Dbx-13 Scam (Page 4)


In January 2013 - I recently purchased a subscription to the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter and got the book "Miracles from the Vault." I scoured the pages to find DBX-13 which they advertised as the diabetes miracle cure, and couldn't find it anywhere. I called HSI, and after three attempts and by threatening to take them to court for false advertising, a response finally came by email. DBX-13 is called X-Cravings. But get this... it is no longer being manufactured. X-Cravings appears to be a formula to help you stop craving food... a diet product... and I guess they apparently felt this would help you lose weight which would help your diabetes. I placed a call to the manufacturer of X-Cravings, Nutricology. Tel: (800)545-9960 who claims they don't know that X-Cravings was called DBX-13 by HSI, and they said they discontinued X-Cravings last year (2013). They also don't have a replacement product for it either. I hate when companies like HSI scam you by offering you hope that doesn't exist, which is why I am posting this information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Treating Type II diabetes with appropriate diet and exercise is absolutely necessary. But telling people that it's all that's needed or that it makes insulin unnecessary is a highly risky thing to do. If it worked for you, that's great but encouraging others to do the same without consulting their physician, particularly since you don't know each person's individual medical situation, the severity of their diabetes, any complications involved, etc. could be very dangerous. Perhaps it would be more responsible to suggest that they talk to their doctors about the possibility of trying this line of diet/exercise treatment rather than making claims that this will always work. In such situations, it's usually the case that what works for one doesn't always (in fact, often) doesn't work for all. Please be responsible before someone dies. Thank you!

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Thank you, I just received an email from hsi and appreciate your advice/information.

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Thanks you very much for the information. I was ready to sign up for the book and pay the membership fee for one year. I saved $67.00.
I appreciate your great help

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I have found that when information is promised but they keep leading up to the information before giving what they advertised, it is usually a scam. This article you are referring to kept leading the consumer on with more info on something other than titled. I did listen a little bit longer before turning them off.

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Thanks Cynthia, at least I know I'm not alone in the cyber world. I so totally agree that if you're used to writing in punctuated sentences, you're showing people enough respect to communicate with them coherently, and thus making it simple for them to understand you. It's daunting to try and make heads or tails of a "wall of prose" without even the relief of one comma or period in sight. And if you do complain about it, be prepared for a tide of verbal abuse. I think you're right also, that if someone tries to read such drivel in spite of it being barely legible, they're giving the writer the respect of at least TRYing to read it, which *is* actually paying them a compliment by acknowledgment, when likely they'd be better off ignoring it.

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HSI / Jenny Thompson seems to struggle making her business profitable. She even shares her website with a financial adviser (Keith Fitzgerald) and sells clicks to her website, which she changed several times before. I think that her business model is just searching the web for new health products where she then puts information in her newsletter and gets commissions from the respective vendors i.e. Advanced Bionutritionals which sells these products at rip off prices. To protect her commissions, she changes product names to trivial names you would not find on the web. Sorry to hear that her book "Miracle from the Vault" refers to scam or phony products, so that may render the whole "Anthology" useless.

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Where can I find gurmar? I am currently type 2 diabetic. I am trying to manage it through diet. It's difficult and discouraging. Any help and assistance is certainly welcomed.

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There are several things I found to bring blood glucose numbers down. Alpha Lipoic Acid and Bitter Melon Fruit together bought mine down. HOWEVER, my numbers were so sporadic and I had a lot of the symptoms of low thyroid. That was my real culprit. I started on Armour Thyroid and after working up to 120 mg per day, I am at 89 glucose this morning and have lost 10.5 pounds in about 6 weeks on this plus a low carb diet. I am off all grains, all dairy, all sugar and the veggies high in carbs. The only thing I can eat right now with carbs is black beans and lentils. I have eaten a few black beans, but only about 2 - 3 times a week. I will only remain on this for 90 days and I think I am at about 37 days so far. But I think I am doing better with no grains and little dairy. I can eat hard cheese, but not soft cheese or any other milk product. I eat until I am full of lots and lots of green, orange, red veggies and purple veggies and organic meats. I seldom get hungry and am very satisfied most of the time. But the supplements never got my sugar level down to the normal range. It would bring it down from 135-145 to sometimes as low as 105-115. But never any lower than that. Check the symptoms for low thyroid and adrenal fatigue. That is my real problem. Thyroid hormones are what takes your sugar in your blood stream into the cells to convert it to energy..........so when thyroid is low, you have a lot of unused sugar in your blood. I feel soooooooo much better now........ Don't know if your problem is anything like mine, but it is worth looking into the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

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Steveigirl, try something to calm you down. You're coming across as a terrible bunny boiler.

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Where do you get it? Is it a vegetable?

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Thank you so much for your report of DBX-13. I was just about to order the book from HSI when I decided to make an online search for DBX-13 and luckily came across your letter.
Thanks again.

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Ruthy, good to know!! Your advice is much appreciated, as is your sage ability to assess my state of mind. What an amazing gift! I doubt you can count on making much jack from this particular talent, though. Don't give up your day job! :-)

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Thanks, this was helpful - such Charlatans!!!!

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Hi KB, saw your post on type 2 diabetes. How do you eat the okra, and do you take regular cinnamon and how much? Thanks for any help.

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But without punctuation, your blog is just unintelligible, meaningless drivel. And anything you say in defence of poor grammar (in any language) only serves to show you are a person of no consequence, to be ignored!

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if they discontinuous the HSI there are many natural remedies like Blood Sugar Formula from Peachtree Natural Foods in Snellville, GA. in the shopping center from Home Depot. And I agree with the Pharma they are doing no Millions Trillions of dollars that the FDA is getting and the government, killing millions of people, this kind of medicine they do not care of the heal of people they only care for the money, and the people is so bling they believe the doctors like Gods. but the only God is the Lord

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Wherever, if a run-of make sentence or no. The natural food save your life. I can not learn how to write well, but I know a lot of natural healing.

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Wherever, if a run-of make sentence or no. The natural food save your life. I can not learn how to write well, but I know a lot of natural healing.The message is eat natural foods like vegetables, brown rice, beans, and organic juices.

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Try weight watchers or google natural foods for diabetics or natural herbs too. Peach tree natural foods might have it. I know that potatoes, banana, white, sugar and bread are the # 1 of raise your sugar levels and raise your Cancer is like fuel for a car.

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I tried Garcinia and it gave me the most horrible migraines. Sickening. I wish it worked for me.

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