try there!

P.S - Thank you everyone for feedback! I'd rather pay $25 a month than get this Xulane crap...

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That's what I've always done with ortho evra for the last 10 years. It still came off occasionally but much less often than before ( somehow it gets stuck to my jeans ). Xylane does seem to come off more often though. Side note, after one shower all the writing comes off the patch for those if you that hate the writing on it.

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I had a extremely horrible reaction. I see so many people saying the patch wont stick. Well mine stuck so well it took layers of my skin OFF WITH THE PATCH! I thought i did something wrong the first time it happened tried another part of my body and boom it was even worse. Not an allergic reaction. Just straight took me skin away. Now my boyfriend is refusing to let me use it again, took pictures of my skin and threw out the meds. My insurance wont cover Ortho Evra and pills worry me since the hormone dose is not high enough for me to prevent pregnancy. I have a full physical this week to make sure nothing else happened and i have contacted the FDA.

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For those that don't bleed the whole time using the patch, how long does it take your period to start on your off week? This is my first month on it, I haven't had any problems, but last week I started noticing breast tenderness and I haven't started my period yet. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. So I'm wondering if my body is just being weird with the patch, or if I'm pregnant and it's too early to tell..

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This is my 3rd month on xulane. My period comes on about the second day of my off week.

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And my patch has been off since Thursday for my off week

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