Dbx-13 Scam (Page 11)
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In January 2013 - I recently purchased a subscription to the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter and got the book "Miracles from the Vault." I scoured the pages to find DBX-13 which they advertised as the diabetes miracle cure, and couldn't find it anywhere. I called HSI, and after three attempts and by threatening to take them to court for false advertising, a response finally came by email. DBX-13 is called X-Cravings. But get this... it is no longer being manufactured. X-Cravings appears to be a formula to help you stop craving food... a diet product... and I guess they apparently felt this would help you lose weight which would help your diabetes. I placed a call to the manufacturer of X-Cravings, Nutricology. Tel: (800)545-9960 who claims they don't know that X-Cravings was called DBX-13 by HSI, and they said they discontinued X-Cravings last year (2013). They also don't have a replacement product for it either. I hate when companies like HSI scam you by offering you hope that doesn't exist, which is why I am posting this information.

230 Replies (12 Pages)

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Steviegirl, The fact someone was trying to provide something helpful is what is important. People like you who run around with your nose in the air criticizing others for unimportant issues are part of what's wrong with society. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a good education in writing or use of the english language.

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Is it bitter lemon or melon? You had written bitter melon earlier? How much do you take and at what time of day? Thank u

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When someone uses the word "else" in the beginning of a sentence, it means that they are stuffy and pretentious. Pretentious means that you are pretending to be what you aren't, so, go away cyber bully!

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You took these spices how often? Thanks

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I am an HSI customer and have been please with a diabetes product recommended by HSI. I have been using Sentra5 for the last year. The results have been very good. My A1c has been dropping 2 to 2 1/2 points every 6 months for three consecutive blood tests.

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What is the price for the berbercine? and the MG?

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Thank You I got scammed by HSI and have been waiting for DBX13, but once again it is just another B***S*** company ripping people off. I am done with them.

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There is a book called, "There is a Cure for Diabetes" (a 21 day+ program ) by Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD. He runs the Tree of Life in Patagonia, Arizona. One can go down there and be cured of Diabetes by him and his staff. I bought the book just in case I might need it some day. I highly recommend all diabetics at least buy his book. It might save your life as the information is priceless.

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Thanks for your post. When a lengthy video keeps telling you about super drugs that produce miracle results you have to suspect something fishy is going on. Your post on DBX-13 was excellent. Thanks again.

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My doctor said 2000 mg of Metformin was the highest you can take.

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I can't believe a company or health institute would tell such lies about drugs. What is the truth on the H86, DBx-13 and the BMP medications? Just how authentic is Jenny Thompson of the Health Science Institute?

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newsmax is supporting this advertiser so please notify them of the scam as under 18 USC 875 c and d they are liable for any criminal and civil violations of the law for taking them on as a advertiser and continuing with them after being notified under the law. Based upon discovery so document that contact and disclosure.

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How much of each do you take? Thank you. waybic

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Just okra, bitter lemon and cinnamon

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I have been using Berberine for over a year and it has had a significantly positive impact on my A1C. I have been type 2 diabetic for about 7 years managing with diet and exercise and no Rx drugs, however, as I get older it seems harder and harder to manage. Berberine has been a big help but I still have to manage my diet and maintain an exercise program. You can see a clinical study of berberine at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Hope this info helps others.

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Dr. Mark Stengler has a book out: "Encyclopedia of Natural Healing" and Dr. Jonathan Wright has published one called "Treasury of Natural Cures" or something similar to that. Both of them are reputable and respected physicians. I recall Dr. Wright recommended berberine for diabetes, a natural herb which can be found on Amazon (that's just *one* source) under the brand name Glyco X. I'm sure there are other marketers as well. As for Ms.Thompson, I wish her unemployment, public exposure, discreditation, and prosecution for fraud, but likely she will live in fraudulence--with impunity--to a ripe old age, busily printing bullsh-t and sleeping like a baby. I just bought Dr. Stengler's book online yesterday but I don't expect to receive it for a few days, at least. I will post what he has to say. But do keep in mind, that just as my criticism of that commenter's incomprehensible run-on sentence irritated you, trying to make heads or tails of such unintelligible drivel seriously annoyed me. My issue was not about "grammar", it was about the hassle of trying to discern if that diarrhea of the keyboard had any valid content at all. Which it did not.

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Try Garcinia to loose weight and lower blood sugar. I started using Garcinia about 18 months ago and I have lost 50 lbs so far and lowered my blood sugar and A1c levels to a point where I am not taking any meds at all.

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I agree! If I want sentence structure and writing lessons I can just go to a web-chat site for those. This one is for people who have Diabetes and want information about the rip-offs going on on the web.!

Was this helpful? 68

Do you mean vegetable and okra or were you just tell us that okra is a vegetable for those who might not know?

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steviegirl - it's a blog not an English class

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