Daliresp Experience (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I have been on Daliresp for one month. I have noticed significant improvement in my lungs. By that I mean the mucus is gone, wheezing is gone. My lungs seem to be getting clear and do not feel as heavy as they did before I started taking it. I have had my bouts of depression, I am never hungry, which is a problem because I am underweight as it is. Just wondering if anyone else has had success with this drug. I was hoping to get off oxygen at some point. Don't know if I can achieve that or not.

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If you want info on florida dr email me [email protected] [1] couldnt find ur reply on message board

[1] Editor's note - In order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).

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I have been on Daliresp for almost 18 months and have not been sick once since I started it. I do take a lose dose Xanax everyday because of the anxiety. Other issue is weight loss. I have lost about 10 pounds since I started taking it and am really underweight because of that. But...I would rather be anxious and underweight than in the hospital every other month like I was before I started it. I am holding out for stem call therapy. Trying to keep myself going until the FDA gets off their butts and approves that. Daliresp is the best out there right now. Don't be scared of it. Just stay busy and don't think about it.

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