Doctors Are Cutting Off All His Patients
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My Dr,after 9 years of pain management is cutting off each of his patients,were talking at least 2000.He says due to increasing scrutiny from the D.E.A and other people,within the political area.Is this true,I have tried everything to relive my pain,and oxycodone does the best,Now what?I have the actual letter that he has given all of his patients.What do I do??
2 Replies
Im a 52 y.o. female and have been taking 4 mg.dilaudid 4- 5 times a day for chronic pain the last 15 yrs, my primary care doctor retired after 40 something yrs. And so had to find a new Primary Dr. After a few weeks I finally found one that accepted my Ins. & made my first appt. I go & we discuss me my history & meds I currently took, everything seemed ok except for the pain meds she acted concerned & was very reluctant to refill my pres. at all but after discussing it with her in detail she did agree to refill them but gave me 80 tabs compared to the 160 I was getting for the last 15 yrs.! telling me it was way too much & that I needed to cut down & eventually off them completely!? although it made me a bit nervous I made it work, noticing quite a difference but managed it, she did this for another mo. & gave me a refferal to see a pain mngt. Dr. which I felt was fine. When I went in the third time to see her (waiting for appt. with pain mngt. Dr.) I told her I finally had an appt. with the specialist in a little over a week..10 dys to be exact & asked if she could give me just enough until I was able to see the new pain management doctor? Right away she got very upset & rude telling me it was too early for a refill not ever asking me anything and refused to refill it at all!, walking out of the room! I sat there in disbelief & shocked for a few min. then got up & left feeling so confused not to mention embarrased, once in car tears started rolling down my face I have never been treated so rudely by a lisenced proffesional in my life!...I felt very upset, abandonded & like I said very embarrased!! Although my appt. was 3 days earlier then normal in relation to my meds, She never even bothered asking me if I had any of them left from last pres.!!? Just saying It was too early for a refill & wouldnt refill it anymore & stormed out of the rm saying I was more then happy to find another dr.!!! I ended up having to go down to my mothers house who lived in a different city knowing I had about a weeks worth I had left at her house in case of emerg. as Ive gone to see her before and forgotten my meds. So next time I went I took a small amnt. In another bottle & left them there at her suggestion, I thanked her & thought, how glad I was that she had mentioned that or I woudnt have had enough to make it through till my appt. With the P.M.Dr....I went back home & waited for my appt. with new Dr. He seemed very pleasant & knowledgable...He told me It was not common to be taking the meds I was taking on a continual basis or also at the dose I was prev. taking them at, he mentioned several other meds he wanted to try me on starting with my next appt. saying he was going to wean me off he then wrote me a pres. for 60 tabs.vs. the 80 the last dr. had gave me..He told me to take 1/2 to one pill 2× a day!! After taking last few of prev.pres. I started new recommendations, took a half one in morn. Waiting for relief for over an hr. After not noticing any relie I went ahead & took the other half...which was better but still didnt seem quite as effective as taking whole pill at once? After some time noticed feeling somewhat ok I went about my normal routine and really not thinking about it UNTIL I started noticing some VERY bad symptoms that only got worse with time..I was yawning exessively trembling & shaking having hot & cold sweats, bad nausea, also nose & eyes watering!! I finally went back to bed as I got feeling so bad & uncomfortable I couldnt stand it no longer after feeling even worse with time I took a xanax for the horrible anxiety & symptoms I was experiencing which im sure helped but by this time hardly noticed it...after several more hrs. Of these scary horrible feelings I simply couldnt take it no longer & I took something to help me sleep! It was awful!! By the way this is also a little over a week before christmas which made things even worse & upsetting me as I also kept thinking of all the things I wasnt able to do but needed as much as possible TO DO!! I went to sleep for the rest of that day & didnt wake back up until 3:00 a.m. the next morn!! Waking up feeling very confused & hurting I took a pill knowing it had been A long time since I slept so long! About 45 min. To an hr. later I felt HALF normal again and very much relieved and thankful to say the least! Although I tried this same thing again the next day although very nervous I repeated the same as before going through the very same disgusted feelings & thought this is insane & extremely cruel! These dr.s are paid very well & are supposed to work with people to help them!!! not just give them orders and expect them to follow through with them not asking them how they feel or anything else!! I understand theres problems with others that take meds of this sort for no good rhyme or reason "just for the fun of it"! But after discussing this topic with several other people & finding out its become a major problem the drs. were FORCED to make a change in the way they prescribed these kinds of meds. to people! The problem I have with It is that it has not ONLY effected those type of people but EVERYONE who needs them too no matter what the circumstance So basically a few bad apples again have made it extremely miserable & difficult for the whole bunch!! Its very sad & I dont think its at all acceptable or humane!! There has got to be a better way! From talking to others in great length about this Ive heard that if someone wants them or anything bad enough they WILL find a way to get it somehow!! So where does that leave us or ones that truely do have a need for these kinds of meds!? Its beyond unbearable & or frustrating & more upsetting then these drs. obviously realize!...I hope & pray that there's somebody out there with enough influence to get this corrected both for myself & others who honestly do need help in this area! Theres got to be a better way of going about all this..Seems so unrealistic & very cruel for the ones with true needs!! Does anyone have any input or suggestions relating to this??? Please let me know, many thanks in advance! S.C.
I am very sorry about the predicament you are now finding yourself in, but yes, this has been happening all over the U.S.
New regulations went into place at the beginning of the year requiring stricter monitoring of the prescribing of pain medications.
Additionally, general practitioners and surgeons are being directed not to prescribe them, at all, for long-term use. They want them only to be prescribing them for a short period of time, such as for a few weeks after someone has had surgery or been in an accident.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
Was this a pain management specialist, or just a general practitioner?
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